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Your Guide To Oklahoma County Oklahoma Genealogy
Part of the OKGenWeb Project
Updated: 08 Jan 2025
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Obit Index


The Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
November 17, 1907
page 1

Robt. Johnson Is Dead

His Assailant, Fred Morris, Surrenders to Under Sheriff Garrison

Robert Johnson died at 3:15 o'clock this morning. Just before death he said he was shot in the back. Johnson belonged to the Eagle's lodge.

In a pistol dual in Ed Conley's saloon, 116 West First street, at 8:15 o'clock last night... Robert Johnson, bartender, was shot three times and is now believed to be in a dying condition at St. Anthony's hospital.

His assailant, Fred Norris (sic), who formerly owned the locked in the County jail...

The only eyewitnesses aside from the principles...were E. L. Jones, a negro porter...and John Coleman, another negro.

(continued on page 23)

Johnson lived at the home of my (sic) sister, Mrs. B. C. Courtney, 111 West Fifth street. He came here about a year ago and has served several terms in jail at Sapulpa and Pauls Valley for bootlegging.

Norris...accompanied by his brother-in-law, Rufus Phillips and Charles Balzar...the prisoner is 38 years of age and has been a resident of Oklahoma City for 8 years...he has a wife, but no children.

Johnson is 35 years old and is familiarly called "Big Bob"...has been a resident of Oklahoma City for about one year and formerly worked for his assailant. He has never been married.

November 19, 1907 page 5

Norris Is Held For the Killing...

November 20, 1907 page 2

Duel Victim Buried; Murder is Charge
The body of Robert Johnson, who was killed in a pistol duel at the Conley saloon, 116 West First street, Saturday night, by Fred Norris, was buried by the Eagles at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, in Fairlawn cemetery.

Norris, the slayer, is in the county jail...

January 12, 1908 page 1
Fred Norris and James Schooley Are Held

Indictments charging murder were returned by the grand jury last evening against Fred Norris for the slaying of Robert Johnson and James Schooley for the killing of Joseph Johnson (sic)...

Schooley and Campbell were both negroes and the killing resulted over a pool game in the negro billiard hall adjoining the saloon in which Johnson was killed...


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If you find other information on the web or elsewhere that might be appropriate for this page, please let me know.
I'm am particularly interested journals or other records of movement into Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
Home Page last updated: 08 Jan 2025
This page updated: 08 Jan 2025


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