MUSKOGEE AND NORTHEASTERN OKLAHOMA: Including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Vol. III. by John D. Benedict JOSEPH E. ROBERTS Joseph E. Roberts, conducting a furniture and undertaking business at Nowata,is one of the wide-awake and alert young men of the city, whose success is theresult of thoroughness and enterprise. He was born October 23, 1892, abouttwelve miles east of the city in which he still makes his home. His father,Edward Taylor Roberts, was a native of Indiana, his birth having occurred on afarm near Lebanon in Montgomery county, his parents being James Thomas andLydia A. (James) Roberts. His parents were Kentuckians but were married inIndiana, to which state they had removed in early life. James T. Roberts therefollowed farming until 1870 and also engaged to some extent in merchandising.He then removed with his family to Liberty, Kansas, where he carried on farming,stock raising and mercantile pursuits until 1881, at which time he became aresident of the Indian Territory settling on a farm six miles south of thepresent site of Nowata. His remaining days were given to agricultural pursuitsand he won a substantial success as the years passed by. He was a democrat inhis political views but took no active part in politics. He died in 1903. Hiswife passed away in 1904, at the age of sixty-seven years. Edward T. Roberts was the second in order of birth in a family of seven childrenand was largely reared in Kansas, to which place he accompanied his parents whena lad of seven years. He was a youth of eighteen when he came to Oklahoma,residing on the home farm near Alluwe, in Nowata county. In 1895, he took uphis abode in Nowata, where he engaged in the mercantile business in partnershipwith his elder brother, William E. This association was maintained until 1897,when Edward T. Roberts established a furniture and undertaking business, whichhe conducted individually until 1908 and was then joined by his son, Joseph E.,thus forming the firm of E.T. Roberts & Son. The father was associated with theenterprise to the time of his death, which occurred January 11, 1920. He wasinterested in civic welfare and gave his support to every plan and project forthe public good. He served on the school board for about a decade and also wasat one time a member of the city council. His political allegiance was alwaysgiven to the democratic party and fraternally he was connected with the Elks andthe Modern Woodmen of America. He was married August 13, 1885, to Miss LuellaConner, who was born in Kansas, and they became parents of a daughter, Della,who is now the wife of J. Ruby McKnabe of Newport, Tennessee; and a son, JosephE., of this review. Joseph E. Roberts has spent his life in Nowata. He pursued his education in thepublic schools, being graduated from the high school with the class of 1908. Heentered business as a partner of his father and the association was maintaineduntil the father's death, since which time Joseph E. Roberts has been soleproprietor of the large furniture and undertaking establishment. The latter isconducted along most scientific lines, while the furniture store includes anattractive stock of high grade and medium priced furniture. The businessmethods of the house have always been such as to insure a liberal patronage andMr. Roberts has ever recognized the fact that satisfied patrons are the bestadvertisement. On the 4th of February, 1912, Mr. Roberts was united in marriage in Nowata toMiss Addie Lowerance, a native daughter of Oklahoma. Her parents were Everettand Emma Lowerance. She was of Delaware extraction and came here with theimmigrants at an early day. Mr. and Mrs. Lowerance passed away during theinfancy of their daughter, Mrs. Roberts. Mr. Roberts is also of Delawareextraction through the maternal line and by this marriage there has been born adaughter, Katherine May, who is now in school. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts occupy avery enviable social position and the hospitality of the best homes of thissection of the state is freely accorded them. Mr. Roberts is a veteran of theWorld war and possesses a military spirit that would serve him well as acommander of forces. When attending high school he was one of the footballteam, weighing one hundred and sixty-seven pounds. Today he is a muscular manof two hundred and seven pounds, six feet and two inches in height. FollowingAmerica's entrance into the World war he became an officer in the NinetiethDivision, with which he remained for ten months, winning the rank of secondlieutenant. He was a Camp Travis, Texas, and was sent thence to Camp Pike,Arkansas, and later to Camp Perry, Ohio. His next transfer took him to CampGrant, Illinois, where he was discharged December 5, 1919. He was training theboys and his division was ready to go overseas when the armistice was signed.He has recently returned from the Legion convention in Kansas City, where hegreatly enjoyed meeting his "buddies" and forming many new acquaintances amongthe khaki-clad hosts that defended the cause of democracy on the battle fieldsof Europe. He was first sergeant in the early part of his service and won hiscommission as second lieutenant through capability and effort, his only regretbeing that he did not get overseas. With his return he has concentrated hisattention and efforts upon his business affairs and he has large independentinterests in oil, aside from his commercial investments in Nowata. |
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