McClain County News Items

Submitted by: Karen Mazzol

Purcell Register
Saturday, February 4, 1888


JOHN WATKINS, the young man who was shot by JOHN MC GREW a week ago last Monday night, died at his home here about 9 o'clock Thursday evening. His remains will be laid at rest here today. JOHN MC GREW, who was shot by MARSHALL CARR on Friday of last week, died from the effects of his wounds the next morning. His request that his body be buried in Oklahoma was complied with by his friends who were taking care of him. Thus the sad tragedy is ended by the death of both of the parties concerned in it. Further comment on the affair is withheld by us until we know, that in justification of either or both parties, it is necessary to say more. Died at Purcell about Thursday evening February 2, 1888. JOHN WATKINS, aged 25 years and 6 months. Funeral today at 11 AM.