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The McIntosh County Portion of the 1900 Creek Nation Census

In 1900 the area that is now McIntosh County was a part of the Creek Nation. 
The Township and Range are given for each Enumberation District in the 1900 
Creek Nation Census which makes it possible to determine the exact location 
of each District.  Only those EDs which were within the boundries of present day 
McIntosh County are listed here.

Although this is an ongoing project the following transcriptions are online: 

These are text files.  You will need to use your "Back" button to return to this page.
The census format and abbreviations used are detailed at the end of this page
Non-Indian Schedules:
ED 63 pg 42 - 47.......Township 11 Range 16 East and 17 East.............83 kb
ED 63 pg 48 - 51.......Township 12 Range 17 East outside Checotah.....34 kb
ED 63 pg 52 - 58.......Township 12 Range 17 East Checotah Town.......58 kb
ED 64 pg 84...............Township 12 Range 14 East.................................9 kb
ED 64 pg 85...............Township 11 Range 14 East north of N Fork R....7 kb
ED 64 pg 87 - 90.......Township 11 Range 15 East north 1/2 ................30 kb
ED 64 pg 91.............. Township 12 Range 15 East.................................9 kb
ED 64 pg 92...............Township 10 Range 13 East north of N Fork R....7 kb
ED 68 pg 226-227.....Township 10 Range 14 East...............................13 kb
ED 68 pg 228-230.....Township 8 Range 13 East.................................18 kb
ED 69 pg 250-256.....Township 9 Range 16 East Eufaula Town............57 kb
ED 69 pg 256-258.....Township 11 Range 15 East south 1/2................20 kb
ED 69 pg 259.............Township 11 Range 16 East SW Corner..............4 kb
ED 69 pg 259-263.....Township 10 Range 15 East...............................35 kb
ED 69 pg 263-270.....Township 10 Range 16 East...............................61 kb
ED 69 pg 271-273.....Township 9 Range 16 East.................................26 kb
ED 69 pg 274-276.....Township 9 Range 15 East.................................23 kb
ED 69 pg 277-279.....Township 10 Range 17 East...............................23 kb
ED 69 pg 280.............Township 9 Range 17 East north of Canadian R...7 kb
ED 69 pg 281.............Township 8 Range 15 East north of Canadian R...7 kb
ED 73 pg 267-269.....Township 12 Range 18 East (Cherokee Nation)..29 kb
ED 48 pg 302-305.....Township 10 Range 18 East (Cherokee Nation)...32 kb
ED 48 pg 306-308.....Township 10 Range 17 East (Cherokee Nation)...23 kb
ED 189 pg 337-342...Township 11 N Rnge 17 & 18 (Cherokee Nat.)..45 kb

Indian Schedules:
ED 63 pg 64 - 68 ......Township 11 Range 17 East................................18 kb
ED 63 pg 69 - 70.......Township 12 Range 16 East..................................8 kb
ED 63 pg 71 - 75.......Township 12 Range 17 East Checotah.................17 kb
ED 64 pg 106-110.....Township 12 Range 14 East................................19 kb
ED 64 pg 111 ............Township 11 Range 14 East N of River................3 kb
ED 64 pg 114-116.....Township 11 Range 15 East N of River...............10 kb
ED 64 pg 116.............Township 10 Range 13 East N of River................2 kb
ED 68 pg 238-240.....Township 10 Range 14 East................................10 kb
ED 68 pg 241-243.....Twp 8N Rng 14E & Twp 9N Rng 13E................ 9 kb
ED 68 pg 247-249.....Township 10 N Range 12 & 13............................9 kb
ED 69 pg 282-285.....Township 9 Range 16 East Eufaula Village...........14 kb
ED 73 pg 289-292.....Township 12 N Range 18 East (Cherokee Nat.)..11 kb
ED 48 pg 329-331.....Township 10 N Range 18 East (Cherokee Nat.)..10 kb
ED 48 pg 332-334.....Township 10 N Range 17 East (Cherokee Nat.)...9 kb
ED 189 pg 343-350...Township 11N Range 17 & 18 (Cherokee Nat.).30 kb

Other records will be added as they are transcribed.


The columns in the transcriptions give the following information in order from left to right.

  • printed census page number
  • line number of the census page (100 lines per page)
  • household number : family number
  • Given Name
  • relationship to head of household 
  • race
  • sex
  • birth month and year
  • marital status
  • number of years married
  • number of children : number still living
  • birth place
  • birth place of father
  • birth place of mother

  • Indian Schedules also provide
  • tribe
  • tribe of father
  • tribe of mother
  • fraction of WHITE blood
  • Abbreviations used
  • B/L, F/L, etc. = Brother in Law, Father in Law etc.
  • moth, fath, cous, niec = mother, father, cousin, niece etc.
  • sson, sdau, gdau, gson = step son, step daughter, grandson, granddaughter etc.
  • hman, lodg = hired man, lodger etc.
  • LndL = Landlord; empl = employee
  • CrN, ChN, CiN, CoN = Creek, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw Nation
  • Cr, Ch, Ci, Co - Creek, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw etc.
  • other usual state abbreviations

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