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Your Guide To Oklahoma County Oklahoma Genealogy
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Created by Marti Graham on: 08 Jan 2025
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Updated: 14 May 2017
Created:  14 May 2017

!!! 05-02-2017 I did not find an obit either person
 source: Oklahoman Digital Archives (newspaper)



Oklahoman Archives
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
July 05, 1957; Page: 54

Rites for Mrs. Barbara Ann Camp, 20, of Edmond, will be Friday, 10 am at the Nicoma Park First Baptist church, under direction of Midwest City funeral home. Burial will be at Arlington Memorial Park cemetery. Mrs. Camp was killed Tuesday in an auto accident on NE 23. She was riding in a car driven by her husband, Leonard, 24, a student at Central State college, Edmond. She belonged to Nicoma Park Baptist church.

Surviving are her husband, of the home; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Haught, Nicoma Park; two brothers, Donald, of Manhattan Beach. Calif.;,  and Johnny W., Nicoma Park: a sister. Lois Carol Haught, also of Nicoma Park, and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Hughes and Mrs. Priscilla Haught, all of Choctaw.

Oklahoman Archives
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
July 3, 1957, pg 26
Auto _Collisions Kill 2 Women
Two Oklahoma county women were killed Tuesday in separate accidents....

MRS. BARBARA CAMP, 20, of Edmond.

The Harrah woman died of a skull fracture after her car and another collided four miles north of Warwick on SH 40. Driver of the other car, William S. Murphy, 45, and a passenger, A. H. Lawson, 63. both of 2423 Mulligan drive in Oklahoma City, were taken to Wellston for treatment of injuries described as serious by the highway patrol.

Mrs. Camp, an expectant mother, was killed about noon in a splintering head-on collision which also injured her husband and a California family of four. The accident happened in the 9700 block NE 23. The victim's husband, 24-year-old Leon Camp, a student at Central State college, suffered a broken leg and multiple cuts.

Trooper Pat Walsh of the highway patrol said. the crash happened near the crest of a hill. Critically hurt with a skull fracture, internal injuries, and both legs broken was an occupant of the other car, Mrs. Emma R. Joyner, 36, of Venice, Calif.

Her husband. Henry, 41, the driver, suffered internal injuries, and their son, Mike 12, and daughter, Mary, 16 received broken legs.






... Contributed by Marti Graham, Transcriber, . Information posted as courtesy to researchers.


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If you find other information on the web or elsewhere that might be appropriate for this page, please let me know.
I'm am particularly interested journals or other records of movement into Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
Home Page last updated: 08 Jan 2025
This page updated: 08 Jan 2025


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