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Your Guide To Oklahoma County Oklahoma Genealogy
Part of the OKGenWeb Project

Created by Marti Graham on: 08 Jan 2025
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Oklahoman Archives
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
JOctober 21, 1951, pg 21



Services will be at 3 pm Monday in Guardian funeral home for Mrs. Rena Boucher Boring,  67m  who died Saturday in St. .Anthony hospital. Burial will be in Fairlawn Cemetery.

Mrs. Boring, wife of E. N Boring, independent oil operator lived at 609 NE 18. She had been ill more than two months.

Born in Raymond. S. D.. she came to Oklahoma City with her family in 1889. She had lived here most of her life. except for several years in Clinton. She was an active member of St. Luke's Methodist church.

Surviving are her husband of the home; two daughters, Mrs. Stewart Miller, 1516 N. Western. and Mrs. Albert Bailey. 901 NW 38: a son. L . M. Boring. Quanah. Texas; twin sisters. Mrs. J. R. Atchison. 1440 NW 48, and Mrs. H. H. King. Kansas City, Mo. and four grandchildren.

Oklahoman Archives
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
June 16, 1956, pg 5

Retired Oilman E. M. Boring  Is Dead al 76

E. M. Boring. 76 year-old retired oilman of 609 NE 18 died Friday morning in Mercy hospital following a lengthy illness.

Rites will be in Guardian funeral home at I0 am Monday. Burial will be in Fairlawn Cemetery.

Born in Freeman, Mo., he came to Oklahoma about 1905. settling at Shawnee. He moved to Clinton a short time later and remained there until moving in Oklahoma City in 1925.

Since that lime Boring, had operated his own independent oil business until becoming ill two years ago. He was a Mason. Shriner and belonged to Oklahoma City Golf and Country club. He was a member of St Luke's Methodist church.. His wife, Rena. died four years ago.

Survivorss are Iwo daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Boring Miller. of the home: Mrs. Albert C. Bailey, Berwyn. Pa.; a son. L. M. Boring. Quanah. Texas;  a brother. L. J. Boring. San Diego, Calif.. and five grandchildren. 

... Contributed by Marti Graham, Transcriber, 07/27/2012. Information posted as courtesy to researchers. The contributor is not related to nor researching any of the above.  

||| Revised: 05/28/17

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Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
Home Page last updated: 08 Jan 2025
This page updated: 08 Jan 2025


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