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Created by Marti Graham on: 08 Jan 2025
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Surname Index
Updated: 13 Aug 2013
Created:  01 May 2010

Daily Oklahoman, The 
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
December 09, 1979, pg 44

Mrs. Elsie Marie Stephenson, age 84. Died at her home 422 NW 20. Nov. 8 after a long illness. She was born in Chapman, KS. Reared in Ness City, KS. Came to OKC in 1426. Married Edward F. Stephenson, March 15, 1924. She graduated from Oklahoma City University in 1936. Taught in OKC School System, was a State Office in W.P.A. She was a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church, PEO and DAR.

She is survived by her husband Colonel Edward F. Stephenson, 2 sisters, Mrs. Ruby Stuart of Oakland, CA., Mrs. Agnes Kusera of Douglas, KS, several nieces and nephews.

Services 11am Tuesday, Dec 11 at Rose Hill Mausoleum


Oklahoman Archives
August 24, 1982, pg 84

Retired Colonel has enjoyed full life.

Col. Stephenson was born in Galena, Kan to William and Martha Stephenson. He had five brothers and has two sisters who reside in southwestern Missouri. He recently attended a birthday party in honor of his 90th birthday and his sisters 95th birthdays...

After graduating from Galena High School in 1915, he heeded the call to defend our country and enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1917. He served two years duty in World War I in the West Indies. Following this, Col. Stephenson earned a bachelor's degree from Emporia College in 1921.

He married Elsie Marie Atchison, a graduate of the University in the spring 1924, in Greenburg, Kans. He coached four years at Capitol Hill and was appointed Capitol Hill Junior High School vice principal.

Then came another call to war in 1940, he entered World War II, and retired from the military in 1955.

Marie passed away in December 1979., Col now makes his home in Superbia, [Note: this profile was taken from The Town Crier, Superbia's newletter and was written by Avis Porter]



... Complied and transcribed by Marti Graham, 2009.

Complied and transcribed by Marti Graham, 2009.
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Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
Home Page last updated: 08 Jan 2025
This page updated: 08 Jan 2025


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