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The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
May 14, 1909
page 11


Funeral services over the remains of A. N. Wycoff were held yesterday afternoon from the family residence, 215 West Eighth street and at the First M. E. church, of which Mr. Wycoff had been a member.

The funeral discourse was delivered by Rev. W. H. B. Urch. The burial is to be at Lincoln, Neb. The funeral party left over the Santa Fe railroad at 3:45 o'clock. The list of pall bearers is as follows: S. W. McCann, E. J. F. Warren, C. B. Heinrich, K. W. Dawson, M. W. Westfall and M. L. Blackwelder.

Mr. Wycoff was born in Iowa, sixty two years ago, at Mediapolis. Later he moved to Lincoln, Neb., where he lived for fifteen years. Eight years ago he came to Oklahoma City and has since been one of the city's prominent real estate men. His death came unexpectedly, an attack of grip rapidly developing into pneumonia, and terminating fatally Tuesday night.

Mrs. Pearl Thomas, a daughter, wife of John Thomas, of this city, and Dr. Neal Wycoff, of Trinidad, Col. survive. Dr. Wycoff arrived here shortly before his father's death.