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Updated: 08 Jan 2025
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Obit Index
Updated: 16 Mar 2013
Created:  10 Mar 2010

Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
August 7, 2004, p 1A

Oklahoma ties

Local Marine killed in Mideast

Mary Sneed said her grandson planned to return to his Nicoma Park home in September for his first vacation from fighting since Christmas.

"We were all going to get together when Joey came home next month," Sneed said. "We'll just have to get together a month earlier for bad reasons."

Sneed learned Wednesday her grandson died that day as a result of enemy action.

The Marines would not release additional information regarding his death.

"'Joey ain't gone,'" Sneed told herself when she learned her grandson was dead. "'Joey's going to call me tomorrow.' Joey didn't call."

Sneed said she raised Nice and his two brothers from the time Nice was 5 years old. In 1998, she brought the boys to Oklahoma.

Nice enlisted in the Marines after he graduated from Choctaw High School in 2003.

He was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division, Marine Expeditionary Force, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, Calif.

"The Marines was his life," Sneed said. "If you didn't know any better, you'd think he was in the Marines for 30, 40 years. That's how devoted he was."

Nice was born in Newark, Ohio, where his father, Lloyd, still lives.

"All through his life he wanted to do something for his country," Lloyd Nice said. "He's told me several times after he got out of high school he wanted to join the service and be a part of defending his country. He's made his family very proud."

Lloyd Nice said he last talked to his son 2 1/2 weeks ago.

"He wanted to know how I was dealing with him being over there," he said. "He just wanted to let me know he's fine and he's well. He was waiting to come back home."

Cody Largent, 20, of Choctaw said he was Joseph Nice's best friend throughout junior high and high school.

"He was willing to fight for his country, and he was willing to do what he had to do. He paid the price," Largent said.

Nice joined the Marines as a way to pay for his education. He planned to attend the University of Oklahoma and become a lawyer when he finished his service, Sneed said.

"Joey wanted to be somebody," Sneed said. "His life wasn't finished."

Birth: Apr. 6, 1985, Newark, Licking County, Ohio, USA
Death: Aug. 4, 2004, Iraq

Lance Cpl. Joseph L. Nice of Nicoma Park, Oklahoma lived with his grandmother, Mary Sneed in Nicoma Park, Oklahoma during his high school years graduating from Choctaw High School in 2003. He was a member of the soccer team and played saxophone in the marching band. He loved video games, fishing and hanging out with his friends. Joe enlisted in the Marines in December of 2002 and left for boot camp in San Diego, California in June of 2003. He seemed to be interested in everything. The straight-A student played the saxophone, was learning the drums, drew landscapes and played several sports. He dreamed of becoming a lawyer, and a Marine. He was fulfilling his dream. He stood his ground on what he wanted out of life. His grandmother often joked around with him, gently chiding Joe when he'd spend an hour in the bathroom to make sure everything was "just so." Joe used to cook for her. She was planning a belated birthday party for him upon his return. Joe was the son of Lloyd Lee Nice and Marilyn Ames Nice. Joe was preceded in death by his grandfather, Henry Sneed. He was killed at age 19 by enemy action in Anbar province, Iraq while serving his country in the United States Marines.

Burial: Arlington Memory Gardens


Marine Lance Cpl. Joseph L. Nice

Fallen Heroes Memorial: Marine Lance Cpl. Joseph L. Nice

God's Marines | Lance Cpl. Joseph L. Nice







Source: The Oklahoman.

Contributed by Marti Graham, March 2007. Information posted as courtesy to researchers. The contributor is not related to nor researching any of the above.


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