The Coffeyville Journal

Coffeyville, Kansas
February 10, 1902

Wann Has Ambitions: Would Be the County Seat of the First County Across the Line.

Neither Bartlesville nor Nowata will be permitted to capture the county seat without reckoning with another formidable rival for the honor. The members of the community known as Wann propose to pick up their belongings and move everything over to the Katy extension, which will run two miles southeast of their postoffice, and there build a town. The location they have chosen is well suited for townsite purposes and is almost in the geographical center of the proposed county. It lies in a highly productive region and is equi-distant from Coffeyville and Bartlesville and the people up there are very much alive in reference to the county seat.

"We will be half way between two mighty good towns," the postmaster of Wann is reported as saying. "Coffeyville is already a good town and Bartlesville is sure going to be the best town in the Cherokee nation, and we want to be in direct touch with them both--we want the road and if it doesn't come to us we will move to it."  

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