McClain County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Karen Mazzol

Purcell Register
January 7, 1888

An Elopement

The sensation of the early part of this week was the elopement and marriage of a couple of Purcell's young people. Early Sunday morning it was discovered that MR. A. E. BRISCO and MISS LULA BLACKWELL had left town in a carriage for White Bead Hill where they intended to get married

Later in the day the couple returned to Purcell as man and wife ready to receive the congratulations of their friends and the blessings of their parents.

The reason of their hasty marriage lay in the fact that a young man named J. F. BENNETT had came here from Gainesville, Tex., and was to marry MISS BLACKWELL AT 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon.

All arrangements had been made but it seems that the young lady repented at the eleventh hour and concluded to marry the man of her choice.

MR. BENNETT seems to take his disappointment hard, but like a sensible man concluded to make the best of it and returned to his home in Gainesville, while the young couple have settled down at home and all seems "merry as a marriage bell."