Palmer, C.N., I.T.

The community of Palmer received it's name from a local farmer and civic leader, Bud Palmer.  A post office was established in June of 1892and lasted until 1915.  The community is located 4 miles north and 1 mile east of Sulphur, off  highway 177.

The first merchant and postmaster was Jeff Rose.  Palmer was an active trading center in the latter part of the 1890's and early part of the 1900's.  There was a cotton gin, a blacksmith shop, three stores and two doctors. Cotton at the time brought seven cents a pound.  Crops grown in the area were oats, cotton and corn.

The first school was a subscription school which had as many as fifty students.  Miss Maggie Guthrie was the teacher as well as Mr. & Mrs.  A. L. Billingsley.  The community actively pursued public singings and musical events as well as sporting events with other county schools.

The old Palmer School still stands.  The cemetery is still in use and is very well maintained.  The town contained 5 acres and was platted and accepted by the Dept of Interior in January, 1903.  The legal description is W1/2, NE 1/4, SE 1/4, NE 1/4, E 1/2, NW 1/4, SE 1/4, NE 1/4; S 14, T1N, R3E.

Some of the people who lived in the area were:

Beasley, Mr.
Billingsley, Mr. & Mrs.  A. L.
Billingsley, Ralph
Bostick family
Breedlove, Mr.
Churchwell, Mr.
Dean, A. L.
Erdwurm Brothers
Flemming, Judge
Goodnight, Mr.
Hardy, Dr.
Hicks, Ernest
Hicks, Mr. & Mrs. Fayett
Hicks, Nathan
Hicks, Olin
Hill family
Holland, Mrs. E. J.
Jones, Ben
Jones, Pete
Madden, Hazel
Means family
Nowlin, Mace
Palmer, Bud
Powell, Dr.
Rose, Jeff
Stephens, Floyd
Wall, Everett
Wilett, Mr.
Wright, Dr.

Dennis Muncrief,  November 19, 2000.