McClain County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Susan Gabel

Purcell Register
February 23, 1900

Submitted by: Susan Gabel

Fox - McVey

Mr. Frank F. Fox went up the road last Saturday, on his way from his home at Springer, I.T. to Toluca, Illinois, where he was married on Thursday, February 22, to Miss Martha McVey. Both the young people are well known in this city, Frank having been a resident of our town from early boyhood until his removal to the farm near Springer a few months ago. The young lady spent several months here last summer, visiting her sister, Mrs. Mansfield. The two young people, both handsome, cultured and intelligent, were mutually attracted and this attraction has culminated in their happy marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Fox will at once go to housekeeping at Springer, the father of the groom having presented him with a handsome residence at that place.