Eckert Cemetery

Located 3 miles East and 3 miles North of Warner in the woods.
Information on this cemetery generously provided by George Miller, Webbers Falls.

Amanda M. Eckertborn December 1,1887died 1903 
Ellen Crossland Eckertborn 1859died December 5, 1892 
Sarah Cordelia Eckertborn ? died 1899daughter of Adam and Louisa
Jane Miller Eckert
William H. Eckertborn October 29, 1897died January 29, 1899son of Adam and Louisa
Jane Miller Eckert
Kendle Hammondsborn August 28, 1927died August 28, 1927son of Bill and Sarah Jane
Eckert Hammonds
Lindle Ray Hammondsborn June 15, 1920died February 16, 1920son of Bill and Sarah Jane
Eckert Hammonds
William F. Lacyborn April 4, 1904died August 20, 1905son of John Lacefield and
Annie Elizabeth Eckert Lacy

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©Sue Tolbert 2001, 2002