Muskogee, Oklahoma
 Central High School
 Class of 1915

Photo Muskogee Co High School


The Board of Education
and the
Faculty of Central High School
Muskogee, Oklahoma
Announce the Graduating Exercises
of the
Class of nineteen hundred fifteen
Thursday evening, June third
Hinton, Theatre

Class Roll

Allen, Ronald Stewart

Barnes, Maude Wilma

Baugh, Robert Lee Jr.

Bell, Martha Lorene

Bowser, Alan Wood

Brown, Enone

Brown, Imogene

Burtis, Jerome Charles

Butler, Sammie Rebecca

Canfield, John Peters

Crain, Loran Dawson

Criswell, Rex McCombs

Dack, Forrest Lealand

deGraffenried, Jouette Lacy

deGraffenried, Arthur Moseley

Douglas, Sadie Maud

Durfey, Andrew Jackson

Eichling, Iva Mae

Fleak, Roy Evert

Ford, Phyllis

Frank, Iva LaVerne

Frazier, Douglas

Griffin, Roy William

Haddock, Hugh Vincent

Harsha, Anna Gordon

Hatfield, Helen Gertrude

Hay, Charles Breckenridge

Hazlett, Frank

Henley, Ida

Hines, William Sewell Jr.

Hitchcock, Osborne Brown

Holt, Clella Mae

Hubbard, Ruth

Hull, Anne Ernest

Jackson, Francis Benson Jr.

Jarrett, Raymond Cecil

Johnson, Helen Louise

Johnston, Agnes Irene

Jones, Frank Owen

Keaton, Annie Laurie

Kelley, Martha Ault

Kello, Mattie Hunton

Kipp, Alma Lue

Marshall, Ruth

Martin, Helen Klare

Martin, Mary Elizabeth

Martin, Stanley

Middleton, Audrey Mary

Middleton, Marguerite

Miller, Herbert

Monroe, Marion

Nye, William Clarence

Ogden, Conburse Emil

Pearson, Velma Jennie

Penrod, Mildred

Peyton, Mary Randolph

Porter, Pleasant

Pramer, Ellen Dudley

Rees, Helen

Robe, Ralph William

Roby, Nina

Rorschach, Harold

Schieberl, Mamie Vivia

Schmitz, Frieda Elizabeth

Sharp, Alice Kenna

Shaw, Dwight Beach

Sheets, Maurice Richards

Shirley, Luther

Smith, Lucile

Spradling, Mida Breckenridge

Steele, John Russell

Suhre, Lela

Taylor, Lela

Tevis, Mary Belle

Thatcher, Jessie E.

Thompson, Mae Lucretia

Throckmorton, Myra

Tinch, Irene

Victor, James Yeargain

White, Flossie Edith

Wilson, Etta May


Eighth Annual Commencement
of the
Central High School
Muskogee, Oklahoma
May twenty-eighth to June fourth
Nineteen hundred fifteen


Junior Picnic to the Seniors
Saturday, May twenty-ninth, at Brushy Mountain.

Baccalaureate Sermon
By the Reverend Robert Van Meigs, Pastor of the First Baptist
Church, Sunday, May thirtieth, three o'clock p.m., at the First
Baptist Church, corner of W. Okmulgee and Seventh Streets.

To the members of the Senior Class and their friends, given by
the Board of Education and the Faculty of Central High School,
Monday, May thirty-first, eight p.m.,
 in the Central High School Gymnasium.

Senior Play
"The First Lady of the Land," Tuesday, June first, 
eight-fifteen p.m., at the Hinton Theatre.

Class Day Exercises
Wednesday, June second, eight p.m.,
 in the Central High School Auditorium.

Graduating Exercises
Thursday, June third, eight p.m., at the Hinton Theatre.


Class Day Exercises
Wednesday, June second, Eight p.m.
Central High School Auditorium

Double Quartet-
Nina Roby
Mattie Kello

Lorene Bell
Imogene Brown

Raymond Jarrett
Conburse Ogden

Russell Steele
Douglas Frazier

Class History-Frieda Schmitz and Thomas Marlin
Class Poem-Alma Lue Kipp
Piano Solo-Edith White
Last Will and Testament-Pleasant Porter and Ruth Hubbard
Class Prophecy-Marion Monroe and Kenna Sharp
Reading-Enone Brown
Presentation of Class Memorial-Clarence Nye
Class Oration-Charles Hay
Presentation of Senior Flag-Ida Henley
Acceptance of the Senior Flag-William Johnston,
 President of Junior Class
Vocal Duet-Sammie Butler and Ralph Robe
Violin Obligato-Conburse Ogden
Accompaniment-Dwight Shaw
Cartoons-Herbert Miller
Class Donor-Luther Shirley
Class Song-Senior Class
Written by Myra Throckmorton and Iva Frank


Graduating Exercises
Class of Nineteen Fifteen
Thursday, June Third, Eight o'clock p.m.
Hinton Theatre

Lullaby, from "Jocelyn"-Godard
-Girls' Glee Club

Invocation-Reverend J. E. Carpenter

Music (a) "I Hear You Calling Me"-Marshall
        (b) "There Little Girl, Don't Cry"
-Boys Glee Club

Commencement Address-Bishop E. E. Hoss

Music, "Lament of Mi Yen"-Hayes
-Girls Glee Club

Presentation of the Diplomas-Mr. B. A. Randle

Benediction-Reverend E. G. Butler

Printed by: The Bowman Press-Muskogee


Thanks to Jeanie Morris for providing the information on this page

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