McClain County, Oklahoma

Josephine Marquis Boudreau

    Purcell Register
    January 19, 1922

    Mrs. Josephine Marquis Boudreau, wife of Mr. John Boudreau, after a sickness of many months, died Saturday morning at three o'clock, and funeral services were held in the Catholic church, Father Van Wees officiating, on Monday morning at ten o'clock
    Mrs. Boudreau was born in St. Joseph, Missouri on the 10th day of January in the year 1859. In 1879 she was married to Mr. John Boudreau, and was the mother of eleven children, two of whom died at an early age, the other nine are all living in Purcell, except her daughter Rosa, Mrs. Sullins, who lives in Pampa, Texas. The Boudreau family moved to Purcell in 1890, and have lived here for thirty two years. During that time they have made many friends. The large attendance at the funeral and the many bouquets of beautiful flowers were a token of the respect in which they are held by the people of Purcell.


    Card of Thanks

    Mr. John Boudreau and family wish to express their most sincere thanks to all who have assisted so generously during the long illness of the wife and mother, and are very thankful for the great sympathy shown to them, also for the beautiful offerings of flowers.

Submitted by: Susan Gabel