
I hope you find the following information helpful in your genealogy research. Remember, OKGenWeb is not affiliated with any of the agencies or offices listed below and cannot help you with anything that they do. But, I hope this information will save you some time, effort and money by knowing the right place to direct your search. The following will tell you what you need to know about the record repositories in Muskogee County, where they are, what records they contain and how to go about accessing these materials. If you are looking for a record not listed here, feel free to contact me and I'll try to help you figure out where it is. Thanks, Sue.

Dividing Line

Muskogee County District Court Clerk's Office

Muskogee County Courthouse (2nd floor)
200 State Street
Muskogee, OK
See Map
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. including lunch hour
Mailing Address:
Muskogee County District Court Clerk
P. O. Box 1350
Muskogee, OK 74402-1350

Web address:



Internet Access to Records:
Recent Muskogee County Records can be searched for at the Oklahoma District Court Records website
As of 7 July 2004, the records for Muskogee County that were available there were from 3 Jan. 2003-6 July 2004.

District Court Records:

District Court Records available on microfilm in the District Court Clerk's office and at Muskogee Public Library:
See the Library website for a complete list of microfilm available here

Search fees:
If you do not have a file number from an index: $10 plus copy fees. (If you make a request by mail include a self addressed stamped envelope)
If you provide a file number from an index there is no search fee, only copy fees.

Copy fees: $1.00 for first page, $.50 for each additional page.
Certified copies additional $.50 per page.

The Muskogee County District Court Clerk's office performs search requests for information that lies within the files and docket books of the Clerk's office. The county courthouse, even after recent renovation, afforded no designated space for research. However, in attempt to accommodate the public, there is a research computer in the front of the office. Index records for Marriage, Divorce, Probate and Felony cases have been scanned into the court management system to try to eliminate the lifting of the 10 -20 pound docket indexes.

The office staff will retrieve case files, bring them to you for viewing and make copies for you. Only a limited number of files and docket books are actually housed within the main office. Other records are stored in the basement, parking garage and a warehouse off the courthouse premises. Because it takes time to go and retrieve the files request them in multiples rather than individually. If possible, an advance request prior to your visit would be helpful.

Oklahoma Laws limit access to some court records. The following have been declared confidential by Oklahoma statute:
Adoption Cases (10 O.S. 199,§ 60.17)
Juvenile and Children Cases (10 O.S. 1999.§§ 7005. 1.1-1.5,1.7 & 10 O.S. 1999. § 7307, 1.1 - 1.5)
Mental Health Cases - No records of proceedings under the Mental Health Law are open to public inspection except by court order. (43AO.S 1999,§1-109)
Guardianship Cases - Certain information in guardianship files is confidential and not open to public inspection:
Other parts of the guardianship file are not confidential and are open to public inspection. The Appearance Docket is an open record. The statutes do allow certain persons to have access to the confidential guardianship information including the following individuals: (30 O.S.1999,§1-122(A)

Dividing Line

Muskogee County Clerk's Office

County Services Building (1st floor)
4th Street and Broadway
Muskogee, OK
See Map
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. including lunch hour
Mailing Address:
Muskogee County Clerk
P.O. Box 1008
Muskogee, OK 74402

Web address:




Copy fees: $1.00 per page.
Microfilm reader/printers are available for your use. You pay for your copies at the desk when you leave.

Dividing Line

Muskogee County Assessor's Office

County Services Building (2nd floor)
4th Street and Broadway
Muskogee, OK
See Map
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. including lunch hour
Mailing Address:
Muskogee County Assessor
P.O. Box
Muskogee, OK 74402

Web address:



Records: If you have a land description or an address the county assessor's office can tell you who currently owns it and who pays taxes on it.

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