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Your Guide To Oklahoma County Oklahoma Genealogy
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Updated: 08 Jan 2025
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Obit Index
Updated: 17 Jan 2012

Daily Oklahoman, The
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 29, 2003, page 11A

Walter, George H., age 94, passed from this life to a greater life on July 26, 2003, in Okla-homa City. He was born in San Antonio, TX, May 26, 1909, but resided most of his life in Oklahoma. George had several vocations ranging from operating an elevator in the Colcord Building in the early 1920's to a later career as a printer. He retired from Norick Brothers, where he spent the bulk of his career. Although George was 39 and well beyond draft age, he served a term in the Navy during World War II. His avocations were many and varied, from being a gymnast in high school athletics, a Mason, a superb wood carver, and a skilled photographer, to being a competitive bowler in his later years. Some of his photographs were published in Children's Encyclopedia Britannica, and in the ZooSounds publication, and he served for many years as the unofficial photographer for the Oklahoma City Zoo when the Zoo could not employ a professional photographer. George was able to handle the function easily. He also volunteered in the Education Department of the Zoo, and photographed for the Zoo records and educational functions many surgical operations performed on Zoo animals. He was a member of Friends of The Zoo. George also enjoyed memberships in the Oklahoma City Photo Club and Woodcarvers Club, and won prizes and awards in many categories in both clubs. 

George and wife Louise welcomed the family in their home to the extent that it became known as Walter's Wigwam. The proprietors provided 5 decades of love and will be fondly missed by all.

George was preceded in, death by his beloved wife of 52 years, Louise Fitz Walters, and by his parents and his sister. 

His survivors include his daughter Evelyn Walters Jones and spouse Mel, Wolf Creek, OR; his brother-in-law and his sister-in-law, Joe C. and Juanita M. Fitz; Woodward, OK; four grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren, one nephew; four nieces; and other relatives and many friends. 

A graveside service will be held at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, July 29, at Memorial Park Cemetery, followed by a memorial service at Westminster Manor, 4401 N. Shartel, at 10:00 a.m. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Westminster Manor, 4401 North Shartel, Oklahoma City, OK, 73118 or the Oklahoma Zoological Society. GUARDIAN WEST 41 & N. MacArthur 495-9292 

Daily Oklahoman, The
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
May 13, 2001, page 25A

WALTERS Louise Fitz, age 90, of OKC, died May 11, 2001. She was born June 29, 1910 in Missouri to Joe David and Duskie Fitz. She was retired from civil service. Louise was a member of the Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband of 52 years, George Walters; brother Joe C. Fitz and wife Juanita of Woodward; a stepdaughter, Evelyn Jones of Oregon and several nephews. Services are pending.


Sources:  fair use as stated above

Contributed by Marti Graham, July 2007. Information posted for educational purposes for viewers and researchers. The contributor is not related to nor researching any of the above.

Even though


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I'm am particularly interested journals or other records of movement into Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
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This page updated: 08 Jan 2025


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