McClain County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Susan Gabel

Purcell Register
January 19, 1900

Gold - Nix

At the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. A. Love, in this city, Wednesday evening, at 7:00 o'clock, Chas. Gold and Miss Myrtle Nix were united in marriage, Deputy U.S. Clerk, T. F. Green officiating. About fifty friends and relatives of the couple were pleased to congratulate them and wish them all the happiness possible through life. Misses Tennie Williams and Daisy Brown were bride's maids and Mesers. Gay Courtright and Robt. McGuire were best men to the groom. Miss Dora McDevitt presided at the piano.

The ceremony was a very pretty one, and delivered in an impressive manner by Deputy Clerk Green. After the ceremony all were invited to the dining room, where an elegant wedding feast was spread.

Those present were:

Messrs and Mesdames J.T. Nix, W.L. Nix, T.J. Nix, Pat Calling, W.M. Seifread, Chas Ward, Wm Lamos, J.L. Ray, S.S. Case, Misses Tennie Williams, Daisy Brown, Dora McDivit, Stella Cherryhouse, May Gilbert. Messrs. Guy Cartwright, L. Marten, Robt McGuire, Joe Nix, Bart Nix, Henry Seifried, Brown, John Vermillion, Walter Blasingame, C. Specklemeier.

The bride and groom are well and favorably known, having been residents of the city and vicinity for several years. Mr. Gold is an employee of the Santa Fe railway at this place, being a machinist at the shop, and Miss Nix, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Nix of Wayne, is a favorite among her acquaintance.

They went to Wayne Thursday to visit a day or two with her parents after which they will return and will make this there home. The following is a list of the presents received:

R.G. Love and wife, china tea set, 4 pieces.
W.M. Nix and wife, set of cups and saucers.
W.M. Seifried and wife, glass berry dish.
O. Ward and wife, china salad dish.
S.S. Cass and wife, china bread plate.
Miss Daisy and Mr. Brown, china cake stand.
Will Lobman and wife 8 piece china tea set.
J.L. Ray and wife, berry set.
Walter Blasingame and Stella Cherryhouse, china fruit disk.
J.R. Duncan, rocking chair.
F.S. Trumant, easel.
Dora McDevitt, dolly.
May Gilbert, cake dish.