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Fairlawn Interments

Fairlawn Cemetery
2700 S Shartel
Oklahoma City OK 73103

Daily Oklahoman, The
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

established 1892 and is one of the oldest cemeteries in Oklahoma County

1904, March 23, page 12 "The Oklahoman" 'Fairlawn Cemetery being improved. A great many of the lot owners of Fairlawn Cemetery are having their lots beautified with grass, hedges and evergreen trees...'

1904, May 12, page 3 "The Oklahoman"  'Annuoncement (sic) at Fairlawn Cemetery
 Many improvements will soon be under way at Fairlawn Cemterey. A new water system is being installed, which will supply an abundance of water and Mr. Geo. L. Stiles of the Stiles Floral Co. has been given charge of the grounds. Decoration day is near at hand and lot owners should arrange to have their grounds beautified at once. Contracts can be made for the constant care of lots by a competent man.'

1904, October 20 page 2  Fairlawn Cemetery Association to J. M. Johnson, lot 99, block 5, Fairlawn Cemtery, $50

1905, March 23 page 5  Fairlawn Cemetery Association to O. D. Lockhard, lot 79, block 5, Fairlawn Cemtery, $39

1910, January 18, page 4 "The Oklahoman" 'Contract let for one mile of paving at Fairlaw - Method Favored.  Contract for the paving of one mile of the drives of Fairlawn cemt3ery was let by the board to California Paying company Monday. H. M. Johnson of Chandler is president of the company and T. N. Stiecher.... is consulting engineer. The amount of the contract is $6,000. ...consists of crushed rock with asphalt dressing..

1911, January 17, page 13   ...seal bids for the building of either an iron fence or concrete base or concrete fense, together with either one or two entrance gates will be received in the office until January 21, 1911...

1913, November 22, page 5    Fairlawn Cemetery Lots are Cheaper... prices for lots in Fairlawn Cemetery have been reduced. Lots for two or three person many now be purchased for $20 up.

1915, July 7, pg 6     New Directors for Fairlawn Cemetery:  George C. Sohlberg, G. B. Stone, W. S. Guthrie, Frank J. Merrill and Fred E. Suits...

1916, July 27, page 11    Cemetery sidewalks will begin to disappear from Fairlawn cemetery, now that the directors of the cemetery association have decided to plant Bermuda grass where the walks now lay. The board feels taht it will be a great improvement to dispense with the sidewalks...

1918, January 27, page 33   Crematory May Be Constructed Here... Building of Mausoleum to Begin at One... Plans of the new $70,000 mausoleum to be started shortly at Fairlawn Cemetery were received yesterday from Cecil E. Bryan, a Chicago architect...   It is likely that a $10,000 crematory will be constructed in connection with the mausoleum.  Oklahoma City will have the only crematory between St. Louis and San Franciso...

1918, March 21, page 47 -- Endownment Fund of $200,000
                                      The erection of the mausoleum is purely a community enterprise.
                                      Fairlawn Cemetery Association is mutual and the officers and
                                      board of directors now conducting the erection of the mausoleum 
                                      are serving without pay.  Whatever profit accrues from the sale of
                                      crypts will be added to an endowment fund which will reach
                                      $200,000 when all are sold. This will provided perpetual care 
                                      for the building.

                                      Waiting until death comes to provide a resting place means
                                      that you will buy in haste and perhaps meet disappointment.
                                      Many prominent citizens have made reservations:
                                      J. R. Cottingham, J. M. Bass, Martin Kingkade, E. A. Walker, J. F.
                                      Harbour, John R. Boardman, Geo. G. Kerr, A. R. Nelson, Capt. J. H.
                                      Grant, T. J. Stewart, Dr. W. E. Dicken and many others.

1918, March 24, page 32. - photo

1919, May 11, page 40    Monument to have Cannon and Shells
Two bronze cannon and 120 shells will be mounted on granite pedestals and placed in position about the monument in memory of soldiers and sailors who served in defense of their country in Fairlawn Cemetery. An expenditure was incurred...and subscriptions were requested. [follows a list of names and small amounts $1-$50 contributions.

The monument will be dedicated June 14, Flag day.

1919, May 28, page 18   ...memorial services will be held at Fairlawn Cemetery at 10 o'clock Friday morning by the Grand Army of the Republic.... all veterans of wars in which the United State has participated are invited to attend the services... All soldier graves in the cemetery will be decorated...

1919, July 5 page 1 --...The soldiers' and sailors' monument was unveiled at Fairlawn cemetery in the afternoon... The monument is a shaft twenty-six feet in height of Mount Airy granite and rests on a concrete foundation.





Sources:  fair use as stated above

Contributed by Marti Graham, June 2007. Information posted for educational purpoes for viewers and researchers. The contributor is not related to nor researching any of the above.


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