City Aviator Killed in Crash
Lieut. A. J. Kennedy Dies in Ohio Mishap
Lieut. Arnel J. Kennedy, 26-year-old son of Mrs.
E. C. Kennedy, 1310 Northwest Sixth street, was
one of four army pilots killed Wednesday when
their planes crashed in flames during a blinding
snowstorm on farms six miles west of Lima, Ohio.
All four pilots were members of the army air
corps ferry command and the army air base at
Wayne county airport, Detroit, reported they
were on a ferry trip when the crashes occurred.
Officials Blame Weather
The ships fell within a half-mile radius, three
of them in open fields and one in a woods. All
burst into flames, preventing rescuers from
reaching them immediately.
Two planes crashed 100 yards apart on the farm
of I. H. Lutz, The Associated Press stated.
Another crashed 50 yards from the home of Byron
Heffner, farmer.
"There was a flash so bright it seemed to darken
the electric lights In my house,” Mrs. Lutz said.
Army air corps officials gave no explanation of the
causes for the crashes, other than that of weather.
Formerly Lived at Carnegie Other pilots killed, all
second lieutenants. were Edward H. Saunders, 26
years old; flight leader, Lake Village, Ark.; Eugene
H. Anderson, 23, Kewanee. 111., and Earl A. Houser.
23. Pesotum, Ill.
Lieutenant Kennedy graduated from high school at
Carnegie and attended Oklahoma A. and M. college,
(Continued on Pate 2. Column 2)
City Aviator Is Killed in Crash
water. He took his primary air training at Ontario,
Calif. and received his commission January 9, at
Stockton, Calif.
A brother, I. D. Kennedy, works in the Boeing
airplane plant at Wichita. Kan. Other survivors are
three sisters , Mrs. Ola Mae Downing, home address.
Mrs. Leona Lyles.. Brownfield. Texas, and Mrs. Elmer
Hooker, Carnegie.