The photos on this page were contributed by
Nancy Schallner
(e-mail at

Scenes from Downtown
Avery, Oklahoma

(Click on images to see larger picture)

This is the Avery depot.
My grandfather, Bryan Robertson, and most likely his first truck, taken in Avery, probably around 1917. Bryan and his wife Elva owned and operated the first service station in Avery. The truck was most likely used soley for hauling groceries and other goods from the depot and Cushing to their store.
My great-grandfather G. A. Robertson's home in Avery. He was a founding member of the town, and he owned and operated one of the largest General Stores, a livery stable, had an interest in the lumber yard and cotton gin, and was Mayor of Avery for a time. His brother, J. B. A. Robertson became the 4th Governor of Oklahoma.
These pieces of cement foundation are all that is left of the old Avery downtown area.
These pieces of cement foundation are all that is left of the old Avery downtown area.

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Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 19:37:43 UTC