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The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
October 25, 1910
page 10


MILLS - Following the amputation of his leg at the thigh, Roger Mills, age 30 died at St. Anthony's hospital Monday morning. Gangrene from the operation caused his death.

SCOTT - The funeral services of Mrs. H. L. Scott, who died of nervous prostration Sunday afternoon, will be held from the home, 200 East Third street, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Carter Helm Jones will be in charge and interment will be made at Fairlawn.

SMISER - The funeral services of Mrs. H. T. Smiser, who died of typhoid fever, will be held at the home, 420 West Main street, Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Smiser leaves a husband, son and a daughter in the immediate family. Interment will be made in Fairlawn.

The body of an unknown Mexican was found beside the M.K.&T. railroad tracks near the fair grounds Monday morning. Two deep gashes were cut in his forehead and the lower part of his face was split, apparently by some dull instrument, and as there was no sign of a struggle, it was the opinion that he had been hit by an engine. Coroner Zwick, Chief of Detectives Shirley Dyer and Capt. Mike Conners viewed the body and it was then removed to the Street & Draper morgue. There was nothing about the dead man's clothing by which his identity could be established.