Established by Robin Grayson, a black free citizen of the Creek Nation. He was one of the three black members of the Creek Council and very prominent in the tribal affairs of the Creek Nation. Grayson settled on this land about 2 miles North of present day Muskogee in 1865. Named in honor of William Durant a black free citizen of the Creek Nation whose claim was situated just East of the Grayson claim. After the death of Robin Grayson, William Durant acquired the Grayson claim. When the Creek alotments were made William Durant received it.
Burkley Lillie 12 Jul. 1890 9 Jul. 1924 Daniels Charity 22 Feb. 1891 20 Jul. 1928 ossw Herman Daniels Herman 3 Feb. 1924 9 Jun. 1926 ossw Charity Durant Rev. Monday 1819 1889 See Photo Fulsom Elizabeth 1833 1930 Grayson Robin 1803 1883 Humphrey Tom 1852 1923 Ponds Mary 1874 See Photo Primous Sarah 1860 1945 Sango Benjamin 3 Dec. 1886 age 65 years; ossw Bettie
See PhotoSango Bettie 26 Feb. 1883 age 40 years; ossw Benjamin
See PhotoWallace Mrs. Alyce Humphrey Mar. 1906 10 Jul. 1927