Muskogee Public Library
Local History and Genealogy
The Grant Foreman Collection
801 W. Okmulgee
Muskogee, OK 74401
ext. 257
Muskogee Public Library website:

Located on the second floor of the Muskogee Public Library, the Grant Foreman Room houses a large and growing collection of books and microfilm with a strong emphasis on Native American, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Southern and Eastern States.

Included are:

  • Dawes enrollment cards and applications (1896-1914) for the Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw and Seminole Tribes.
  • Tribal records of the Five Civilized Tribes
  • Most early census and payrolls for the Five Civilized Tribes
  • Guion Miller enrollment applications (1906-1909)
  • Indexes, soundex, microfilm or online access to all surviving United States census 1790-1930 including Oklahoma and Indian Territory Census 1900-1930
  • Oklahoma Territory census 1890
  • Indian Pioneer Papers History Collection of WPA interviews
  • Muskogee County newspapers from 1875-present
  • Muskogee County school census from 1912-1936
  • Muskogee County court records including marriages from 1890-1976, probate and guardianship, criminal and civil case files
  • Muskogee County funeral home and interment records

To access the catalog of other holdings, visit the library's website at:
Click on "Genealogy" then "Holdings" then choose the database for "Newspapers", "Microfilm" or "CD's"

Or from the library's home page, click on "Public Access Catalog" to search the book holdings.

Research Services

The knowledgeable and friendly staff are available to help you with your research when you visit or write.
Hours are:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9 - 9
Wednesday, Friday 9 - 6
Saturday 9 - 5:30

Research assistance can be provided by regular mail or email. Write to the addresses at the top of this page.
Be sure to include:
  • the specific resource you wish checked
  • specific information about the person you are interested in having researched
  • your mailing address and phone number.

Photocopies from any source with an index are $5 for each search plus copy costs. Copies from microfilm are $.25 per page. Copies from books or CD's are $.10 per page. Advance payment is required. When your request is received an itemized invoice will be sent for prepayment.

When visiting the library, available for your use are:
  • Four public access computers with access to subscription databases including Ancestry Plus and Heritage Quest Online. Muskogee County residents may have access to Heritage Quest Online on their home computers.
  • Three microfilm reader/printers
  • One microfilm reader/scanner for printing, emailing or saving images
  • Microfilm and microfiche readers
  • Photocopier
Genealogy Classes for Beginners

The first Monday of each month at 7:00p.m. the staff offers:

Beginning Internet Genealogy in the Computer Lab. Call 682-6657, ext. 257 to reserve your seat. Reservations are required.

Beginning Genealogy in the Grant Foreman Room. Advanced registration is not required but helpful in planning for class handouts. Call 682-6657, ext. 257 to register.

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