McClain County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Susan Gabel

Purcell Register
October 3, 1907

A Pretty Double Wedding

Wednesday morning Rev. P.I. Wilwerding was called upon to perform two marriage ceremonies that joined in holy wedlock Mr. Clifford Joseph Cooley to Miss Aurelia Boudreau and Mr. Caswell Lovel to Miss Mary Boudreau.

All parties are well and favorably known in Purcell, where they have resided since their early youth, having attained their education in Purcell schools

The brides, the two Miss Boudreau's, are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boudreau. The parting of these two sisters will be felt not only by themselves and their relatives but by their many friends whom they have entertained so well and on so many occasions with their sweet music and song. As duet singers they were unexcelled.

The beautiful ritual of the Catholic church, Nuptial mass, which united for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, until death do them part, Mr. Clifford Cooley and Miss Aurelia Boudreau, took place in the Catholic church at 8 o'clock. As marriage ceremonies between Catholics and non-Catholics are never performed in the church, the bridal party, immediately after the Nuptial Mass of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cooley, repaired to the residence of Rev. Father Wilwerding, where the ceremony that united in holy marriage Mr. Caswell Lovel and Miss Mary Boudreau was gone through with. Mr. Lovel is a non-Catholic.

Their many friends who came to witness the impressive ceremonies were profuse in their congratulations to the happy young couples, wishing for them a long life of uninterrupted prosperity and happiness.

Mr. and Mrs. Cooley will make Purcell their future home, Mr. Cooley being employed as clerk at the popular emporium of J. Kohn.

Mr. and Mrs. Lovel will leave the latter part of this week for Memphis, Tenn., where Mr. Lovel is employed as fireman on the Illinois Central railroad.