Fairland, Okla. Newspapers 1904 - 1910
The following is a series of excerpts from the Local News section of
Fairland, OK newspapers from 1904 to 1910.
Although the papers were published
weekly, we will post these excerpts so that it will not take six years to post
them all.
(see note at bottom from transcriber.)
The Newsboy, 27 January 1904, Fairland, I.T. John T. Newport, Editor and Publisher.
Transcribed by Norman James, norman@pcomposer.com
Aus. WYFORD had business at Vinita Tuesday, last.
C. C. WHITE and family have moved back to Vinita.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel RYCROFT visited Vinita Monday last.
D. W. VANN and S. F. CAMPBELL were Vinita visitors Monday.
Mrs. J. J. DUNCAN visited in Afton and Vinita the first of the week.
The young people enjoyed a dance at VANN’S hall last Wednesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex COX of Afton were the guests of Sam MAY and wife Sunday and Monday.
L. D. LONG received some fine monument stone from St. Louis one day last week. He now has contracts for three monuments.
A. F. LOUX and wife went to Afton last Sunday to attend the wedding of Mrs. Loux’s sister, Miss Bell SHEPHERD to Mr. Arch DUNAWAY.
MACK FIELDES was the lucky man to draw the sewing machine at John A. CHERRY’S last Tuesday. Ticket No. 151 got the machine and Mack had bought it from Ray STACKS for 5 cents.
Mrs. T. E. JONES, aged 68, who lived with her husband on the C. G. BRAUGHT place south of town, died on the 14th inst of consumption. They are old settlers in the community and highly respected citizens.
Dr. Deans reports the recent arrival of a girl baby at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jones south of town.
Attorney Joe FRENCH and sister of Pierce City, were visiting their sister Mrs. J. T. CHAMBERS, the first of last week.
Prof. HENDERSON was called to the death bed of a sister in Missouri last Saturday and was away until Wednesday, during which time there was no school in his room.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. BUSH who recently moved from here to Kentucky, have received the sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. BUSH. We have not learned the particulars.
Dick COOLEY and Miss Ida MILLER braved the winter’s wind and icy roads and drove to Miami one day last week, where they were quietly made husband and wife. The Newsboy extends congratulations.
Dr. VAN DEVEER’S driving team became annoyed by being left to stake oats Wednesday night, and broke loose with the buggy. The Doctor followed in hot pursuit all night long but never did overtake them. The next morning they were standing at Joe SIMPSON’S lot gate looking lank and lean. The boys say Doc made about seventeen trips to a certain house about a mile west of town looking for them.
The following are the cash prices being paid for farm products by Fairland buyers this week:
Wheat………….…...…$1.00 bu
Oats………………...……25c bu
Corn…………………..…40c bu
Hay……………………5.00 ton
Potatoes……………….1.00 bu
Sweet potatoes……...…1.00 bu
Turnips…………………35c bu
Cabbage…………………2c lb
Hens……………………..5c lb
Springs……….………6-1/2c lb
Roosters……………12-1/2c lb
Turkeys…………………10c lb
Eggs…………………….21c doz
Butter……………………20c lb
Goose feathers…………40c lb
Duck feathers…………..35c lb
Apples………………….1.00 bu
The Newsboy, 9 September 1904, Fairland, I.T. John T. Newport, Editor and Publisher.
Excerpts from the Local News section
Sam AMES left Monday for Kansas.
L. D. LONG had business at Vinita, Monday.
Miss Nora COOK visited in Afton the first of the week.
Mrs. J. H. SKILLMAN leaves this week to make her home in Kas.
Cude HARLAN and Chas. SCHOCK went to Vinita Monday to play ball.
Stanley MOORE made his regular visit to Pleasanton, Kas., Sunday last.
Orville DEWEY is now delivery man for J. A. CHERRY. We miss him very much.
W. A. SIMPSON returned to Phillipsburg, Mo., Sunday, and will move here soon.
Ellsworth MOORE has been on the puny list this week and Bert gets to read the postal cards.
B. M. GOINS, with his family, are visiting Rev. J. H. HOGAN, of Maysville, Ark., this week.
Mrs. S. B. BUSH and daughter Miss Ora, returned last week from their visit up in Missouri.
Mrs. DONNELLY and daughter of Vinita, visited Mr. and Mrs. Press SMITH of Oseuma, Sunday.
Prof. HENDERSON has moved into the SETTERSTRUM property to the rear of the Mercantile building.
Mrs. A. C. MARSHALL returned to her home in Oklahoma Monday after an extended visit in Fairland.
Rev. DUNCAN filled his regular appointment at this place last Sunday, but not being well, his place was filled Sunday night by Rev. PETERS.
If the Newsboy is any better than common this week, you will remember the editor has had no help and has been three thirds sick all week.
Mrs. NEWPORT has been quite sick this week.
It’s a new boy at the home of Jess THOMAS, east of town.
H. C. HAYSE of Seneca is our lumberman while Bill HAMILTON takes in the fair at St. Louis.
John McDARIS has sold his resident property to J. L. ATKINSON, and has bought the ROUTH property. Mr. ATKINSON will move to town.
A. W. ROBERTS, living south of town, made the Newsboy smile the latter part of last week by presenting us with a nice watermelon. He also left some fine ears of corn of his growing.
Cal JAMES was in Vinita, between trains Tuesday.
Prof. F. P. MARSH began his school at Oseuma, Monday.
Rev. SIMONS will preach at the Christian Church next Sunday, morning and evening.
The Newsboy, 16 September 1904, Fairland, I.T. John T. Newport,
Editor and Publisher.
Excerpts from the Local News section
Mrs. F. M. CONNER visited in Vinita, Saturday.
Prof. HENDERSON orders the Newsboy to his home.
Fred WARREN renews his faith in the Newsboy’s future.
Rainey EVANS and Andy MILLER are new Newsboy readers.
B. M. GOINS and family returned from Maysville, Ark., Sunday.
Miss Fay MILLER visited Mrs. N. J. BRADLEY of Miami, the first of the week.
Mrs. Bolt RAINEY left for home in Tulsa, Saturday after a visit with friends in Fairland.
Ott SMITH was up from Vinita Monday and before returning enrolled for the Newsboy.
Station Agent SWEENEY moved in the MARSHALL property on South Main street last week.
Henry HICKOX orders the good little Newsboy to his cousin, E. L. HICKOX of Friendship, N. Y.
R. L. ROGERS, Frank ATKINSON and Sam BARGER are subscribers to the Newsboy since last week.
Charley LONG is a very sick boy this week, with the fever.
Scott and Miss Edna AUDRAIN went to Seneca last Wednesday.
Jim BAKER and Vol GOINS are now subscribing to the Newsboy.
Oliver PRICE left Wednesday for Sapulpa to try his hand at railroading.
Pink WALKER, one of our prosperous farmers north of town, made a trip to Seneca, last Saturday.
W. ANGEL of Ogeechee had six head of cattle killed by the cars last Saturday. That’s what we call a butcher strike.
W. B. HAMILTON returned from the World’s Fair Saturday with and ugly eye and minus a hat. Explanations are in order.
Mammy LANFORD, accompanied by J. D. CROCKETT and wife of Afton, visited W. O. LANFORD and wife at Parsons, Kas., Sunday last.
Ed COWELS of near Echo, was in town Saturday and enrolled for the Newsboy. Ed is erecting a new house on his allotment. Looks rather suspicious.
Rev. Robert SIMONS of Chetopa, Kas., preached at the Christian church last Sunday and Sunday night. Rev. HANER is in Marshfield, Mo., holding a revival.
E. C. MALONE, who moved with his family to San Angelo, Tex., several months ago, returned last week to remain. Verily there is no place like the B. I. T.
The Welch Star says: Miss Della JAMES of Fairland, was the guest of Mrs. E. N. WILLIAMSON Sunday, while en route to the Banner school northeast of town where she will teach this winter.
Dick CROTZER had business at Vinita, yesterday.
R. A. YOUNGER the Photographer from Afton is here to remain until Tuesday Morning.
Jas. SUMMERVILLE orders the Newsboy for himself and a copy to his brother at Chillicothe, Mo.
L. W. YANCY and wife of Oklahoma, stopped off yesterday on their return from the World’s Fair, for a short visit.
R. R. ROGERS, another good farmer south of town subscribes to the Newsboy this week.
The young ladies of the public school, we are informed, have organized a basket ball team. Fairland just will keep in the procession.
Out of the 49 grand and petit jurors drawn for the October term of court, Fairland gets 1, viz, Crawford CONNER, a petit juror. Ben CHANDLER of Ogeechee is a grand juror.
G. W. ROUTH and family, and Robt. ROBERTS, left yesterday for Vale,
Oregon, where they will make their home. Sorry to lose such good
neighbors and citizens. The Newsboy follows them.
The Newsboy, 23 September 1904, Fairland, I.T. John T. Newport,
Editor and Publisher.
Excerpts from the Local News section
Walter WILMUTH is a new reader of the Newsboy.
John A. CHERRY is visiting his farm in Missouri, this week.
Sam F. CAMPBELL is in St. Louis this week buying new goods.
Dr. J. G. VANDEVEERE, of Kentucky, has located in Fairland, and will practice with Dr. ADAMS.
W. A. CROCKETT and family have moved to Choteau, where Mr. CROCKETT has a position in a store.
Frank BYRD has been on the sick list this week and Dillon HOLT has managed his place of business.
O. A. SMITH was up from Vinita, Monday.
L. D. FLINT had business in Vinita, Monday.
Mrs. M. A. DAVIS went to Wyandotte Monday evening.
Dr. BYRD came up from Vinita Sunday evening on a visit.
Marion TAYLOR is another new subscriber to the Newsboy.
Price JAMES has accepted a position with John A. CHERRY.
Mrs. NEWPORT and her sister Miss Cook, visited in Afton last Tuesday.
Fred WARREN and Cal JAMES were seeing the sights in Vinita, Sunday last.
Shade WALLEN has moved into the property recently vacated by Wm. CROCKETT.
Rev. DUNCAN and Presiding Elder SIMS, held quarterly conference here Wednesday.
Walter BROCK dropped in last Saturday and added his name to our subscription list.
Wiley PENDERGAFT and family left Sunday for Oregon where they expect to make their home.
Rev. SIMONS of Chetopa, Kas., will preach at the Christian church next Sunday, morning and evening.
Marion TAYLOR and Walter BROCK went to Miami, Tuesday with two loads of apples and sweet potatoes.
C. L. RICH was in town last Saturday and got himself enrolled for the Newsboy before leaving. Who’ll be next?
Rev. J. H. HOGAN was in town the first of the week. It is not known yet whether he will accept the call of the Baptist people or not.
J. L. BURNS writes from Palmer, Tex., that his brother Stanley was shot in the shoulder with a load of squirrel shot during a row on the 17th, but does not think it fatal. He also included a dollar to keep his paper coming another year.
Jim CHANDLER is a new name on our list.
The stork visited the home of Clyde SHEPHERD last Tuesday evening and left a fine 8 lb boy. Dr. JAMES was in attendance.
B. C. HUMBLE of near Wyandotte, was a caller at our office Monday last. Mr. Humble protests the innocence of his daughter, Miss Emma, who was charged with infanticide, a few weeks since. If the reports are untrue a gross injustice has been perpetrated upon the girl and her parents, and the Newsboy will be found ready to help to right the wrong impressions that may have gained circulation.
The Newsboy, 30 September 1904, Fairland, I.T. John T. Newport,
Editor and Publisher.
Excerpts from the Local News section
Next Sunday is Rev. DUNCAN’S regular appointment.
Bill WORMINGTON has gone to Joplin in search of riches.
Joe HARRISON came in from Joplin Sunday to visit his folks.
Sam RYCROFT, JR., made a trip to Neosho, Sunday, returning Tuesday.
Miss Minnie MOSS came down from Neosho Tuesday last and will make her home her for awhile at lease.
You won’t be in fashion if you don’t get a phone.
Jas RAY is a new reader of the popular little Newsboy.
John CHAMBERS and his mother left Monday for a visit at Tulsa and Weleetka.
Mrs. W. D. GIBSON has moved into the AUDRAIN property on North Main street.
Geo, RHONEMUS has an “ad” in this issue. Read it and give him your patronage.
Rev. SIMONS filled his appointment at the Christian church Sunday and Sunday night.
Coxie PRICE has been at home this week singing lullabies to the new arrival at his home.
The baskets and ball for the school girls’ basket ball team has arrived and there will likely be something doing on the campus these days.
Last Sunday evening being Aunt Martha EVANS’ sixty-second birthday, a number of her friends gave her a little surprise by coming in and spending the evening with her. A very pleasant time was had.
Only eighteen persons in Fairland went on record last Sunday as being in favor of making this a prohibition state. Is it possible that this is all? Certainly not. Let the remainder come out next Sunday afternoon. Now is the time to show your colors. Now is the time to act.
Fairland Newsboy, 7 October 1904. John T. Newport, Editor and Publisher.
The Local News section transcribed by Norman James
John McCULLOUGH was a Vinita visitor Tuesday.
Part of the material for the telephone has arrived. The Newsboy speaks for Phone No. 1, and possibly another one.
J. E. GRANDSTAFF and Ben JOHNS made a t rip down among the hills this week.
Drs. ADAMS and VANDEVERE, and Mayor GROUPE had business at Vinita, Wednesday.
George HOLT captured a large Bull snake on his way to town yesterday, nearly five feet long.
H. G. NATION, P. V. SUTTON and Sydney CAMPBELL are among World’s fair visitors this week.
Fairland Newsboy, 11 November 1904. John T. Newport, Editor and
Miss Mary GARRETT visited in Vinita Saturday.
Miss Edna AUDRAIN visited at Vinita, Saturday.
W. J. THOMAS remembered us financially this week.
Thanks to Walt WILMUTH for a big silver wheel on subscrip.
We acknowledge financial favors from Wm. HOWELL of Oseuma.
John McDARIS returned from his visit to Missouri last Saturday.
Clyde FREEMAN and mother returned Sunday from the World’s Fair.
Dr. JAMES was in Vinita on business the latter part of last week.
PROF. R. H. HENDERSON has our thanks for dollar on subscription.
Jimmy WEIR returned Saturday from a two weeks visit at Centralia.
Rev. HOGAN filled his regular appointment at Narcissa last Sunday.
Carl ALLEN came in the first of the week from Oklahoma where he has been all summer.
Mrs. Henry KEIFER went to Nowata last Saturday to see one of her grandchildren who was quite sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe SIMPSON attended the funeral of Mrs. Simpson’s brother south of here the first of the week.
Dr. ADAMS informed us Saturday of the arrival of a brand new boy baby at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam AMES.
Robert BOLDEN and Chas. WESTON of Texas have been visiting the GOINS families in this community in the past week.
Rev. DUNCAN called in his appointment Sunday morning in courtesy to Rev. HAYMES, as it was his first Sunday.
Dr. FORD and wife came in from Kingston the latter part of last week, and the Doctor is looking after the store while his wife and brother John is in attendance at the World’s Fair.
Fairland Newsboy, 23 May 1905. George L, Miller, Editor and Publisher.
N. J. BRADLEY was over from Miami Monday.
Bob KELLY of Miami was on our streets Monday.
Garrett JAMES made a business trip to Vinita Tuesday
Orn OVERTON went to Neosho Saturday to pick berries.
Dr. FARRAR (Dentist) makes Fairland every other week.
Birt KEARNY spent Sunday with his family.
Some old papers at this office 20c per hundred.
Mrs. J. S. Campbell made a short trip to Vinita, Wednesday.
J. H. HOGAN returned Monday from a weeks visit at Wyandotte.
Miss Anna ENGLAND of Afton visited Miss Ida Long Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs. STOVER returned from a short visit in Miami Monday.
Carroll MOORE made a business trip to Afton last Friday night.
Rev. DUNCAN preached to a goodly crowd at Shiloh last Sunday.
Mr. Geo. WHITE was up from Vinita visiting the Spraul family Sunday.
A. G. DUMAS is improving his residence by the addition of a large front porch.
John LOWERY made a trip to Miami Sunday.
Dr. Lamons made a business trip to Miami, Tuesday.
H. C. FALKENBERY passed through our little city Tuesday on his way to Miami.
Mrs. S. B. ROGER of Ogeechee came up to out city Monday to do some trading.
Wm. RICH and wife spent two or three days this week visiting friends in Webb City, Mo.
Mrs. E. T. SWENEY and daughter Inis and Mrs. Jerry LOOKEBILL, made a short visit to Afton Monday.
Miss Jennie BRADLEY who has been visiting her aunt Mrs. WALLEN returned to her home in Miami, Monday.
V. C. BLACK of Joplin, Mo., came down Sunday to spend two or three days with his Bro. on Grand river.
Home mission society of the M. E. S. church met with Mrs. DUNCAN at the parsonage Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs SMITH returned to Vinita Monday after a short visit with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs NIDIFFER.
Jas. WHITE, Wm. SUTTON, John CHANDLER and L. D. FLINT returned Saturday morning from Seneca where they had been on business.
Mrs. WALLEN, Fay MILLER, Maud WALLEN, Curtis BUSH, Lonny and Lucy WALLEN left Saturday night for the berry fields at Neosho.
P. V. HOWARD and wife made a short visit to Afton Wednesday afternoon. Mr. H. says they had a heavy hail storm near Afton on Monday.
Dr. ADAMS of Porter, I.T., was in town the first of the week calling on old acquaintances.
J. V. FORD was quite sick Monday not being able to open the Drug store but was down Tuesday morning bright and early.
Grandpa Harden is kept busy holding the door of his storm house open for the neighbors to run and seek refuge from the clouds and rain.
Birt MOORE, Fred WARREN and W. B. HAMILTON went to Vinita Sunday to see the ball game. The boys say the game was worth looking at.
Miss Bertha DONILS who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiccock’s for some time returned to her home in Siloam Springs Saturday evening.
C. C. WHITE shipped his household goods to Vinita the first of the week. Mr. W. has a good position in the Electric Light and Ice plant of that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. HUTCHINS and daughter Ruie and Mr. and Mrs. Al HINEMAN of Benton, Ill. Arrived Wednesday on an extended visit with Carroll MOORE and family.
Home mission society of the Southern Methodist church will give and Ice cream and Strawberry supper in the Ford building Saturday evening May 27th. Everybody invited.
Friends of Mrs. R. C. HOLT have heard from her at Newton, Mo., which communication states that she is slowly improving. Mrs. Holt has a large number of friends in this vicinity who wish for her a speedy recovery.
A. B. KIMBALL has ordered the News sent to his Bro. in Manhattan, Kan. A. B. wants his family “Back Home’ to know what his town is doing and knows of no better way to inform them by sending them the News.
Mr. P. M. BOND was up from Grand River Monday and took Mrs. SNORGRASS, his daughter, Miss Imogene and Master Dois MOORE home with him for a week’s visit.
S. D. ALLEN representative of Fairland Marble Works drove up from Pryor Creek Saturday to consult with the “House”. Mr. Allen reports everything flourishing in his line.
Dr. and Mrs. SNORGRASS and little daughter Imogene drove over from Centralia Saturday. The Doctor returned Monday and left Mrs. Snorgrass to visit friends and relatives for a month.
Miss Clara Brown of Unionville, Mo., who has been spending a couple of weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred WARREN of our city left Tuesday for Albia, I. T.
Rev. DUNCAN left Tuesday for Vinita from there he expected to go on to Muscogee to attend Southern Methodist conference which is being held at that place.
Dave ROSS was here the first of the week visiting W. A. DEANS. Mr. Ross is from the ill fated city of Snyder, I. T., and says that words cannot picture the horrors of the recent tornado.
Scot NANCE was on the streets last Monday for the first time for a month or six weeks. Mr. Nance shows the effect of a long spell of sickness but it is hoped he may be favored with a speedy recovery.
Walter BREEDLOVE was down from Ogeechee yesterday.
W. F. MAHOOD left last evening for Neosho to try the Berry fields.
Mr. CRAWFORD and wife returned yesterday from a short visit in Springfield, Mo.
Rev. HOGAN will preach the Memorial Sermon at the Baptist church Sunday, May 28.
Rev. HANNER will preach Saturday and Sunday nigh at the Christian church. We made a mistake concerning this appointment last week.
Fairland Newsboy, 2 June 1905. George L, Miller, Editor and Publisher.
Frank CONNER had business in Vinita Monday.
Lon SCOT of Wyandotte was in town Tuesday.
Isaac NIDIFFER has a good farm to rent. See him.
Sam AMES had business in Vinita Wednesday.
Dowell FLINT made a business trip to Vinita Monday.
H. G. NATION made a business trip to Vinita Monday.
Charlie WALLEN left Wednesday evening for Granby, Mo.
Dr. FARRAR makes Fairland every other week
J. A. CHERRY went to Afton Sunday to witness the Ball game.
Sid CAMPBELL left Sunday evening for Pryor Creek on business.
Tom GIBSON and family returned Tuesday from the Berry fields.
Tom BOND came down from Seneca Monday to visit friends.
Mrs. S. G. CAMPBELL left Saturday evening for Tahlequah to visit her parents.
Bain HUDSON of Westville, I.T. visited Garrett JAMES Saturday and Sunday.
Jack STOVER came in Saturday evening to visit friends and relatives in our city.
Rev. DUNCAN preached to a goodly crowd at Hudson creek school house last Sunday.
A. Y. BOSWELL passed through our city Friday on his way to his house in Tulsa from St. Louis.
Clyde SHEPHERD took his children to Quapaw Friday where he expects to leave them with his father.
Ellsworth MOORE and family spent Saturday and Sunday on Grand river visiting Tom Elliott and family.
Dr. BYRD returned Sunday from a short visit in Carthage Mo. The Dr. was well pleased with the Missouri town.
Mrs. HOLT and son Dillon returned to our City Wednesday. Mrs. Holt’s health is reported to be slowly improving.
Miss Susan BIRD came in Sunday evening from Vinita to spend a short vacation with friends and relatives in our City.
Mrs. WALLEN and daughters Maud, Lonny and Lucy and the Misses Fay MILLER and Curtis BUSH returned Sunday from Neosho.
We are informed that the Rev. HANER will preach at the Christian Church next Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night. The Rev. failed to fill his last appointment here on account of a washout.
E. J. BURNS came up from Grand river last Saturday and made his Brother a present of a 23 lb. Catfish. This is one of the finest fish that has been caught in the Grand this spring.
Miss Ola Johnson came in from Afton last evening.
Thibet CHASTINE had business in Vinita Wednesday.
J. A. CHERRY made a business trip to Miami yesterday.
Oliver PRICE went to Afton Sunday to play ball.
Chas McCULLOUGH of Afton paid us a visit yesterday.
Ollie MASON. Of Afton was on our streets yesterday.
Jim LANDRUM and family returned yesterday from Neosho.
Marion CAMPBELL was in town yesterday calling on old friends.
Scot AUDRAIN left yesterday evening for Tahlequah on business.
Miss Della JAMES returned Wednesday evening from Welch where she has been teaching.
Mr. G. M. MOORE from Pleasanton Kan. Visited her son S. J. Moore our enterprising druggist Wednesday.
Rev HOGAN will conduct baptismal services near the old Saw mill site on the McCULLOUGH Spr. Branch.
Miss Permelia McCLELLAN from Summerset Kan. Came in Wednesday evening on a visit with Drs. Smith and VanDeveer.
Miss Carrie PARMER of Afton who was visiting Rev. DUNCANS the fore part of the week returned to her home Wednesday.
Miss Mattie and Blanch BARNETT arrived yesterday evening from Warrensburg, Mo. where they have been attending school.
John SIMPSON wife, Mrs. D. S. MITCHEL children and Mrs. Joe SIMPSON and children composed a fishing party to Grand river last Saturday returning Sunday evening. All report a good time.
The following are the cash prices
Being paid for farm products by
Fairland buyers this week:
Wheat………………..85c bu.
Corn………………….42c bu.
Hay…………………$5.00 ton
Potatoes……………..75c bu.
Eggs………………….11c doz
Hens……………………8c lb
Butter………………….15c lb
Fairland News, 8 September 1905
Mrs. Roland HILL of near Oseuma has been sick nigh unto death.
Elder HOGAN of Fairland is in town this week. – Miami Republican
Misses Edna and Frances AUDRAIN went to Seneca Wednesday evening.
The Masons will have work in the first and third degrees Saturday evening.
Miss Anna BYRD has gone to Pryor Creek where she teaches school this term.
J. T. HUSKISSON of Fairland was on our streets this morning. – Miami Republican
Mrs. F. M. CONNOR and Miss Etta BERRY went to Vinita to visit at Lon Connor’s.
There are only 13 rural delivery routes in the Indian Territory. The fourteenth one should be established at Fairland in the near future.
P. V. HAMMONDS and wife of Fairland are attending the Baptist Association which is being held at this place this week. – Miami Republican
Mr. GARRETT came up from Tahlequah Wednesday and he and Sidney Campbell went out to the latter’s farm about 25 miles, returning the next day.
“Bruin” DAVIS and family and Mrs. Davis’ brother, Mr. Sargeant, went to Colorado on the G. A. R. excursion. They expect to locate at Callahan, Colorado, where they will file on some land.
Fairland and Afton will play ball at Fairland Park Sunday afternoon for the amateur championship of the Cherokee Nation. Both teams have beaten everything else in the country and each has won a game from the other. Each team will enter the game with its war-paint on, and the turkey feathers may be expected to fly before the game is half over. Every over of the national game should endeavor to be present, at 2:30 p. m. Ladies admitted free.
Val GOINS is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever.
The ARNHART farm will be occupied by Val GOINS the coming year.
Dudley ELLIS of the Pioneer Telephone Co. was in town Wednesday.
John McCULLOUGH’S big new house south of town is approaching completion.
Geo. ARNHART and family leave next week for Portland, Oregon where they will make their home.
S.V. WALLEN and family have moved into the section houses. Mr. Wallen has been promoted to section boss.
Wiley MELTON, editor of the Cherokee Advocate, and wife were in Fairland Tuesday.
The Camp-meeting at Murvin’s Grove closed Sunday evening. It was very successful, thirty conversions having been made. There is strong talk of building a new church in that neighborhood.
The Telephone Company is equipping the offices of the principal users of the toll lines, among its patrons with Bell Telephones. These are furnished by the Bell company and will greatly facilitate the long distance business.
School opened Monday with 110 pupils enrolled. Mrs. Weir had 13, Miss RYCROFT 43, and Mr. McMANAMAN 24. The new principal appears to be a man of judgement and energy and will give Fairland a lot of new pointers in this school business.
Following were the carlot shipments out of Fairland during the month of August: Corn 7 cars, wheat 4 cars, hay 8 cars, machinery 1 car, lumber 1 car. Shipments in were wheat 1 car and lumber 1 car. These shipments would have been doubled but for the fact that during half the month no cars were available.
Some miscreant attempted to burn John MOORE’S house near the railroad Sunday night. Coal oil was poured on the siding and a match applied. The weather boarding was burned clear to the roof at the south side and in one place the ceiling was burned through before it was discovered by the family and extinguished. The only clues were and old quilt and the jug that contained the oil which were left on the ground near the house. There is a reasonable prospect of finding the man who did it, in fact some people claim they can name him.
George WASHINGTON left Tuesday for a visit with his parents at Skiatook, I. T.
Clyde Freeman has quit the position of bookkeeper in the Bank of Fairland.
Mr. LOOKEBALL former section foreman has removed with his family to Bolivar, Missouri.
Miss GARRISON from Pierce City, mo., began term of school at Ogeechee Monday.
Mr. J. S. CAMPBELL returned Monday from a short visit with relatives at Tahlequah.
Rev. J. L. DUNCAN and family are preparing to move to Afton to make their new home.
Bob BRADLEY has a very sore foot as a result of a too intimate acquaintance with a horse.
Miss Minnie Waits left Tuesday for Chanute, Kan., where she will spend the winter.
N. C. GALLEMORE spent Sunday in Seneca. His Niece returned with him and is spending the week here.
WANTED – to sell my inventory of stock of Groceries and Hardware. Everybody come at once. – H. G. NATION.
Lon CONNOR will visit New York this week on business with the Equitable Life Assurance Society of which he is the local representative-chieftain.
The five year old child of Rollin Hill near Oseuma died Friday of a congestive chill. The funeral was held from the house Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hill have the sympathy of all in their sad loss.
James Long died at his home in the Wyandotte Nation, Saturday, September
2nd 1905 and was buried in the family graveyard Sunday under the auspices
of Frisco Lodge No. 24 A. F. & A. M.
Mr. Long was a Wyandotte Indian born in Crawford County
Ohio near the city of Sandusky in the year 1833 and was therefore at the
time of his death 72 years of age. He was one of the original 750
Wyandottes who emigrated in 1843 to Wyandotte Kansas and there lived for
30 years. Only six of these original Emigrants survive him and one
of them, Silas ARMSTRONG P. G. M. of the Indian Territory Masons, officiated
at his funeral. Mr. Long was made a Mason at Wyandotte, Kansas fifty
years ago, and is believed to have been the oldest Territory Mason.
He came to the Territory with his tribe in 1873 and has
since made it his home. He was a man of kindly impulses and all who
knew him were his friends. His home was a pleasant one and his hospitality
open to all. Peace and plenty reigned within. The grasping
greed of modern commercial life was unknown to him. A wife and several
children survive him.
Impressive funeral services were held at the house Sunday
morning and he was laid to rest by his brethren with the beautiful Masonic
ritual. A large number of Masons and other friends were present to
pay him the last tribute of respect.
A. G. BUSH has sold the Cal James property in the north part of town to Charley Jones, consideration $400. This will make Mr. Jones a pleasant house.
Mrs. Mary HAMILTON and daughter left for Vinita where they will conduct a hotel. Mrs. Hamilton ran a fine hotel here and Fairland is sorry to lose her.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ADKINS are preparing to return to their old home in Illinois to live.
New Phones have been put in the section house and at Freeman NIDIFFER’S this week.
Mrs. John FORD returned home last week from a month’s visit at her old home in Texas. She complains of the excessive heat in that state.
The best corn in the Indian Territory is said to be that on F. M. CONNOR’S place north of town. Some of it is estimated to yield 80 bu to the acre.
The following are the cash
prices being paid for farm pro-
ducts by Fairland buyers this
Wheat……………70 to 78c bu
Corn…………………….45c bu
Hay…………………..$4.00 ton
Potatoes………………..10c bu
Eggs……………….….12c doz
Hens……………….……..8c lb
Butter…………………....15c lb
Fairland News, 22 September 1905
Local News items extracted by Norman James.
Born - Monday Sept. 11th to Mr. and Mrs. Pierce WESTON, a daughter.
A freight wreck near Claremore made the evening train three hours late Monday.
Joe WERTZ returned Saturday from a long driving trip into the oil country around Tulsa.
The Board of Equalization this year is Carroll MOORE, Tibbets CHASTAIN, and Aus DEAN.
More than fifty went from here to Vinita Friday to see Pawnee Bill’s Wild West show. They report it well worth while.
We were on a train not long ago on which there was a railroad inspector. “When you get to Fairland,” said the conductor to him, “You will find the cleanest station on the road.”
It has rained so much that Territory people have become nearly as impervious to water as those of Oregon, and it is whispered that some of them have even sprouted webs between their toes.
Charley JONES moved in his own house yesterday.
Garrett JAMES was in Afton on business Saturday.
Marvin GRANDSTAFF came down from Quapaw Sunday.
L. D. FLINT threshed his wheat the first of the week.
Miss Verna COPELAND has been quite sick with the fever.
C. HARLAN went to Welch with S. F. CAMPBELL Tuesday.
Do you need a clock or watch? Nation has them for $1.00.
C. G. JAMES visited at W. B. HILLEN’S Wednesday night.
Walter BREEDLOVE made a trip to Tahlequah the first of the week.
J. I. ADKINSON bought a span of horses from Mrs. PERRY, Wednesday.
Geo. I. MILLER, former editor of the News was in Fairland Monday.
Reuben BREEDLOVE left Monday evening for Springfield to attend college.
A. B. KIMBALL has had a bad hand this week, the result of blood poisoning.
Geo. WASHINGTON has sold 40 acres of his land to Isaac NIDIFFER, consideration $800.
Bruce GARRETT came up from Pryor Creek, Monday to visit his sister Mrs. Sid CAMPBELL.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. CASTLE went to Centralia, Tuesday to spend a few weeks with her parents.
Mrs. Frank AUDRAIN who has been seriously ill with typhoid fever is now nearly recovered.
F. M. CONNER bought a pair of two year old mules from John McCAMISH, Wednesday, paying $150 for them.
John T. NEWPORT who quit the newspaper business some weeks ago has moved to Oseuma where he is running a store.
H. W. ROBERTSON is erecting a new store building on his farm in Denmark. They expect to establish a postoffice there and call it Denmark.
Mr. KILLIAM of the Grove Milling Co. was in town last Friday and made the News office a call. The result may be found in our advertising columns.
Chas. WINTHROP, a former resident here, now chief clerk in the office of the Oswego Seed and Grain Co., at Oswego Kansas, was in Fairland on business Tuesday.
Miss Pearl VANN, John VANN and Frank AUDRAIN, Jr. left Monday evening for Springfield, Mo., where they will attend Drury College the coming year. These young people are all bright and will undoubtedly make good records in school.
Mrs. Flora ARMSTRONG of Bartlesville died Tuesday at the home of her sister in Afton. She was buried the next day at Grandpa LUNDY’S. She was a sister of Mrs. Freeman NIDIFFER of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ALDERSON and son from Monett, arrived Tuesday evening for a visit friends here. They are former residents of Fairland.
The BOWEN boys threshed their 120 acres of wheat this week. It yielded about ten bushels to the acre.
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman NIDIFFER drove to Afton Wednesday to attend Mrs. Armstrong’s funeral.
S. F. CAMPBELL left Tuesday to drive across to Welch on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. RILEY were guests at F. M. CONNOR’S Monday.
Hayden RILEY was taken quite sick in school Wednesday morning.
Cecil SHEPHERD and family moved to the VANN farm southeast of town this week.
Somebody stole two ten-dollar bills from the cash drawer in CONNER-CAMPBELL’S store Tuesday evening.
Here’s to the Fairland News. Long may it live.
Mrs. Rolland Hill is improving from her illness. Is able to set up some.
Our school is progressing nicely under the tutorship of Prof. MARSH. Thirty-seven pupils are enrolled and a number have not yet entered.
Mayor WHALEY moved with his family to Afton Monday last. His successor is J. T. NEWPORT, formerly of Fairland.
Wm. HOWELL and Buck EDENS made a business trip to Parsons, Kas. Last week.
Frank SAHARAS took the train here Tuesday for Quapaw, where he goes to make his fortune in the mines.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. SMITH were Vinita visitors one day last week.
Mrs. Houston JAMES is quite sick with the fever.
Isaac NIDIFFER will occupy the TANNER house this winter, to send his children to school
Fairland News, 29 September 1905
Local News items extracted by Norman James
Charley JONES is preparing to build a new barn.
Ask Jno. McDARIS what he did with those papers.
“Mid” GAINES of Miami was in town the first of the week.
Chas. JONES reports orders for four sets of new harness this week.
Ernest KELLY left Sunday for Vinita where he will attend school.
A. J. CHADWELL was up the first part of the week. He has a fine span of mares for sale.
L. D. LONG went to Springfield Saturday evening to negotiate the sale of a fine granite tombstone.
The extremely wet weather this summer is conducive to big pumpkin stories. One man tells of 65 pumpkins on one vine, and another has a vine 100 feet long.
The case of WAITE vs McDARIS suit on contract was tried in the Mayor’s court Saturday afternoon. After the jury had been empanelled and the testimony taken, it was discovered that there was a defect in the papers, so the case was dismissed.
Rev. J. T. Riley was in Miami, Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank AUDRAIN is very sick again.
Mrs. Lizzie WEIR was an Afton visitor Sunday.
Joe McCULLOUGH has a new force feed disk wheat drill.
R. L. HUGGINS and J. R. COPELAND were up from Denmark, Tuesday.
Miss Maggie PADEN from south of town was shopping last Tuesday.
Aurora, Mo. is happy over the discovery of zinc in a shaft 125 feet deep.
Ed SETTERSTROM was over from Seneca, and spent Sunday at Carroll Moore’s.
The Misses Susie and Anna Byrd went to Vinita Sunday for a visit with relatives.
Washouts in Missouri caused the passenger train to be three hours late Tuesday.
Mr. Jno. LOWERY had the misfortune to have a nice mare badly cut with the wire.
Carroll MOORE was in Chelsea Monday. He reports considerable oil activity there.
W. S. STANFIELD of Vinita has been appointed U. S. Attorney for this district.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. DRY left for Fittshugh, I. T. Sunday, where they will make their home.
Chas. W. FREEMAN and family left Wednesday for Shaniko, Oregon where they expect to live.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Groupe were in Miami last Friday and had to stay over a day on account of the rain.
Frank AUDRAIN’S team ran away at Riley COPELAND’S during the storm Monday evening. Some damage was done.
Henry LOWERY and family from Northwest Missouri spent Sunday at John LOWERY’S. They were on their way by wagon, going to locate further down in the Territory.
There will be a sale of vacant lots in Fairland Oct. 9th. This will likely be the last chance to buy lots at auction, as the government is closing up townsite business as rapidly as possible.
It is said that there are 800 full-blooded Cherokees tribal schools this year. This is more than have ever attended before.
D. W. VANN is sowing 125 acres of wheat this year.
Little Cleava GOINS has been quite sick with malaria.
Mrs. Chas. TURTON of Denmark is on the sick list this week.
The wife of Walter ALLEN who lives on Crawford CONNER’S place has been quite sick with a combination of neuralgia and malaria.
Perry BEESON is laying the foundation for a nice new house on his farm.
Grandma VANN is visiting her daughter Mrs. Press James, near Miami this week.
Miss Gertrude FLINT of Seneca Mo., was a guest of Mrs. W. B. HAMILTON Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed PENNINGTON returned Wednesday from Mo.
F. M. BOWEN is building and addition to his house.
D. W. VANN shipped tow cars of cattle to St. Louis this week.
John McMEHAN’S baby is very sick. It was not expected to live last night.
Jim WASHINGTON returned yesterday from Cleora where he has been at work since last spring.
Mrs. Freeman NIDIFFER returned from Vinita Tuesday.
Miss Ethel GALLEMORE of Seneca has taken a position with the Bank of Fairland. Miss Gallemore is very highly spoken of and will be cordially welcome to Fairland.
J. P. SMITH is arranging to erect a new residence this fall.
Wm. HOWELL has lost several head of cattle the past week from fever.
Mrs. Mattie TENBROOK is making her home with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. SMITH.
Wm. HOWELL and wife visited John WARD and wife in Afton last Sunday.
F. P. WALKER of Ogeechee and Buck EDENS of this place went to Welch Tuesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. SIMPSON of Fairland were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. NEWPORT Sunday
Fairland News, 13 October 1905
Local News items extracted by Norman James
J. W. CHANDLER went to Vinita Friday.
Freeman NIDIFFER’S phone number is 55.
O. J. BYRD returned from Vinita Tuesday.
S. F. CAMPBELL has a brand new top buggy.
Miss Sylvia FREEMAN has been quite sick this week.
The sick folks at Ed BARNETT’S are all getting better.
Mrs. F. M. PERRY went to Vinita Friday to visit her sister.
MRS. F. M. CONNOR and Mrs. J. T. RILEY drove to Afton Friday.
Henry KIEFFER shipped a carload of cattle to St. Louis this week.
S. T. LINCOLN and family drove to Southwest City, Mo. Friday for a visit.
A. W. HARLAN and wife spent Saturday night with friends on Hudson Creek.
F. M. CONNER and Wm. HOWELL went to Tahlequah on business Friday evening.
J. A. CHERRY returned Wednesday from a trip to St. Louis to buy fall goods.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank MILLER of Grove were in town Tuesday on their way home from Seneca.
Misses Della NIDIFFER and Edna AUDRAIN were pleasant callers at the Telephone office Saturday afternoon.
While trying to board a moving freight train Sunday morning, George ROGERS fell beneath the cars and had the toes of his right foot mashed off. He was removed to Smith & Vandever office where he was given medical attention. There have been a number of Fairland youngsters courting an accident like this for a long time and it has come at last.
Rev. J. L. DUNCAN will preach at the Baptist Church Sunday at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. and at Aurora schoolhouse at 3 p.m. Following the evening meeting a church conference will be held which every member of the church should attend as there will be business of importance to everyone.
We noticed a couple of stalks of cotton in DUMAS and NIDIFFER’S store window the other day. They grew in Mr. Dumas’s yard. They were well developed and would certainly have ripened. There is no reason this part of the country will not produce cotton if any one wants to raise it.
J. S. CAMPBELL bought a tract of land of Bruce GARRETT upon which the restrictions had been lifted yesterday. The land is located near the Vinita and Western railroad northwest of town.
The Latter Day Saint meetings in the tent on Conner Ave are well attended. Rev. Keck who has been leading them is a powerful speaker, and holds the attention of his audience throughout.
Sherman BRADLEY started to Joplin Tuesday evening to see Ringling’s circus. At Afton he found the train was nine hours late and decided that home was good enough for him.
The Republican Club will convene at Vann’s Hall, Tuesday evening, Oct. 10th, for the purpose for reorganizing and transacting any other business that may come before it.
J. R. WISE living seven miles north of town has bought lumber from the MILLER Lumber Co. to build a new house and a new barn.
The electric light and ice plant at Vinita burned Tuesday, loss $35,000. It will be quite a blow to that town.
Miss Ethel McDARIS came home on the Meteor Monday night.
Miss WEIR returned to her home in Marion, Illinois, Wednesday, after an extended visit with her brother Jos. Weir.
Complaint reaches the telephone office that certain parties on the farmer’s line south are in the habit of disturbing others who are using the lines. Perhaps these people do not know that such an offense is much a disturbance of the peace as shooting up a town. The manager has given the central operators instructions to watch for such conduct and those who will not obey the reasonable regulations of the company may be deprived of its lines.
J. S. MOORE is planning a trip to Kansas to visit relatives as soon as he recovers from the spell of sickness which is now confining him to his bed.
S. D. ALLEN returned this week from a six-week visit relatives at Wyanoka, Okla. He came in yesterday and ordered the News sent to his brother at that place.
D. L. HARLAN visited at Riley COPELAND’S Wednesday.
E. C. DEWEY’S phone number is 56.
Garrett JAMES and wife and Irving JAMES and wife left Monday to drive to Claremore, where Mr. James will try the celebrated radium water for his health. The News hopes they may all find good health and a good time.
Miss Ida ALLEN spent several days last week in Afton, the guest of Mrs. Whaley.
A Literary society was organized at the schoolhouse last Saturday night. Geo McCULLOUGH was chose president and Noah HAWK, secretary. The society will meet every Saturday night after next Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Hill returned from a few days visit with friends at Vinita.
Miss Zoe NEWPORT visited Miss Inez SWEENEY at Fairland the first of the week.
Fairland News, 20 October 1905
Local News items transcribed by Norman James
Dr. JAMES of Fairland was here yesterday – Miami Record-Herald.
S/ T/ TANNER of Centralia in town the first of the week on business.
Uncle Ab and Aunt Hilda HARLAN were visiting at Dr. Byrds over Sunday.
The case of City of Fairland vs Dad BALL was decided against the defendant.
O. L. CONNER is having extensive improvements made on his farm west of town.
Phillip SUTTON has sold his property in the north part of town to Edgar PRICE.
E. C. DEWEY brought to this office a sweet potation weighing three pounds.
Mrs. ZERBY left a few days ago for Columbus, Kansas, where she shall stay for some time.
Big Indian War and Ghost ghost dances at the Cherokee Corn Carnival, Vinita I. T. Oct. 17 – 21.
Mrs. ATKINSON has been quite sick for the past few days, the cause being rheumatism in her eyes.
Henry KIEFER of Fairland, spent Saturday in Afton, and called on the Climax. – Afton climax.
Great roping and riding contest in vinita at the Cherokee Corn Carnival, Oct. 17-21. $300 in prizes.
W. H. JONES of Grove was in town last Tuesday. Mr. Jones says crops on Cow Skin are very poor this year.
Dad Goins says that the mule buyers just had to have his mule and he made them pay for it. Consideration $190.
Lumber for New Latter Day Saint’s Church is being hauled and stone quarried preparatory to their church on Conner Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. KIMBALL and family left last week for their old home up in Kansas. Mrs. Kimball and children are to stay some weeks.
Mrs Ben HAMILTON who moved from here to Vinita some weeks ago, has returned and taken charge of the Commercial Hotel. It is about as hard for Mrs. Hamilton to get along without Fairland as it is for Fairland to do without her. We welcome her home.
H. R. GILL, Fred WALKER, Jno. HUBBARD and ex-mayor WHALEY, all of Afton were in town Tuesday. The seem to think Afton is the coming town and will be the county seat and railroad center…(illegible)… We don’t know of anybody we had rather see have these things than the Afton people – excepting ourselves.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. CROCKETT of Choteau, I.T. came in Sunday night. Mr. Crockett returned Monday, but Mrs. Crockett and children will remain a week or more visiting relatives and friends.
The infant child of Ben CHANDLER’S who had been sick with fever died last of the week and was buried in Fairland Cemetery. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved ones.
Mr. Claude WASHBURNE of near Southwest City., was up the first of the week. Mr. Washburne is a very enthusiastic advocate of double statehood.
Mrs. Jas. PADEN reports that her husband who is in Arizona seeking better health is not showing much improvement as yet.
Mrs. P. S. STOVER, of Fairland, is visiting here. – Miami Record-Herald.
Last week a man in Vinita lost $40.00 which was found and duly returned to the owner. This week Mrs. D. S. VANN lost a purse containing $18.00 and other valuables which has evidently been found but up to this date has not been restored to the owner. This is the time for some of our people to show their honesty.
Cude HARLAN who was held at Vinita pending investigation in the Harlan case, wAs in tOWn Wednesday. It now appears that none but Ed Harlan was concerned in the trouble and the case against him seems now less serious since none of the facts are known.
Mr. and Mrs. WALKINGSTICK OF Tahlequah were up last of week visiting home folks and helping care of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ben CHANDLER. The little child who died was a sister to Mrs. Walkingstick.
Mr. L. J. WILLIAMS of near Springfield, Mo. is visiting his Uncle S. A. WILLIAMS and incidentally looking at the Country with a view of locating in our midst. We hope he is pleased with our country.
Mrs. Dick SARABAS went to Vinita last Monday.
Whaley & Co. have shipped nine car loads of hay this week.
Jack Frost was quite in evidence last Wednesday morning.
A good blacksmith could do well at Oseuma. Who will give it a trial.
Bud DAWSON and Geo. McCULLOUGH are marketing second-cutting hay this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy MOORE visited in Seneca Sunday last, returning Monday.
The boys are having the smokes on Billy NICKOLS this week. Ask him why.
A horse driven by Mr. MAJOR’S children ran away Wednesday, but fortunately they were not hurt bad.
Fairland News, 27 October 1905
Local News items extracted by the old and ugly Norman James
James HUDSON went to Afton last Tuesday on business.
BORN to Mr. and Mrs. John ALLEN of Oseuma, a daughter.
Mr. Wm. CASTLE moved with his family to Centralia, Tuesday.
Henry KIEFFER took a ride on the cars down the line Monday last.
Mr. D. W. SLONIKER went to Miami this week where he is attending court.
John McCULLOUGH of Denmark was in Fairland last Monday on business.
Miss OVERBY of Miami called at Central office Sunday afternoon.
Solon JAMES of Denmark was in town last Monday looking after business.
Riley COPELAND also took the passenger train the went westward yesterday.
Mrs. WILLIAMS mother of U. G. WILLIAMS left Wednesday for her home in Missouri.
Pleas. FIELDS of Denmark was looking after business in Fairland last Tuesday.
Mrs. S. W. STREET of Seneca is visiting at the home of W. B. HAMILTON of this place.
Bill WORMINGTON came in from Joplin, Mo. where he has been working in the mines.
Dixey DUMAS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. DUMAS has got a bad case of the scarletina.
F. M. CONNER finished shucking corn last Thursday. Probably the first one in the community.
Mrs. H. T. CHASTAIN of this place is visiting her parents in Grove, Mr. and Mrs. DIAL, this week.
Cude HARLAN stepped off the train on the platform a few minutes last Monday on his way to Vinita.
A. Z. YAZER of Columbia, Mo., who purchased the Commercial Hotel at this place is her looking after business.
John HAMILTON of Vinita is in Fairland this week visiting friends and looking after some business. Mr. Hamilton is a brother to W. B. Hamilton of this place.
Mrs. W. B. HAMILTON and children left last week for Racine, Mo., where she has been visiting her mother Mrs. J. C. WEBB of that place. They returned last Monday.
Mr. Frank GAINES who has been over to Narcissa for the past few days came this week. Mr. Gaines says that Mamie Gaines daughter of Henry Gaines of that place is some better.
Mr. PENNINGTON who has recently moved to the TANNER house in the north part of town, came in last week from Missouri. Mr. Pennington has moved to Fairland with the intention of making this his future home. We welcome him in our midst.
Mrs. Samuel RYCROFT sends down for our inspection a stalk of something evidently belonging to the cane family. The same grew on their premises and reached the great height of 16 feet. Wish somebody would tell us what it is and what it’s good for.
Mr. J. L. BIXBY now as a new sheller in his mill in the west part of town. Mr. Bixby says he can supply anybody with meal or chops. All things delivered to any part of town. Phone No. 61.
Little Jeane CAMPBELL daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Campbell of this place is very sick with pneumonia fever. She is not expected to live.
Odd Fellows Lodge No. 26 visited Afton lodge last week and assisted in conferring degrees, also ate their part of the oyster supper.
It is reported that Lissa GARRISON who went home sick a few days ago, now hs typhoid fever. Hope she may soon recover.
Mr. J. R. DARBY started for Carthage with a team and sold it enroute for $225.00 and returned to Fairland.
Miss Clara LOWERY and Jessie ROUTON made a flying trip to Afton. They reported a fine time.
N. C. GALLEMORE was in Miami Wednesday, courting.
Ab HARLAN’S new barn shows up well in the east part of town.
Thos. JONES of Denmark is another Fairland visitor this week
Miss Maggie POWELL (?) was in Afton shopping Monday and Tuesday.
Uncle Dave HARLAN left yesterday on the noon train for a trip westward.
Mrs. W. H. NUMMAKER came in on the morning train Thursday.
Rolland HILL was up from Vinita, the first of the week.
Miss Gladis KAUFMAN who is staying in Afton visited home folks Sunday night.
Frank GAINES and little son Henry were down from Fairland last Saturday on business.
Mrs. H. C. WHALEY of Afton was visiting Mrs. John ALLEN on the 20 inst. a fine girl baby. Dr. SMITH of Fairland in attendance.
Mrs. Wm. HOWELL has been at the home of her daughter Mrs. Jno. WARD at Afton the past week nursing a sick grandchild.
Wm. HOWELL received news the first of the week that oil had been struck in a well in which he is interested near Bartlesville. Congratulations to you Uncle Bill.
Fairland News, 1 December 1905
Local News items extracted by the hirsute Norman James
Bill DIXON is in Fairland this week. He came in from Bluejacket.
Frank AUDRAIN left on the noon train to take a ride westward this week.
Miss Ora OVERTON, Miss Ethel PURCELL, Miss Pearl VANN, and Miss Cutis
visited the printing office yesterday.
The child of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac NIDIFFER which has been seriously sick
diphtheria is reported about out of danger.
Rev. CLARKE who has been sent to preach to the Methodist Congregations
Fairland and Miami for coming year will be in Fairland Sunday Dec.
3rd and
preach both morning and evening.
There was a dance in Fairland last night, whiskey was introduced
and there
was quite a number of fellows feeling pretty happy. There were
a few
"scraps" also, but otherwise they pulled out pretty fair.
Mr. B. M. DAVIS of Narcissa and Miss Pearl TRIECE also of that place
married last Wednesday. They are well known people of that place.
The News
extends congratulations to the newly married couple. Rev. J.
T. Riley
Gaines Bros. moved their sheller to Miami the first of the week.
Mr. McMANAMAN went to Miami last Friday evening on business.
Mr. Cude HARLAN and Mr. Fred DAVIS were down from Afton Thursday night.
Mrs. WEIR and Icy LADD went to Miami last Saturday and returned that
Scott AUDRAIN jumped off the morning train that came in from the east
Tuesday morning.
Fred WARREN formerly of this place came in from Albia last week looking
after business and renewing old acquaintances. He returned this
Maggie PADEN has been in town two or three das this week. We are
glad to have Maggie with Us.
Dr. R. F. DEAN is having some repairing made about his premises this week.
Mrs. WEIR is complaining of a bad cold this week
Geo. McCULLOUGH was a Vinita visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. Jno. HILL is quite sick and much uneasiness is felt for her recovery.
Louis BELL is contemplating a trip to Springfield soon, to visit relatives.
Henry CRAIN and two sisters visited at the FRELLICK home Sunday last.
Geo. McCULLOUGH and Ray DAWSON made a business trip to Seneca last Saturday.
Mrs. FRELLICK and Mrs. La Boyteaux visited Mrs. John ALLEN and the new
last Tuesday.
Mrs. Wm. HOWELL returned from Afton Tuesday, where she had been nursing
sick grandchild.
This community sympathizes with Mr. and Mrs. CAMPBELL over the loss
of their
little girl. But death a great reliever of pain and suffering.
Thanks to you, Mr. Oseuma Correspondent for your compliment of lat week.
ought to begin to learn something pretty soon, as my "bosses" have
all been
John VANN and Reuben AUDRAIN and VANN, all of this place came in from
Springfield, Mo. where they have been attending College, Wednesday
Fairland News, 8 December 1905
Mr. Ray BUTLER of Afton was in town Sunday last.
N. C. GALLEMORE went to Joplin on business first of the week.
Miss Loura FISHER of Lebanon, Mo. is visiting at J. B. THORNHILLS this week.
Minnie THORNHILL and Loura FISHER were visitors at this office Monday
Mr. Dillard WESTON started for Texas last Monday where he will make
his home
for a while.
Mr. Frank TANNER and William CASTLE came in from Centralia first of
the week
on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam CAMPBELL took a ride to the country yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ab HARLAN has moved to his residence in Fairland, Thursday
Miss GALLEMORE came in on the morning train Monday last from Seneca
she has been visiting.
Mr. Burn LADD of Narcissa visited Fairland Sunday last. Come again
Burn we
are glad to see you.
A large crowd attended literary at Oseuma last Saturday night and a
time was reported.
Mr. Robert BENCH and Mr. Buzz HANEY made a pleasant call at J. B. THORNHILL
Tuesday evening the family were also entertained with the graphophone.
Mr. H.G. NATION has a brand new boy. It won't be long till Mr.
Nation will
have a delivery boy of his own. That is one more Nation
that will help
fill the Nation.
There will be a box supper at the Ogeechee School-house Tuesday night
12, 1905 for the benefit of Public School at said place. Everybody
cordially invited to attend. B. T. CHANDLER, Teacher.
Mrs. Scott AUDRAIN had the misfortune to have her team runaway last
while she was on her way to Ogeechee. There was a boy driving
another team
just ahead of her started his team to run when the horses fell.
Audrain drove up to where boy's had fallen and got out of the buggy
to see
if either of the horses were hurt, when her team of horses got scared
turned right around and in some way came very near running over her.
ran up to Dr. Dean's hitch-rack and was caught. There wasn't
much damage
done except that the harness and buggy was pretty badly torn up.
This office printed sale bills this week for Mrs. Ben HAMILTON who is
selling out with view of locating in Joplin. We are sorry to
have Mrs.
Hamilton go as she was a good neighbor and very successful in the hotel
business. We understand Mr. YAGER who has purchased the hotel
property will
run the hotel himself.
We sincerely hope that you will pardon us for making the mistake we
did last
week about Mr. B. M. DAVIS and Miss Pearl TRIECE being married at Narcissa.
The were both of Narcissa and came down to Fairland to be united in
marriage, at Mr. J. L. BIXBY'S residence in the north part of town.
were quite a few attended the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Davis
are a well
known young couple and are very highly thought of in this community.
J. T. RILEY performed the ceremony. They returned to Narcissa
to make their
future home.
John and Pearl VANN returned to Springfield, last Monday evening after
spending Thanksgiving at home. They are attending Drury College.
Uncle Ab HARLAN is a little indisposed this week.
Several of the Denmarkers have been in town this week.
Mr. Wm. FOLLIS north of town was reported ill first of the week.
Mr. Frank GAINES was over to Miami last Friday and Saturday on business.
Es KELLEY and Maud PADEN of Afton attended meeting at Fairland Tuesday
Mr. Kirk Patrick of the Oswego Seed and Grain Co. was a pleasant caller
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Price JAMES died last Monday night
at nine
o'clock. It was buried Tuesday.
Mrs. COCKS, mother of Mrs. Sam May, was up from Afton last Tuesday and
visited in Fairland a while returning home Wednesday morning.
Miss Mamie GAINES at Narcissa is reported well. She has been sick with
typhoid fever for sometime. Her mother Mrs. Henry GAINES is reported
Uncle Johnny EVANS has our thanks for 100 cents on subscription.
Six months
for himself and six month for William EVANS at Elm Springs, Arkansas.
Gee! - But won Mr. John LOWERY get fat if he eats all that pumpkin.
the biggest pumpkin we've seen for many a day.
Wm, P. McCULLOUGH has rented his farm to Tom MAY and is preparing to
move to
town and will occupy the MICKELBERRY house.
B. M. GOINS tax collector has put a notice in the paper which requests
tax payers to pay their taxes.
Mr. Wm. ELLIOT and family left Monday night for North Missouri where
will make their future home.
Robert BENCH gave an entertainment at Vann's hall Wednesday night.
Fairland News, 15 December 1905
Mr. H. G. NATION had his house moved this week.
George MYERS came in Wednesday morning from Seneca.
Prof. McMANAMAN went to Miami yesterday on business.
Mr. J. M. BERRY of Seneca bank was in town Tuesday.
Mr. Frank GAINES came in on the morning train Tuesday.
Mr. Potter the mule buyer was doing out country Tuesday.
E. E. PRICE went down the line Wednesday morning on business.
Mrs. C. E. MALONE of Miami was visiting Mrs. George GROUPE last week.
J. S. MOORE boarded the morning train Wednesday for a ride on the cars.
M. J. CAMPBELL, BROTHER TO Sam and Sid, was in town over Wednesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob HEARD were pleasant visitors at Mr. LOWERY'S
Misses Clara LOWERY and Josie ROUTON visited Thursday and Thursday night
the country.
Geo. McCULLOUGH of Oseuma gave a half wheel for the News the latter
part of
last week. Thanks to you Mr. McCullough.
Mr. J. R. DARBY started the other day for Siloam Springs, Ark., with
intention of boating there. He came back Tuesday morning.
Wm. HOWELL'S blacksmith shop is being repaired this week. The
old tin roof
is being torn off and shingles put on which
makes it look considerable
A. G. BUSH arrived Monday night with two thoroughbred young stallions
two fine jacks. The stock has now been installed in his new barn
and ready
for inspection. It is Kentucky stock and sure fine.
Mr. J. D. DIXON formerly of this place came in the
latter part of last
week from Bluejacket with three or four wagons. He is repairing
his house
some. Says he intends to tear down his barn and take it back
with him.
Mr. F. S. KELSEY and Miss Anna ROUTON both of St. Louis were united
marriage Dec. 6, 1905 by Rev. Calvine, Pastor of the Compton Heights
Christian church. The News, with it host of friends wish them
a life time
of happiness.
Mrs. Ben HAMILTON and daughter Lou left last Tuesday for Joplin where
will make their future home. Mrs. Hamilton has been in charge
of the
Commercial Hotel for the past year or two and under her management
traveling public has been well taken care of and we regret that the
must lose them. The News follows them and will endeavor to keep
posted. We wish them well in their new home.
Clarence LOOKEBILL, oldest son of Jerry Lookebill, formerly of this
now living in Buffalo, Missouri, was accidentally killed while hunting
Wednesday. He, with some neighbor boys, was hunting by the side
of a hedge
and in attempting to pass the gun through the hedge it was accidentally
discharged and Clarence received the load in his right breast, killing
instantly. Clarence was a fine lad and it is with much sorrow
we chronicle
the news of his untimely passing.
C. J. JAMES and Freeman NIDIFFER returned Tuesday night from their hunt
the Choctaw nation. They report a good time but brought back
no game. They
said they ate it all up, and presume they did - venison, horns, pelt,
all, as they brought none back. Cal says Freeman is the best
deer slayer in
the B. I. T., without doubt. He fired three rounds at close range
at as
many deer and thought he might have killed a deer but his ammunition
our. We have not had Freeman's side of the story but guess it
is equally
The Oseuma Mills have been operation this week.
Billy MOORE went to Afton Wednesday on business.
Rolland HILL was up from Vinita the first of the week.
Press SMITH made a business trip to Afton Wednesday.
A dance was given at the KAUFMAN home Thursday night.
Billy NICKOLS was an Afton visitor Wednesday on business.
Some new comers from Arkansas have located on Mr. La Boyteaux's farm.
Elmer GOODE has returned from a trip through the southern part of Missouri.
Mr. and Mrs. FRELLICK gave a Thanksgiving dinner to a few of their friends.
Miss Zoe NEWPORT spent Thanksgiving at home. She returned to Fairland
school Sunday.
Rev. Harve Weston preached a good sermon last Sunday but there ought
to have
been more present.
Our literary was good last Saturday night. Get's better all the
time. You
had better attend all the time.
Fairland News 22 December 1905
Sam WILSON from across the river was in town Tuesday.
Frank GAINES went west on the morning train last Tuesday.
Walter BREEDLOVE was a passenger westward last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman NIDIFFER came in on the morning train Tuesday.
Mrs. Howard PADEN is spending her Holidays with her aunt Mrs. Carroll MOORE.
Miss Daisy Bond from Seneca Mo. will spend Holidays with friends in
Coxey PRICE the egg man returned from Galena and other points north Tuesday.
Miss Phoebe CROTZER and her sister Miss Minnie came in the morning train
There will be a Christmas tree at the Christian Church this year.
is invited to attend.
Barney SUTTON has a Bran New Evening Suit. Now look out girls
something is
going to happen.
The case against Bert GOINS was tried at Vinita the 18th and resulted
in a
fine of $1.00 and costs.
G. M. RHONOMOUS is to have a show shop at his residence in the west
part of
town. Notice his add in this issue.
Sherman BRADLEY, Josie ROUTON and Clara LOWERY went to Grove last Sunday.
They say they had a good time.
C. L. JONES is still improving his new home and making it look like
lived there. Good example Chas.
W. J. THOMAS, a prominent farmer of Fairland was in town to-day on business
and made the Hustler a pleasant call. - Seneca Hustler.
Dr. and Mrs. SNORGRASS who lives at Centralia formerly of this place
are the
proud posessors of an 8lb boy, born the 14th inst.
Mrs. T. A. ELLIOT has returned from Centralia where she has been visiting
for two weeks and is now visiting her daughter Mrs. Elsworth MOORE.
A. W. HARLAN is building a little town of his own down east on his lots.
The buildings however are not for rent but will be used for horses,
chickens etc.
Jno. A. CHERRY and Sam CAMPBELL went to the river Tuesday and took their
guns. The saw one duck and made the feathers fly but duck, quack,
feathers all went on. It was reported Seneca parties killed 100
the day
It is rumored we are to have a new store in town. Wm. P. and Chas.
McCULLOUGH are arranging to occupy the Freeman and Connolly building
and we
presume will carry a general stock of merchandise. There is always
room for
one more.
I now solicit the patronage of Fairland and vicinity. All kinds
of show
repairing done, and all work guaranteed. - G. M. RHONOMOUS
A. L. MICHELBERRY has about finished moving his household goods to the
farm where he will farm for ensuing year.
John and Pearl VANN came in on the noon train Thursday from Springfield
will spend Holidays with home folks.
Col. HOWELL has had his shop re-covered and repaired and same will be
occupied by Wm. WORMINGTON soon.
A. J. BENCH went down in the MARSH home Wednesday evening and entertained
the family with his phonograph.
Col. Wm. HOWELL and his bosses Mesrs. Ed FERRELL and Jno. ALLEN were
business in the "burg" Thursday.
The first snow of the year fell last Wednesday and Wednesday night.
Mr. James RAY paid us 50 cents on subscription last Wednesday.
No literary next Saturday night.
Mrs. H. FRELLICK was shopping in Vinita, Tuesday.
Joe SIMPSON was down from Fairland Tuesday.
Frank SITTON made a business trip to Afton Wednesday.
The Misses ALLEN were in Afton Tuesday Christmas shopping.
R. KAUFMAN and family have moved to Miami to winter.
Plumer DWYER and family are the new people on the Rolland HILL place.
Mr. and Mrs. John WARD of Afton visited at the HOWELL home last Saturday
Sam McMURTRY left Wednesday evening to spend Christmas with his home
near St. Louis.
Fairland News, 29 December 1905
Marvin GRANDSTAFF is in town this week.
Cude HARLAN went to Afton Tuesday last.
Mr. BARNES of Afton came up to Fairland.
Walter GAINES of Narcissa was in Fairland Tuesday.
E. C. DEWEY went to Afton last Saturday on business.
Little Doyle NIDIFFER is getting well after a long spell of diptheria.
Fred DAVIS of Afton was another Fairland visitor last Monday.
Esce KELLY was down from Afton Tuesday and returned that day.
J. D. CROCKETT and wife spent Christmas in Fairland this year.
Howell KELLY was in Afton last Saturday and came home that day.
Stanley MOORE is taking a visit in Kansas with home folks these days.
Fairland got along Christmas day pretty well. There wasn't any
Fred PENNINGTON left on the train the other day to spend Holidays.
Jno. CONNOLLY and family came in from Missouri last week and spent Christmas
in Fairland.
Rube HALE and wife left last week for their old home in Missouri, where
will spend Holidays.
Mrs. J. M. WEIR left last Saturday for Marion, Ill., where she goes
to spend
holidays with home folks.
Dr. R. F. DEAN sends the News to Chas. CHAPPELL at Ketchum, I. T. for
months. Hurrah for you "Doc."
Grandma VANN returned home from Texas, last Saturday where she has been
visiting for some time past.
Was it you Dewitt CHANDLER that had chewing gum strowed all over the
Christmas Tree for nearly every girl in town?
Eli DRY has subscribed for the News for the following six months.
appreciate your kindness very much Mr. Dry.
Jno. CHERRY, C. G. JAMES, Bert GOINS and Sam CAMPBELL went to the river
Thursday to shoot ducks. But they (the ducks) had evidently had
notice of
the plot and had left for parts unknown.
Miss Kiah and Don FORD, daughter and son of Dr. Ford who lives at Sulphur
Springs I. T., came in last Monday to visit their grandmother and uncle.
Barney SUTTON had bills struck for another Grand Ball on New Years night.
You are invited to attend. It will be at VANN'S Hall on Main
Mr. DAVY and family of Missouri with a car load of stock goods, etc.,
arrived Wednesday last. They have rented the D. W. FREEMAN farm.
Miss Editha RITTER formerly of Fairland now living in Bartlesville came
last Sunday to visit her Uncle and see her old Fairland friends.
M. J. CAMPBELL spent part of Tuesday and Wednesday in town and left
Wednesday evening for a few days stay in St. Louis.
Mr. and Mr. O. L. CONNER and family of Vinita who had been visiting
folks returned to Vinita last Wednesday.
Died on Christmas morning and interred in the Fairland Cemetery, the
child of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. SIMPSON.
Prof. FORD and wife and little Virginia came in from Vinita Thursday
visiting home folks and recreating.
Misses Jessie DAWSON and Mattie FLETCHER OF Afton are visiting in Fairland
this week.
Mrs. J. Sidney CAMPBELL visited relatives at Seneca, Mo., a day or two
this week.
Jno. CROTZER brother to Wm. and R. H. is visiting with friends and relatives
this week.
The News now has some new advertising from Stevens Arms Tool Co. Read them.
Don BUTLER dropped in from Afton some time this week.
Clarence and Bill DIXON is in town this week.
The Miss BYRDS are all spending their holidays with home folks.
Mr. WILFORD now occupys the house vacated by Arch Moorland.
W. MARSHALL and son left this week for a trip up in Missouri.
Mr. Frank GAINES went to Narcissa Tuesday and returned that evening.
Notice is hereby given that by order of the Cherokee Board of Education
Cherokee Schools must commence on Jan. 2nd. Cherokee schools
will begin
Tuesday Jan. 2. - Nellie RYCROFT.
Fairland News, 5 January 1906
Fred DAVIS was down from Afton last Sunday.
Mr. TURNER of Oseuma was in town on Friday last.
We thank the FORD Drug Co. for some job work.
GAINES Bros. are loading two cars of hay this week.
Born - to Mr. and Mrs. Zeke NIDIFFER on 22nd of Dec. a boy.
It is reported that D. W. VANN and wife will move out to their farm soon.
Miss Susie BYRD took the morning train for Vinita last Monday.
Geo MYERS and Chas. BENCH came in on the morning train Monday morning.
Dr. J. G. ADAMS came in this week from Porter, I. T. He returned
in a few
John V. FORD was confined to his room last Tuesday, but was up and a-coming
next day.
B. M. GOINS has a tax notice in the News this week. Now is the
time to pay
your taxes.
William PENNINGTON now occupies the Mrs. Ben KELLY house in the west
part of
N. C. GALLEMORE was called to Seneca Monday evening last, his sister
at that
place having died.
Cecil SHEPHERD has moved back to the place he had occupied before going
to D. W. VANN'S farm.
There has been a new corn crib built at Ogeechee. Capacity 12,000
It is nearly full of corn.
Mr. LIVINGSTON is again back to town after quite a stay in Webb City,
where he has been working.
Miss Kiah FORD and little brother Don returned to their home at Sulphur
Springs after quite a stay in Fairland.
Elder H. J. THURMAN of Joplin, Mo. formerly of Fairland, is now here
will hold services at the Saints Church until over Sunday. All
cordially invited to attend. He is the assistant District President
would like for the people of Fairland to give him a good hearing while
he is
with us.
TESTERMAN & HAMMONDS have dissolved partnership. Perry HAMMONDS
will run
the restaurant and Ike TESTERMAN will conduct the meat market.
Reuben HALE and wife came in on the morning train last Wednesday, from
Missouri where they have been visiting for the past few days.
Notice Thos. ELLIOTT'S ad in this issue. He will take pictures
on Sundays.
His room will be on the second story in the Ford building.
A. D. BENNETT attorney at law and president of First National Bank.
Seneca, Mo. was in our town last Wednesday.
Sherman BRADLEY left last Tuesday for Sapulpa where he goes to take
general outing. Hope you may enjoy yourself, Sherm.
Miss Editha RITTER left last Tuesday for Bartlesville where she is engaged
in teaching music.
Earnest KELLY returned to school at Vinita, after a vacation at home
It is reported that the post office will soon be removed to the FORD
Fairland News, 12 January 1906
B. M GOINS is having some job work done at the News office this week.
Sherman BRADLEY returned from Sapulpa last Sunday night.
Dasie BOND who lives down near the river, was in town shopping this week.
Mrs. J. M. WEIN returned from Marion, Ill., where she has been visiting
Mrs. Chas. KNEE came in from Wyandotte last Tuesday to visit friends
at this
John A. CHERRY was closed up at his store last Tuesday taking annual
N. C. GALLEMORE made a flying trip to Seneca, Saturday evening returning
Sunday morning.
Mrs. Edna AUDRAIN came in on the morning train last Wednesday from some
point east of here.
Chas. COOLEY had a nice fall on the street last Monday evening.
What's the
matter with you Charles.
Dr. VANDEVEER is down in the Choctaw Nation with a party of K. C. friends
hunting deer and other kinds of game.
Mrs. BOWLES, mother of our townsman H. G. NATION, has been quite sick
pneumonia fever but is reported better.
Miss Lola GARRETT sister to Mrs. J. S. CAMPBELL who is teaching in the
school this spring, came up Saturday evening to visit her sister.
Clarence BRIGGS formerly of this place but who has been in street car
service in California was in our town first of week hunting old
The following have our thanks for subscription to the News since last
Services will be held at the Baptist church next Sunday morning and
by Rev. J. A. CLARK pastor of the Methodist congregation for the ensuing
Revs. J. D. McDONALD of Vinita, Presiding Elder for this district and
J. A.
CLARK, of Miami held services at the Baptist church Sunday and Sunday
Mr. KNISELY arrived Sunday evening and he has taken charge of the telephone
exchange of this place which he purchased from A. B. KIMBALL.
He has
installed his family in the Lamar residence. We bid them welcome
to our
Do you know Jim WHITE? Well I guess so, most everybody knows him.
He was
here before most any of us - before Fairland was a town or even thought
He was here before the beauty of the prairie was marred by fences and
houses - when the deer was roaming unscared by civilization and the
chickens literally darkened the sun. Well, this Jim White, he
never does
anything by halves. When he wants to do anything he gets ready
for the
business and then goes and does it.
The other day he was seen trudging through the mud coming into town
with a
pine board under his arm. We wondered what on earth he was going
to do with
that board. We thought at first maybe he was afraid he would
get hunger and
brought his board with him. And then we thought maybe he was
going to start
a lumber yard. Finally to satisfy ourselves we asked him what
he was going
to do with that board. "Well," he said, "it's too dad blasted
muddy to stay
at home so thought I would go up town and do some whittlin'."
Now most any ordinary fellow would have come in and in absence of a
goods box would have whittled a step off the stair or a post from under
porch. But not so with Jim. He goes fixed for the business.
It is reported that H. G. NATION had another burglar Sunday night who
away with some drawer change a perhaps a few articles of merchandise.
found entrance by prying open back shutters. This kind of business
getting very monotonous and should be looked after.
The two children of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac NIDIFFER are reported quite sick
Fairland News, 19 January 1906
Official Directory of City officers
Mayor George GROUPE
Recorder H. G. NATION
Treasurer John FORD
Lem CONNER returned from Vinita Sunday last.
Mr. BARTEMUS came in on the morning train Tuesday.
George MYERS came in on the morning train Wednesday.
John GOINS took the train going west Wednesday morning
Jack BIXBY is having some repairs done on his engine this week.
Sherman BRADLEY left last Wednesday for Seneca, and returned same day.
Miss Ida LONG went to Vinita Thursday morning, returning in the evening.
Jeff. BAINE came in Sunday from Hickory Grove where he as been working
the saw mill.
J. P. HUDSON went to Bluejacket the first of the week returning in a
day or
Miss Nana FLINT went to Tahlequah to attend the Female Seminary.
The News
shall entertain her for a while.
S. F. CAMPBELL went to Kansas City, last Monday to attend the Implement
Dealers Convention. He also will get some spring goods and repairs
for this
We wonder if any of the young men who engage in brawling and cursing,
carrying weapons, drinking, gambling and other forms of vice.
Would assign
as a reason: "I'm doing that to bring sorrow to my mother, shame to
father, disgrace to my brothers and sisters, trouble to my friends
and ruin
to myself. I am trying to waste my life, regardless of whom it
may hurt for
hinder." Are there any of our "fast" young men who would say
this? If no,
why? - Ex.
The social given by Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth MOORE Wednesday evening was
success. Miss Clara LOWERY and Miss Josie ROUTON entertained
in honor of
Miss Daisy BOND. There was a host of friends present. Pitch
Flinch and Pit
were the games of evening. The boys had a sewing contest - hemming
ladies aprons. Stanley MOORE received the prize. Cake and
coffee were
served at 10 o'clock, a few more games were played then all bid good-night
and declared one of the most pleasant evening of their lives.
The "boss" (Sam. F. CAMPBELL) is absent this week and Orville L. DEWEY
editor and all the names you might call him while Mr. Campbell is gone.
if you find the path (the paper) a little rocky, and stub your toe,
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Philip SUTTON died last Sunday night.
was about six months old if not older. The burial took place
in the
Fairland Cemetery Monday afternoon. We join their large circle
friends in
their bereavement to the lost one.
R. Q. JAMES and Jack WALLEN are looking as though they were sold rather
cheap after they returned from their trip to Afton last Sunday.
All you've
got to say is: "Where is the other horse?"
Mr. PENNINGTON who had occupied the Tanner house now lives in Mrs. Lewis'
place just outside of town.
Barney SUTTON was in Afton this week.
Mrs. KNISELEY left Friday for Vinita on business.
Mrs. Dow FLINT'S baby at Ogeechee is very sick.
Carroll MOORE and Henry KIEFFER went to Miami Friday on business.
S. F. CAMPBELL went to Afton last Saturday and returned the same day.
The Post Office was moved last Tuesday to the Ford Building on Main Street.
One of Frank AUDRAIN'S children is sick with whooping cough and pneumonia
Mr. BARNES and Fred DAVIS was down from Afton to attend the social Wednesday
Miss Edna Audrain spent Tuesday night with her Aunt Mrs. Breedlove at
Mrs. Chas. KNEE returned to Wyandotte the latter part of last week after
quite a little say in Fairland.
The party given at Mr. ROBISON'S was well attended by the Fairland people.
There was one couple who seemed to enjoy themselves splendid.
Too late for last week.
L. D. LONG of Fairland was in Oseuma Wednesday.
Rolland HILL and wife were up from Vinita the first of the week.
Mr. CRAIL moved his family to Afton the first of the week.
R. KAUFMAN was over from Miami last Tuesday on business.
W. A. MOORE has moved from the LONG farm to one north of Oseuma.
Chester HAMMONDS of Fairland was an Oseuma visitor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed FERRELL are the proud parents of a bran new 10lb boy.
Mr. and Mrs. FRELLICK visited Mr. and Mrs. Newport Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. PHILLIP returned to Vinita Sunday after a week's visit at Ed FERREL'S.
Billy MOORE and family have moved to Seneca and Prof. MARSH has moved
their place.
Miss Francis FRELLICK left last week for Tahlequah to attend the Female
Mr. DAVY of Lebanon, Mo. has rented and moved on the FREEMAN farm north
Chas. FRELLICK, F. M. DAWSON, R. J. BOYD and Whaley and Co. have been
shipping hay this week.
Uncle Harve WESTON failed to get to his regular appointment last Sunday.
presume the roads were to muddy.
Miss Daisy MARSH was shopping at Fairland Thursday.
Wm. HOWELL left last Sunday for Miami, to serve on the petit jury in
the U.
S. Court.
Mrs. TEN BROOK came in last Monday evening from a visit with relatives
Two Fairland boys went to Afton for a team of horses last Sunday and
one between Oseuma and Afton and never found it out until they got
Fairland. What brand, boys?
Note from the transcriber: I would like to know if you are viewing these news items, and what you think of them. Drop a line to norman@pcomposer.com
I would like to say that most of the errors of spelling, punctuation,
grammar are the work of the editors of the newspaper. I
may have added some
errors of my own, but I will thank you to attribute those to
the editors as