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Updated: 08 Sep 2009


Daily Oklahoman, The 
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 
March 11, 2009

The last alarm sounded for fire Cpl. Christopher Allen Dill at 3:11 p.m. on Tuesday.

The bell, which tolls only for firefighters who die in the line of duty, rang for the first time in 20 years during Dill’s funeral service at Southern Hills Baptist Church.

Dill, 43, a former Marine and an Oklahoma City firefighter for 15 years, collapsed after fighting a three-alarm apartment fire March 4. He died that night at a local hospital.

Hundreds of firefighters from Oklahoma and Texas gathered to honor Dill during the afternoon service — their engines, ladders and rescue vehicles lining streets around the church.

Dill’s wife, Julie, and daughters, Emily, 7, and Lizzy, 5, sat in the front row after being led into the church by a bag piped rendition of "Amazing Grace.” Firefighters, police officers and paramedics, along with extended family and friends, packed the rest of the seats.

Dill was honored with the Medal of Valor, the International Association of Firefighters’ highest award. A solid gold coin, bearing his name on one side and the motto, "Dedication, Honor, Sacrifice” on the other, was presented to his widow.

"Saving others came easy to Chris. This guy was the best, dedicated firefighter I’ve ever seen,” Copeland said as he choked back tears.

At the cemetery, Dill was honored with a 21-gun salute by members of the U.S. Marine Corps and a flyover by police and medical helicopters.

Since his death, Dill was not alone. Firefighters stood watch around the clock, guarding his body the past six days. As the bagpiper walked away from the graveside, his plaintive notes filled the cemetery.

Sources:  good faith fair use of sources stated above

Compiled, transcribed and submitted by Marti Graham, Oklahoma County, OKGenWeb Coordinator, February 2009. Information posted for educational purposes for viewers and researchers. The contributor is not related to nor researching any of the above.

I believe in random acts of kindness and I believe in sharing genealogy. If you have copies of photos, obituaries, wills, biographies, or stories relating to any of these families or other Oklahoma County families, would you consider sending them my way for publication at this site?

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I'm am particularly interested journals or other records of movement into Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
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