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Updated: 08 Sep 2009


Daily Oklahoman, The 
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 
July 23, 1930

Father Loses His Life in Vain Attempt To Rescue Two Daughters

WELLSTON. July 22.-(Special) Attempting to save his two daughters. Mamie. 16 years old. and Alma, 9 years old, as they struggled in the. water. of Deep Fork creek here, James Kennemer, 41 years old, farmer, and both girls were drowned shortly after 8 o'clock Tuesday night.

The three were fishing at. the creek. Alma slipped on the bank and fell into water about six feet deep. Mamie jumped in to rescue her sister, at the same time shouting to their father.

When he arrived both girls were struggling to keep their heads above the water. He then jumped in. and all three sank.

The bodies are, being held at Burford funeral home, Wellston pending the making of funeral arrangements.

They are survived by Mrs. Kennemer: and seven other children.

Sources:  good faith fair use of sources stated above

Compiled, transcribed and submitted by Marti Graham, Oklahoma County, OKGenWeb Coordinator, Jul 2009. Information posted for educational purposes for viewers and researchers. The contributor is not related to nor researching any of the above.

I believe in random acts of kindness and I believe in sharing genealogy. If you have copies of photos, obituaries, wills, biographies, or stories relating to any of these families or other Oklahoma County families, would you consider sending them my way for publication at this site?

I always welcome comments and corrections.

I live outside the Oklahoma City area, I cannot personally do any research for you. However I will try to direct you to someone who may help you if you can't find what you want here. Please understand ALL information on this site was contributed by people like you. If it's not on the site, I don't have it. Thanks


I hope you enjoy searching through our web site, as I've spent considerable time on it.
If you find other information on the web or elsewhere that might be appropriate for this page, please let me know.
I'm am particularly interested journals or other records of movement into Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
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