McClain County, Oklahoma

Lawrence Seymour Larkan

    Purcell Register
    February 16, 1900

    In this city, at an early hour Monday morning, February 12th, 1900, Lawrence Seymour Larkan breathed his last, after two weeks illness with pneumonia.
    Seymour, as everybody best knew him, had been for years a resident of Purcell and counted as his friends the entire population of the town. He was one of nature's noblemen, with a heart that throbbed responsive to every noble impulse. Honest, straight forward and just in all his dealings, not the slightest blot mars the fair page of his live in our midst.
    The funeral took place at the Episcopal chapel on Monday afternoon, with the beautiful and impressive service of the church, he having been baptized into the church in early youth. The house was crowded to overflowing with the friends of the deceased. The public schools were dismissed for the occasion, Mr. Larkan having served last season as janitor, in which position he won the love of every child in the school, and it was affecting to witness the feeling displayed by the little ones as they took their last look upon the still form of their friend. Mr. Porter delivered an appropriate address, after which the body was taken to its silent home in Hillside Cemetery.
    Mr. Larkan was born 43 years ago in New York City, removing to Missouri with his parents about 31 years ago. The family settled near Centralia in that state where the rest of the family yet reside. The mother died some years ago, but the aged father and a number of other relatives are yet living. the father, Mr. Edward Larkan, was with his son in his dying hours, arriving last Friday morning, and is still here settling up the business affairs of his son.

Submitted by: Susan Gabel