McClain County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Susan Gabel

Purcell Register
December 1, 1910

Won Beautiful Bride

On last Thursday morning, at the Catholic Church, in this city the nuptial mass was celebrated for the wedding of Earnest Knox, of Lehigh, and Miss Alma Boudreau, of this city, Rev. Father Wilwerding performing the ceremony. Miss Needa Cardinal, of Lindsay, was the maid of honor, and Mr. Emile J. Boudreau, brother of the bride, the groomsman. Many relatives and friends witnessed the interesting ceremony and the relatives gathered at the home of bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Boudreau, for a fine dinner, where all made merry and enjoyed the many good things which had been prepared. In the evening, at the same place, a number of the younger society, friends of the married par, met and passed sometime most pleasantly.

The bride has grown to young womanhood in our city and has a host of warm friends who wish for her the greatest happiness in her new life. The groom is highly spoken of by all who know him. He has a good position at Lehigh, where the couple will make their home.