McClain County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Susan Gabel

Purcell Register
May 4, 1900

Pennybacker - Vaden

The marriage of Miss Maud Olivette Vaden to Mr. Marion Stone Pennybacker was so emuized at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Vaden, at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, May 2nd, 1900, in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends of contracting parties.

The bridal party entered the parlor preceded by the minister, Rev. Van Horn, of Ft. Worth and took their places within a floral arch, standing just beneath the monogram V.P. which was suspended from the center of same. Here the ceremony that linked two hearts as one was performed and from this bower of trailing vines, roses, and palms they afterwards received the congratulations and good wishes of all present.

The bride was becomingly attired in a white organdie with satin trimmings.

The Misses Nora and Zula Wantland, Mildred Trudgeon and little Grace and Emma Vaden served the guests with delicious cake and cream, while Miss Tanie White presided gracefully at the punch bowl.

A partial list of the presents follows: Set silver knives and forks, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Vaden; half dozen celery dips, Mr. W.H. McClain; silver sugar shell and butter knife, Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Wantland; hand painted cracker jar, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Simpson; handsome vase, Mr. and Mrs. Dorset Carter; parlor and reception chairs, Mrs. J. Crawford; cracker jar, Mr. and Mrs. White; Austrian china card tray, Mr. and Mrs. W.H.P. Trudgeon; center piece and dollies, Miss Kate McClain; creamer and tooth pick holder, Henry Vaden; chocolate set, Miss Tanie White; gold jelly spoon, Mr. and Mrs. C.M. McClain; linen towels and set of Battenburg dollies, Miss Estelle Plummer; Dresden tea set, Mrs. Lelia Miller.

Mr. and Mrs. Pennybacker are for the present rooming at Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Simpson's on North Main Street.