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 Updated: 28 Oct 2009
Maxey Hill Cemetery
Poteau, LeFlore County, Oklahoma
Location: Poteau, OK
corner of Oakwood Drive & Central Avenue. 
During or after the 1960s-1970s all of the stones disappeared and is now the corner lot of a yard.  There were approximately 30 grave sites. Source: Peggy Horton wphor@sbcglobal.net 10-28-2009

If you know of someone buried here that is not listed, please use our  Cemetery Submission form to have the information added.  If you have a photo of this cemetery or a photo of a tombstone in this cemetery, I would love to add it to this page. 

This was a fairly small family cemetery, with maybe 30 or so grave sites. Sometime during or after the 1960's or 1970's, all of the headstones disappeared and it is now the corner lot of someone's yard. If anyone has pictures of the neighborhood that includes the headstones that were there, or any headstone photos, please let me know so I can add them to the cemetery page. Peggy Horton was successful in uncovering a DUKES stone hidden beneath the sod.

DAVIS Wm M. "Buck" 09-00-1841 12-19-1900 source  
DUKES Leroy  02-09-1897 02-29-1912 Peggy s/o Eva Maxey & Henry Dukes

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