McClain County News Items

Submitted by: Susan Gabel

Purcell Register
February 9, 1900

The night was dark, the wind blew a terrific gale and the rain descended in torrents. In a few moments the awning of T.C. Woods & Co. came down with a crash, and soon a part of the frame broke through one of the large plate-glass windows, scattering dress goods and other articles of the kind, about the street. Some one called for help, and among the many that responded from Hotel Love was Will Deem. As he rushed to the scene his eye was caught by a female form lying among the debris. With a look of sublime pity on his countenance he stooped and lifted the prostate form in his arms, at the same time saying: "Here, boys, here is some poor man's wife." But the look of sublime pity changed to one of disgust as he discovered that what he held in his fond embrace was but a wooden corset form of T.C. Woods & Co. He threw the thing back in the window, pulled his hat over his eyes and shoving his hands in his pockets, nearly to his elbows, went back to the hotel. He sat for nearly an hour glowering at the fire and smoking hard. Finally he aroused himself and went to bed, but his roommate could not understand what it meant when he was awakened in the night by hearing Deem mutter in his sleep, "lovely shape! Oh, if it had only been alive."