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Updated: 07 Sep 2009

Daily Oklahoman, The
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
August 13, 1916, page 15

Creigler Wrote Own Obituary

Article Found Among Suicides's Effects and Read at His Funeral

Covington, Okla. Aug 12 (Special) - An obituary written by Ike Creigler, who shot and killed himself here Monday, August 7, was found among his papers and read by a friend at the funeral Tuesday.  Creigler formerly was county clerk of Noble county, and was recently indicted, the indictment charging that he misappropriated about $900 belonging tgo the county. Creighler furnished an appearnace bond and returned to Covington, where he conducted a hotel and bought mules for an Oklahoma City firm. Monday morning Creigler placed a long distance call to his attorney in Pedrry, then walked to the rear of the hotel and shot himself through the head, the revolver bullet entering above the right ear.

Wording of Article
The wording of the obituary follows: 

Isaac Andrew Creighler, died at Covington, Okla [Garfield County]., August 7, 1916. Born on a farm near Princeton, [Mercer County] Mo., Feb 17, 1873. Grew to manhood on the old farm and worked hard at work incident to farming on timber farms in northwest Missouri.

At the age of 20 began work for a nursery and fruit grower, H. R. Wayman, near Princeton, and stayed in said employment over five years, at the close of said term being hired for another five years, on account of bad health gave up the work.

Came to Ponca Indian reservation, now a part of Noble county, Oklahoma, and stopped on a ranch ten miles east of Bliss; remained on said ranch as bookkepper and foreman for R. M. Bressie about five years. Came to Perry [Noble County]  and was employed by Davis & Younger five years. Was elected county clerk of Noble county in 1910 and releected to the same office in 1912 by 420 majority. Was married Oct. 7, 1897, to Estelle Wayman, my sweethear from the first time we met. Her spirit left her May 5, 1901. Her body lies in Princeton cemetery.

Married Omega Murphy Jan 15, 1913. Two girls, exactly the same features and same complexion and temperament. Those two acts I would do again if my life were to be lived over.

A son by the former marriage lives in Colorado. Being poor and not certain of good health has kept this son from being with his father and the grief born in silence over thus being separated has been more than can be explained. While in youth Ike Creigler united with the Methodist Protestant church and adhered to the doctrine of that church till he came to Oklahoma. Became a member of the Princeton lodge No. 63 I. O. O. F., at the age of 21. Was made a master Mason at Ponca City, Okla. in March 1905.

On account of hard times membership in these two orders was deopped in 1912, but the teachings and principles are cherished in my memory until today. I've lived the life of a true Mason and Odd Fellow and as I've said. I am not afreaid to die one. A crowded, hurried, busy life spurried on by ambition to do things hwen strenght was gone; tasks ahead almost unendurable have been attempted and sometimes failed, but not discouaged, have made life seem long.This body is tired - worn out. The fire is there to go and do things but strenght will not last. Does it seem right to live when there is no possible show to help others? Why should one wish to live and be in misery to himself and the ones he loves?

While my misfourtunes and misery cannot be understood, and while it is impossible to remedy them, for the sole benefit of those I do certainly love, I lay this body down.

There is a physical body and a spiritual body. The spirit will go to the realm that I has been fitted for in the forty-three years in the physical being.

Here is one life spent more nearly entirely in peace with his fellow man than most men and is laid down in peaceful mind to all.

He lived in a house by the side of the road and was a friend to man.

It has always been the wish of this subject that his death would not be mourned, much rather that his friends rejoice in the thought that his tired life may find rest.


Ike Creigler
August 6, 1916 4 p.m.





Sources:  fair use as stated above

Contributed by Marti Graham, July 2007. Information posted for educational purposes for viewers and researchers. The contributor is not related to nor researching any of the above.

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I'm am particularly interested journals or other records of movement into Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
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