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Sachs, 232
Sacked, 165
Sadauskas, 207
Sadler, 93, 94, 164
Sallee, 249
Salmon, 79, 89
Sammons, 224
Samples, 262
Samuels, 181
Sanders, 178,250
Sardis, 89, 123
Sauerbry, 128
Savage, 95, 96, 100, 113, 161, 241, 242
Sawyer, 54, 55, 85, 86, 224
Scearce, 166
Seharff, 119
Scliellenbarger, 289
Schemerhorn, 161, 166
Schnaithinan, 223
Schooler, 82
Schrodt, 136
Schultz, 149
Schwindl, 183
Scoggiiis, 48
Scoti, 30, 45, 47,81,97,177,138,162, 165, 176, 177, 198, 221, 231, 237, 242, 290
Scranlon, 143, 144, 147
Scarce, 66
Secrest, 129
Seigel, 115
Seigler, 178
Selium, 186
Sellers, 139
Serwinsky, 166
Shaefer, 281
Shank, 89, 123, 124
Sharp(e), 120, 126, 135, 141, 146, 152, 231, 257
Sharpton, 119, 146
Shaw, 9, 13, 20, 29, 30, 42-45, 47, 48, 59-61, 63, 87, 137, 142, 145, 146, 193,196
Shea, 40
Shelby, 105
Shelton, 123
Shennien, 27
Shepard, 239, 289
Shero, 79, 122, 128, 132, 165, 289
Shi, 181
Shibley, 95
Shields, 29
Shiflet, 59, 69, 147, 163
Shirley, 157, 253
Short, 33, 165
Showalter, 161
Shuffled, 190
Sickery, 166
Simmons, 116, 239
Simpson, 165, 250
Skidmore, 28
Skimbo, 109,119,121, 123, 146,150, 245,277
Skinner, 189, 190, 286
Skipper, 162
Slater, 66, 123, 149, 277
Slover, 123, 213
Small, 97, 281, 298
Smallwood, 43, 59,64,66, 70, 166, 234, 278
Smith, 14, 20, 21, 29, 40, 60, 64,65,69, 77, 79, 80, 83, 87-89, 94, 96, 97, 99, 101, 104,
105, 107, 117, 12;!, 130, 132, 137, 144, 147, 149, 151, 152, 160, 161, 165, 166, 176,
177, 178, 180, 181, 187, 198, 223, 224, 237, 242, 243, 245, 253, 271, 295, 297
Sneed, 181
Snow, 82
Snowder, 80
Sokolosky, 80, 83, 107, 108, 11?., 130, 133,150,243,275
Sonaggera, 99, 105, 132, 138,146,148, 277
Sorrells, 30, 143, 144
Southard, 145, 150
Spangler, 161
Sparks, 43, 62, 69, 83, 89, 97, 98, 100, 101, 104, 111, 115, 121, 123, 147, 150, 153,
166, 188, 286
Spence, 40, 69
Spencer, 148
Spirlock, 107
Spriggs, 123, 162, 204
Squires, 275
Staats, 194
Stambeck, 123
Stamper, 123, 254
Standefer, 289
Stanford, 121, 129, 130
Stanley, 161, 187
Slanton, 231
Stark, 123, 204, 260
Slarr, 65, 82, 117, 118, 157, 158
Slaub, 14, 20, 27, 35,46, 52, 58, 105
Steelman, 227, 243
Steiner, 19, 20
Step, 249
Stephens, 106,115,143,166,176,243
Stephenson, 29
Stepp, 240
Stetson, 103
Stevens, 109, 151, 229
Steward, 60
Stewart, 32, 49, 123
Stiffler, 183
Sligler, 68
Sline, 192, 224
Stinson, 88, 108
Stipe, 95, 110, 135
Stites, 240, 289
Stivers, 87, 154
Stockton, 243
Stokes, 165
Stone, 247
Stovall, 24, 66, 71, 76, 77, 80, 82 83, 88-90, 95, 102, 104, 105, 112, 118, 124, 149,
166, 289
Stover, 40
Straiter, 42
Strang.14, 18,37,41,49, 143, 144, 166
Strickland, 30, 253
Strong, 57
Stroud, 202
Stroup, 105
Strout, 280
Strozier, 43
Strumbaugh, 35
Studeman, 187, 234
Sullivan, 96, 107, 112, 116
Summers, 245
Sutmiller, 109, 123, 160, 176
Sutton, 189, 244
Swaim, 96-98, 139
Swain, 135
Swindle, 60, 176
Swink, 166
Talbott, 99, 102, 105, 160, 289
Tarrant, 244, 247
Tale, 81, 275
Taylor, 41, 88,96, 109, 112, 117, 119, 123, 126, 129, 131, 132, 135, 136, 143; 146,
150, 151, 166, 181, 210, 227, 243-246, 254
Terry, 43, 66, 163
Thacker, 129
Tharp, 246
Thomas, 17, 41, 45, 60, 64, 71-73, 80, 82-84,86-88, 102, 105, 107, 110, 113, 123, 124,
132, 147, 154, 166, 205, 223, 240, 246, 272, 287, 289
Thompson, 37, 88, 123, 126, 146, 161, 185, 190, 191, 195, 211, 217, 224
Thornburg, 132, 145, 146, 246, 247
Threet, 102, 123
Throckmorton, 8
Thurman, 143
Thur<lon, 47, 57, 68, 69, 148
Tidwell. 135
Tippdt. 123
Tiptpn, 242
TiKworth, 162
Tnblcr, 179
Tiod, 186, 250
Tollison, 254
Tomelloso, 227
Tornlinson, 107, 240
Tom, 226
Tosetto, 208
Tourtellotle, 58, 59, 155
Townes, 27, 66
Townsend, 250
Trahern, 5
Trapp, 54, 56
Traywick, 262
Treado, 40, 41, 46, 47, 64, 67.70, 83, 123.148,166
Trew, 20, 21
Tripp, 64, 71
Truitt, 118
Tubbs, 165, 222
Tucker. 66, 100, 101, 135, 138-140, 119. 152. 156. 161, 196, 210, 244, 2t7, 289, 290
Tunnell. 129
Turnbow, 90, 200
Turner, 27, 31, 70, 71, 83, 89, 92, 94, 149, 190
Tway, 36, 154
Tyrrell, 257
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