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Oklahoma Times
Oklahoma City, OK
August 17, 1920

S. R. Hutchinson, Eighty-Niner Dead

Stephen Sumner Hutchinson, eighty-niner, who with others came here in the early days, contributed much in the development of Oklahoma, died at his home fourteen miles northwest of Oklahoma City, Saturday.

Hutchinson was born and reared on a farm, near Biggsville, Illinois, being one of a family of four brothers, R. M. and W. J. now living in IL. The other brother A. P. having died in July.

The deceased in 1871, married Miss Emma Micky of Washington County, Iowa, where they resided for five years. The couple had moved back to Illinois, where they lived until 1889, when Mr. Hutchinson made the "run" in Oklahoma, securing a homestead fourteen miles northwest of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson had nine sons and one daughter, five of the boys still live. They are R. M. Hutchinson, J. M. Hutchinson, B. W. Hutchinson, W. J. Hutchinson and M. H. Hutchinson. Mrs. Hutchinson died June 15 of this year.

The deceased was a victim of an automobile accident on February 17, 1920, which caused paralysis.

Mr. Hutchinson held a a commission as United States Marshall in the 3rd federal district of Oklahoma territory, during Cleveland's administration. In his official duties he was fearless and conscientious in all matters entrusted to him.

Hutchinson was a member of the Eight-niners society, and was active in its meetings.

Source: OKBits Message Board [Dec 2001]