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Lincoln County, Oklahoma
Surname List

The purpose of this page is to identify who is researching particular surnames in Lincoln County, Oklahoma. If you are willing to volunteer information on your research of a Lincoln County Surname, please send the surname and dates for which you have information to Rebecca Maloney

Lincoln County
Researchers NameWeb Page Adress
Pam (Howerton) Stone
3645 Barna Ave.
#28F Titusville, FL 32780-5363
CALHOUN (1836-1919)
GODFREY (1856-1942)
HALE (1877-1909)
HEUSTON (1876-1906)
NICHOLS (1837-1916)
Kathleen Nichols n/a
DOWNS Fred Downs Web Page
GRANT, HINSHAW S. L. Kennedy Web Page
CURRY, Raymond
Born in Stroud Lincoln County July 10, 1919
Died Tacoma Washington 1 Jan 1981
Parents were Paul Curry & Lulu Edith (Shaw) Curry Married in 1918 in Chandler Four sons Raymond, Lawrence, Lewis, Elmer Paul Curry was the Son of Lewis White Curry and Celestia (Dewey) Curry, he was 1 of 13 children.
Cathy Curry n/a
HANCOCK (1899-1907)
OSBORNE (1899-1907)
Several of my HANCOCK ancestors were born in Stroud, OK in the above time frame. My grandmother Louella Armeta OSBORNE died there in 1907.
Henry Hankcock  
Brock, Hooper, Murray, Bailey, Clark, Thomason Daryl Brock n/a
ALFORD, BAILEY, HARRIS, STANFILL, SHAVER, REEVES, & HUDSON Carrie Alford www.my-ged.com/alford
Looking for Mann, Golliher, Fowler, Bowles, Fox from 1893 to 1920. Pete C. Mann n/a
RILEY, HOOPER Robin Riley Sloan n/a
GREEN, PARTEN, HARNS from 1907 to 1921 Gay Fuller n/a
GGGrandparents and children lived in Lincoln County, Chandler for many years. Reuben King Tanquary and wife Achsah Hollingsworth Tanquary. I have pictures and other information. ALso looking for another set of GGrandparents. John and Rebecca Dodson Reed lived in Lincoln late 1890's early 1900's. Living in Osage Township in 1900 Census with son Pleasant.
Rick Reed n/a
STINSON (1815 VA - present)
DAY (1650 MD, NC, MO, OK, CA - present)
Chuck Buckley ?
? Your Name ?

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This page was last updated on Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 19:37:43 UTC.