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Marriage Applications 1928-1950
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Underwood, Robert Upton, Garthop Jr. Upton, Henry E. V VanLandingham, Willie Sherril Van Meter, Rolla Verdon, Arthur Vernon, A. D. Vernon, John C. Vincent, John Vincent, Manuel Vineyard, Edwin E. Vineyard, Louis R. Vipperman, Orvile W Wackerly, M. W. Wade, Ellis Wagner, Udell Wagner, R. V. Wagner, William W. Waitrovich, Frank Walden, Carl Walden, Orvel Walden, Orvel Walden, Orville Walker, Arden Walker, Burl Jasper Walker, David Paul Walker, Don Walker, Harrell Ed Walker, Ivan Walker, John D. Walker, William H. Wall, Hubert William Wallace, Edward Wallace, James A. Wallen, DeRoy Walls, David Walls, Jack Walton, Dewey Walton, George Ward, Howard Ward, John Ward, William R. Warford, Bryon Warford, Byron Edward Warren, Harvey Warren, Johnny W. Warren, Ray Warren, Robert Washington, Jasper L. Washington, Le Roy Watkins, Adrian Watkins, Bailey Watson, Oreg Watson, Raymond Watson, Richard Lewis Watson, Rudolph Watts, Mose Alfred Watts, Viller Weaver, Bill Weaver, Kenneth Webb, Euel A. Webb, George Webb, Henry Coats Webber, Melvin Stuart WeeHunt, Audie Weeks, Hubert Wensolow, Joe Whitcomb, Howard LeRoy White, Clyde White, Donald E. White, Frank White, Hester Loy White, H. L. White, J. C. White, J. D. White, Jessie Carl White, John H. White, Johnnie White, Lawrence White, Melvin White, Orval J. White, Orville J. White, Ruben Lee Whiting, James J. Whitley, John E. Willard, Phillip Wilkett, Elmer J. Wilkett, James D. Williams, Williams, Aubrey Williams, Clarence Williams, Claude H. Williams, Everett E. Williams, George W. Williams, Harvey Williams, Hershell W. Williams, Jack W. Williams, James Williams, James Dan Williams, Jesse Williams, Kermit Williams, Kirtley Williams, Luther Williams, Ray W. Williams, Robert D. Williams, Sam Lewis Williams, Tommy Williams, Tom P. Williams, Walter Marion Williams, Wilburn Williamson, James L. Willis, Robert Willis, Willie Willis, Wayne Wilmoth, A. L. Jr. Wilmoth, William McKay Wilson, Albert D. Wilson, Bill George Wilson, Carley Wilson, Elmer Wilson, Emris Wilson, Floyd Wilson, J. C. Wilson, Joe Wilson, Joe Wilbanks, Burl D. Windsor, A. V. Winner, Charlie Winslow, Clem Winters, Lester Ester Winters, Melvin Allie Wise, Arlis Lee Wise, Charles Jr. Wise, Paul Wise, Wallace Earl Wolcott, John Byron Wolf, J. W. Wolford, Virgie Womack, N. B. Wood, Denman L. Wood, Earnest Wood, James Ray Wood, Noah Preston Wood, William E. Woodard, Dave Jr. Woodley, Harvey N. Woodruff, Hubert E. Woodruff, Robert Woodruff, Roy Woods, Odie Ray Woolbright, Carl F. Wooldridge, Noah Wopinsky, Andrew Worthington, James Walden Wox, Victor H. Wright, Cecil D. Wright, Ernest B. Wright, James B. Wynn, W. B. Jr. Y Yandell, Lloyd C. J. York, Christopher Columbus Young, Jacob Younce, Leycel Young, Cecil Young, Floyd Young, Thomas Dee Young, Robert E. Yount, Herbert Z Zachary, Woodrow W. Zarecor, Dean Zearly, Albert Zelnick, Nick Jr. Zink, Michael Joseph Ziverk, Louie |
Mobley, Francis Vineyard, De Alma Vann, Edna Wise, Jessie Lee
Woodward, M. W.
Dunn, Edna Morene
Cummings, Eunice
17 DEC 1939 30 MAR 1949 10 JUN 1950 12 JAN 1939
24 JUN 1939
30 JAN 1943
18 JAN 1937
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