Oklahoman Archives
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
May 26, 1954Retired Farmer Dies in Choctaw
Rites Thursday
William Perry Wells, 81-year-old retired farmer of Choctaw,
died in his home Tuesday of a cerebral hemorrhage. He had been
in failing health since suffering a stroke three weeks ago.
Services will be at 2 pm Thursday in the Shilling's Mission
Baptist church. Burial will be in Sunny Lane cemetery under
direction of the Garrison funeral home.
Wells was born in Ohio and came to Oklahoma as a boy. He
lived at Chandler before moving to Choctaw 25 years ago. Wells
was a member of the Baptist church.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Margarite Wells, of the
home; four sons, Marshall and Val Wells, both of Choctaw; John
Wells, Napa, Calif., and Sherron Wells, Wynnewood; three
daughters, Mrs. Dora Becker, Hollywood, Calif.; Mrs. Viola East,
910 SE 22, and Mrs. Jessie Bait, San Francisco. Calif.; 19
grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Burial was at
Sunnylane Cemetery.

cemetery stone image found
I searched the newspaper every way I
could think and did not find her obituary.
... Complied and transcribed by Marti Graham, 2009.
Complied and transcribed by Marti Graham, 2009.