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Your Guide To Oklahoma County Oklahoma Genealogy
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Updated: 08 Jan 2025
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Obit Index


The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
December 11, 1904
page 16

A Grand Success

The Harrison Burial Association Furnished 28 Funerals with only 13 Assessments.

In an interview with an Oklahoman reporter, Mr. J. J. Rackley, secretary for the Harrison Mutual Burial Association, said the association was organized January 1, 1904, and from the start has been a success. It is unusually good, if one assessment covers each death, and in our case we have had twenty-eight assessments. The twenty-eight have, with a few exceptions, been furnished with a $100 funeral benefit, including in that casket, robe, hearse and carriages. The cost of each assessment is only 12 cents, or $1.50 per year, and children under 10 years are free, when their parents belong to the association. The children's department consists of a $50 funeral benefit.

Mr. Rackley further stated that he has ordered another new and elaborate funeral car and new carriages.

From a charitable standpoint, nothing can excel this association, as several out of the names given for publication would have had to be buried in a pauper's grave at the county's expense.

In some cases they had only paid their first assessment and they received the full funeral benefits.

Following is a list of names of the association that have died during the year:

Miss Eva Johnson, Mrs. Rosa Hudson, Mrs. Rebecca Brady, Loyd Lattimer, Alice Spurrier, James Darnell, C. A. Kegereis, A. Woods, A. Sivard, Bula Monroe, Nather Smith, Mrs. Mary Seeger, Hattie Woods, Willie Mabry, August Greinmeyer, Jennie Marie Ketchum, Lawrence Mikalaydek, Mary Howard, ___ Russell, Lena Fulton, Robt. [Robert] Story, H. H. McDonald, Peter Crimm, David Soard, W. I. Brown, Clara White, Jane R. Mertz, Mrs. J. J. Roach. 

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I'm am particularly interested journals or other records of movement into Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
Home Page last updated: 08 Jan 2025
This page updated: 08 Jan 2025


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