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Your Guide To Oklahoma County Oklahoma Genealogy
Part of the OKGenWeb Project
Updated: 11 Nov 2023
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Obit Index


The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
June 23, 1907
page 1

Mrs. Meadows Will Testify
Wife of Murdered Man To Be Given Opportunity To Tell Whatever She Knows

tegeler-rudolph.jpg (84889 bytes)


Mrs. Lila Meadows, wife of the man whose murdered body was found Friday night buried in a shallow grave three miles west of Capitol Hill, where it had been placed by the assassins who lured the late his death on the night of June 4... 

Rudolph Tegeler, who has confessed that he has been the Meadows woman's lover for the last ten months...will also be a witness.

Mrs. Laura Keith, the woman who has been Mrs. Meadows' nurse and constant companion...will be subpoenaed... 

June 23, 1907 p 7

Tegeler's Wife Alleged to Have Died Suddenly After Taking Ride With Husband

Since the revelations relating to the murder of James R. Meadows have been given to the public, it is likely that peculiar circumstances under which Tegeler's wife is alleged to have died, will be investigated.

Neighbors...recall that Rudolph Tegeler's wife died under peculiar circumstances about March 25 of last year. It was Sunday, and in the afternoon. Tegeler and his wife went driving. They returned at about 6 o'clock in the evening...the woman appeared to be suffering as from an apoplectic spasm. Tegeler called a physician...removed to St. Anthony's hospital, where she died two hours later.

January 17, 1908 p 2

Tegeler Did The Shooting; Mrs. Meadows Accessory?
Indictments charging Mrs. Lila Meadows and Rudolph Tegeler...were returned by the grand jury...


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If you find other information on the web or elsewhere that might be appropriate for this page, please let me know.
I'm am particularly interested journals or other records of movement into Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
Home Page last updated: 11 Nov 2023
This page updated: 11 Nov 2023


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