Notable Tidbits:
The Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
November 2, 1907 p 6
Army Deserter Arrested Here
Drives Auto Along Public Streets For More Than A Year
...Allen Lough, alias Harry Allen, wanted for desertion from Company H. of
the Fifteenth United States Cavalry is being held by the police...his
desertion at Burlington, Ia.
November 3, 1907 p 5
Falls 2 Stories; Both Legs Break
Contractor Is Badly Injured In Awful Plunge in Raymond Building.
Charles N. Sinclair, contractor in charge of the work on the new
Raymond Building, 108 West Second street, fell from the second story of the
steel frame work...breaking his right leg in two places and fracturing the cap
of his left knee...
November 6, 1907 p 5
To Be Tried On Shooting Charge
I. F. Dickens, charged with assault with intent to kill H. B.
Pierce...while Pierce was hunting...
November 7, 1907 p 2
Not Guilty of Shooting Youth
Earnest Cherry and Clair Ralston, two boys aged fourteen and
sixteen, of Edmons, were found not guilty...on the charge of assault with
intent to kill Elmer Collins, a boy of the same age...
[also see Arrested On Charge of Shooting Youth, October 25, 1907, page 3
and Youth Arrested On Charge of Shooting, page 5]
November 7, 1907 p 3
Sisters Meet First Time For 27 Years
...two sisters, Mrs. Shirley Dyer, 529 Frisco street, and Mrs. E. F.
Woodcock, Pleasantville, Pa. have reunited for a short time in Oklahoma
City.... Mrs. W. R. Thomas, also a sister of Detroit, Kans. is a guest of Mrs.
November 7, 1907 p 3
Children Weep; Forced To Part
Deserted By Mother, Little Ones Will Be Far Apart
...Clarence and Howard Foos, ages nine and six years...since the mother
left them two weeks ago, were parted last evening. Clarence was taken by Silas
Stevens to his home in Wichita, Kans. Howard, the younger, was returned to the
home of Mrs. Arbuckle, 231 West Reno street, to be kept until a permanent home
is found for him...
The mother deserted the children and the father. A divorce suit was then
filed...father unable to care for his two boys and a girl of 10, gave them
into the care of the Provident association. The daughter was placed in a home
in Mustang last Saturday...
[Also see December 7, 1907 below]
November 8, 1907 p 1
Price of Graves Advanced
Under a new schedule of prices adopted by the Fairlawn Cemetery
association, it will be more expensive to take advantage of the privilege of
dying in Oklahoma City.
November 10, 1907 pg 1
Bradford Place Passes Into Hands of the Putnam Company
... The Will L. Bradford property, consisting of 440 acres of land, located
just north of Belle Isle lake, was purchased for $66,000. An adjoining piece
of land owned by E. F. Holmes, was purchased for $5,000... 320 acres of the
Bradford property was homesteaded by Will L. Bradford at the opening...
Aged Man Hurt By Livery Team
John G. Snyder, aged 60 years, living at 308 West Main street, was struck
by a horse and buggy driven by Daniel R. Lewis...
Woman Injured By Fire Horses
Miss Willie Cook, age 30 years, was struck by hose truck No. 2 of the
Maywood station...long gash across her forehead...
Home Is Found For Little Girl
Alberta Tipton, Aged 10, Can Now Go To School
Alberta Tipton, whose father was unable to provide her with sufficient
clothes to permit her to go to school...has been adopted by Mrs. C. L. Hissel,
614 West Eleventh street, wife of a well-to-do real estate man of Oklahoma
City...home was found for her by the efforts of the United Provident
November 11, 1907 pg 5
Fairlawn Cemetery Is To Be Improved
The officers and directors of the Fairlawn Cemetery Association contemplate
the expenditure of $5,000 to $10,000 between the present time and Decoration
Day, in beautifying the grounds, extending the driveways and walks, erecting a
chapel and office and accomplishing such other things as may tend to increase
the appearance and convenience of the grounds...
November 12, 1907 pg 3
Charity Is Asked By Deserted Wife
Mrs. May Roberts, formerly Miss May Alexander, of Greenville,
Ill. applied for assistance at the United Provident Association...given
transportation to her home...came to Oklahoma City more than a year and a half
ago...married George Roberts...a month ago, [he] skipped leaving her with a
tiny baby girl.
November 23, 1907 pg 5
Teacher Badly Injures A Boy
...Walter Johnson, the 13 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Johnson,
718 West Chickasaw avenue...Walter McCracken, a substitute teacher...of
Washington school...inflected injuries of a serious nature...
November 28, 1907 pg 5
First Notary Qualifies
S. G. Bennett has the distinction of being the first notary public in
Oklahoma county to file his bond and qualify for the office...
Baby Is Adopted
William E. French and Della French were given letters of adoption for
the custody of the child recently found on their doorstep, 729 East Third
street, in the probate division of the county court yesterday. The child was christened
Mary Elizabeth and was born in Bethany hospital, October 15, 1907, a short
time before Dr. J. R. Phelan turned that establishment's patients over to the
Oklahoma City hospital.
November 29, 1907 pg 3
Destitute Wife Is Deserted By Husband
...Anna Havland... 129 West Elm street, in the bottoms near the
Canadian river...a wife of only fourteen months...Charles Havland, 28
years old...
November 29, 1907 pg 5
First Patent Given In The New State
The first patent allowed by the patent office in Washington to the new state
of Oklahoma has been secured by D. O. Wilkins, an Oklahoma City
resident, who has patented a handle for boring braces which enables one brace
to do the work of three...
December 3, 1907 pg 5
Defunct Newspaper To Be Offered For Sale
For the fourth time, the Oklahoma Daily Post, the defunct morning paper of
Oklahoma City, which went into bankruptcy in September, will be offered for
sale at 2 o'clock this afternoon by Referee F. S. Goodrich. All bids were
called off at the last advertised auction by Judge Goodrich on account of the
small amounts offered.
An order has been issued by Judge Cotteral of the Western federal district
that all referees are to dispose of the work now on their dockets, allowing
the new referees to begin with clean slates.
December 7, 1907 pg 5
Adopted Youngster Weeps For Brother
Weeping and begging almost continually for his brother, Clarence Foos,
aged nine years, who was taken by Henry Stevers of Wichita, Kan., from the
home of the United Provident association of Oklahoma City, was sent back
yesterday by the foster father with a note stating that all efforts at
consolation were unavailing. Toys failed to appease the sorrow of the child.
The brother, Howard, has been sent to Western Oklahoma. Both boys cried and
clung to each other until the last minute before their separation.
[Also see November 7, 1907 above]
December 20, 1907 pg 1
Shots Affright Spencer People
Young Men Have Pistol Fight With Early Morning Marauders
Spencer, Okla. Dec. 19 - Awaking the entire town with their shouting, George
W. Harrison and A. Rosey, engaged in a battle with two unknown robbers at 3
o'clock this morning. The robbers ran north into the woods along the river and
The two young men were returning from a party when they noticed some one in
Charles Abel's store. They called to the marauders and the firing started.
Several window lights were broken. No one was injured.