08 Jul 2017
Created: 08 Jul 2017
Oklahoman Archives

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
June 24, 2017, pg 6A
Tucker, Chaley Glenn III, 62, program manager at
Tinker Air Force Base, died June 10. Memorial
services 3 p.m. Saturday, Sooner East Church of
Christ, Oklahoma City (Bill Eisenhour NE, Oklahoma

Oklahoman Archives
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
June 24, 2017
Glenn Tucker III was born May 18, 1955 in Salida,
Colorado to parents
Chaley Glenn
Tucker, Junior and Mary Lou Wright Tucker. He
went by Chaley to some, but his family knew him as
Glenn. He graduated from Choctaw High School in 1973
before attending Oklahoma State University. He
retired in 2014 following thirty-plus years of civil
service at Tinker Air Force Base. He was the beloved
husband of Melanie Tucker, whom he knew in high
school; however, it wasn't until they were
reacquainted in January 2000 that their loving
relationship would begin…just after duck season of
When Glenn joined Melanie in life he also embraced
her two sons, Daniel Martin, Ben Martin and
daughter-in-law Crystal Martin. Like most sons they
gave him both grief and joy, but nothing is more
joyous than grandchildren. Glenn had special
relationships with all of his grandchildren. He
could be found riding the lawn mower with grandson
Brady, debating who was really the boss with
granddaughter Caitlin, playing patty-cake with
grandson Jack, or challenging granddaughter Cassidy
to a foot race (just to watch her run).
He left this earth on June 10, following a sudden
illness. Glenn will live on in our hearts and will
forever be missed.
There will be a celebration of Glenn's life on June
24th at 3:00 PM at the Sooner East Church of Christ,
10620 SE 29th , Oklahoma City, OK 73130.