Ft. Gibson

Gateway to the West

By: C. W. "Dub" West (c) 1974

Muskogee Publishing Company, Muskogee, OK 74401

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Dr James S Fuller was born in Van Buren, Arkansas in Nov 1860. ... He opened his office in Ft Gibson in Nov of 1884 ... He married Miss Rose Precival, the daughter of Mr and Mrs William Percival Oct 3, 1888. They had the following children: Nellie R, James P and Robert W. Pg 103

... John Joseph Coppinger ... married Alice Stanwood Blaine, the eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs James G Blaine pg 104 [long article plus photo]

Ft Gibson Indian Arrow Jun 19, 1888 An account of a train robbery on the Katy at the Verdigris bridge "three or four miles west of here". The heading is Bloodthirsty Bandits with a subheading of Shefiff Benge Clubs One Over The Head and Fires at Another. The suspects were arrested but were released later because of lack of evidence. A passenger was killed with the mail agent, S W Colter and the train boy, Harry Ryan, being wounded. Pg 107 <complete>

Ft Gibson Indian Arrow Jun 19, 1888 - Professional Cards - A H Collins, MD, physician and surgeon - will visit any part of the county in consultation or to perform surgical operations; J S Fuller, MD physician and surgeon - Will practice his profession in Ft. Gbison and vicinity; J W & G A Waters, physicians and surgeons, Ft. Gibson I.T. - All calls promptly answered. I will visit Ft Gibson professionally July 5, 1888, to remain six days. Parties wishing my services will call in the early part of my visit and make engagements; M E Wofle, dentist; W P Ross, attorney-at-law, Ft Gibson IT - Will attend to business entrusted to his care before the courts of the Cherokee Nation. Pg 108 <complete>

Ft Gibson Indian Arrow Jun 19, 1888 - Other Items of Interest: The cattle brands of J S Scott, Hubbard Ross and S H and Nancy Benge of Ft Gibson were given as well as that of William S Madden and J E Campbell of Alluwe and Henry Wood of Tahlequah. It was announced that preaching would be held every Sunday at the A M E Church - Reverend E M Williamham, pastor; S S Stidom, superintendent. Religious services were to be held in the Methodist church by Reverend F E Shanks on Wednesday and continued through Sunday. Preaching was announced at the Presbyterian Church the following Sunday morning and evening with Reverend D N Allen in charge. Ice cream was to be furnished by the Ladies' Missionary Society of Ft Gibson at the close of Miss Murray's elocutionary entertainment the following night at the Presbyterian Church. It was noted that W S Nash, "the live merchant on the southside has a new and handsome line of spring goods". An item stated the "cholera or some other epidemic has more than decimated the number of hogs hitherto enjoying the freedom of the town." Officers currently stationed at Ft. Gibson were given with General Coppinger heading the list. Pg 108 <complete>

Soon after the coming of the railroad, William P Ross built the Ross Hotel. In later years it became known as the Trent Hotel, then the Grissom Hotel. It is currently the property of Mr and Mrs W M Stratton. Mrs Stratton was a Grisson. Pg 109 <complete>

The children of Dr Robert D and Caroline Todd Ross were Lewis, born in 1851 and died August 10, 1887; Belle, born February 8, 1857 and died February 4, 1945; Alice born December 23, 1858 and died July 3, 1933; Gipsy born in 1859 and died March 5, 1888; Fannie born December 23, 1862 and died January 15, 1928. We know nothing concerning Lewis and Gipsy except for the information on their grave markers in the Ft. Gibson Citizens' Cemetery. Belle never married and was affectionately called "Aunt Bee". Alice married Dr R B Howard, and was the mother of Bess, who was born June 22, 1883 and died June 23, 1940. Fannie married Herbert Kneeland. Dr Ross was the son of Lewis Ross, for many years the treasurer of the Cherokee Nation and a brother of Chief John Ross. Pg 110 <complete>

Dr R B Howard was one of Ft Gibson's early doctors. He married Cora Ross, daughter of Chief and Mrs. William Potter Ross. To this union was born Bertha, who lived but three years, ten months and thirteen days, dying Jun 1, 1880. After the death of his wife, Cora May 9, 1879, Dr Howard married Alice Ross, daughter of Dr and Mrs Robert Ross. To this union was born Bess, who was active in church and civic affairs from the turn of the century until her death in 1945. Pg 110 <complete> [Photo of Dr R B Howard and Alice Ross Howard]

... [Photo of Timothy Meigs Walker's home and photo of Mr & Mrs Timothy Meigs Walker] ... house was built 2 miles east and 1/2 mile south of Ft Gibson prior to 1885. [Timothy Meigs Walker] died September 5, 1894. Mrs. Walker was born August 13, 1825 and died July 21, 1908. Both are buried in the family lot located near the home. Four sons who had preceded them in death are also buried in the family plot. Pg 111 <complete>

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