11 Dec 2013
03 Apr 2012
Oklahoman Archives
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
January 28, 1974, pg 23
Howard Muse Funeral Rites To Be Today
Services for Howard W. Muse, _6, of 28 SE 33, will
be at 10 am Monday at South Lindsey Baptist Church
with burial In
Lane Cemetery, directed by Hunter Funeral Howe.
He died Saturday at South Community Hospital.
Muse was born in Texas and moved lo Oklahoma City in
1935. He was former employee of the Kansas City,
Mo., water department and a member of the South
Lindsay Baptist Church.
He is survived by his wife, Helen: a son. Donald
Ray. Custer City; two daughters. Mrs. Sammie Sue
Johnson, Lubbock. Tex., and Mrs. Wynonn Davis,
Alamogordo. N.M.; throe brothers. Jud. Oklahoma
City; Gay, Altus, and Tom, Whittier, Calif., and
three sister Mrs. Alva Gideon and Mrs. Bertie
Shoopman, both of Oklahoma City, and Mrs. Virginia
Previn, Stillwater.
Contributed by Marti Graham, Transcriber, . Information posted as courtesy to researchers. |