Welcome to the Muskogee County, OK Photo Gallery

Photo Album

Say Hello to our Ancestors and Help Us Identify Our Unknown Ancestors

If you have a photo that you would like to submit to our gallery please scan in your photo and send it to me as an attachment. Please give me as much information as you can about the people in the photo, where the photo was taken and approx date taken.

Thanks, Sue

If you can't open the graphic for the poem below here's the text version.

Dividing Line


Anthis, Nola J. Moore New
Anthis, Dorothy New
Blasser, Statie
Blythe, William & Ollie Belle
Carter, James Oscar, Jr. and Ruth Geraldine Hogan CarterNew
Curtis, Barbara (Boss)
Gibson, Cecilia Amanda
Haas, John F & Cecilia Gibson
High, Barbara
Huitt Family
Huitt, Mike & Oillie
Littlejohn, William Nuckolls
Love, George A
Macomb, Abraham & Mary Cox
Macomb, Jacob family
Macomb, John O
Macomb, Marion family
Sissom Ladies
Jesse E. (Ted) and Barbara Ellen Bunch Smith New
White, Edmond & Maude


Places & Groups

Ft. Gibson Historical Photos
Harris-Jobe School Class of 1908
Souvenir of Muskogee - 1904
Old Oktaha SchoolNew
Muskogee Home - 2404 W. OkmulgeeNew
Wainwright Class of 1943New

Unknown Photos

The following photo was found in an old house in Gore and submitted by: Glenda.
November 2010 - I received an email from Holly who says this is a photo of her Great Grandparents John and Rose Ashwood. Unfortunately, now it has been so long since I posted this photo, Glenda's email address no longer works. I'm sure Holly's family would love to have the photo so hopefully somebody knows Glenda's current email address or maybe even Glenda will see this herself and contact me.

Gore Mystery Photo



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© Sue Tolbert 2023