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Your Guide To Oklahoma County Oklahoma Genealogy
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Updated: 11 Nov 2023
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Obit Index


The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
January 17, 1908
page 1

"Big Anne" Arrested On A Murder Charge
Also Held For Firing of Resort

Said to Have Poisoned Victims, Applying Deadly Torch

Judge Peters, negro porter in the "Big Anne" resort at the time of the fire, was arrested at 2:40 o'clcok this morning by Dective Davis of the city force and Ray Holcomb, deputy sheriff. He is charged with being an accessory in the crime. He was found on Chickasaw...

Charged with murder and arson as the result of a fire in her resort at 312 East Grand avenue on the night of August 26 last, in which four lives were lost, "Big Anne" Bailey was arrested last night...believe she was jealous of Lillian Raye and Virgie Wallace; that she gave them poison and while they were unconscious, the building was fired....

About 1 o'clock my husband, A. Bailey, Lois Chinney and Agnes Taylor left the house in an automobile...

January 18, 1908 p 1, 2

"Big Anne" and Negro Are Arraigned Side By Side
Standing side by side, "Big Anne" Bailey and Judge Peters, the woman's alleged accomplice, were arraigned...murder by poisoning was alleged in the cases of Virgie Wallace and Lillian Raye; by fire in the burning of the building, in the cases of Sadie and Walter Ward, whose bodies were found in the hallway...


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I'm am particularly interested journals or other records of movement into Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
Home Page last updated: 11 Nov 2023
This page updated: 11 Nov 2023


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