McClain County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Susan Gabel

Purcell Register
February 16, 1900

Bowden - Harness

At the home of Mr. and Mr. Orra Upp, in this city on Tuesday evening, February 13, at 8 o'clock, Mr. Kelley Bowden and Miss Helen Harness, a sister to Mrs. Upp, were united in marriage, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Vernon J. Rose, of the Christian church. Mr. and Mr. O.E. Upp, Mrs. Harness an daughters Mary and Jessie - mother and sisters of the bride - and Will Boyer were present. A fine supper was served immediately after the ceremony.

Mrs. Bowden has spent several years of her life at the family home near Lexington and was one of that towns most popular young ladies. The groom is a prominent young business man now engaged in the mercantile establishment of M.J. Baum. After a brief visit with the bride's mother, the young couple will take up their abode in this city.