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The following newspaper articles were transcribed and submitted by: Rhonda Hester. If you would like your copies of old Pittsburg County, OK newspaper articles posted here, please submit them to: County Co-ordinator
Savanna Mine Explosion Poem, April 4, 1887 Click to view copy of article.

Submitted by:  Marca Lee & Jim Murray

The Pittsburg County Guardian, July 14, 1921, No. 47

(This newspaper is in very poor condition, so there are no page numbers)


     Vince Davis has filed suit in district court against H. S. Cohn, alleging that the latter sold a ford car worth $600 to John Wallen when the car, in fact, belonged to the plaintiff.  Davis wants judgment from Cohn for $600.


     George W. Carney of Featherston, charged with assault and battery upon Hester Baum and Ella Beams, was placed in jail here this week.  Three complaints were made, the third asking that Carney be placed under a peace bond as he had threatened to kill the Baum woman, it was said.  Judge Thompson fixed the temporary bond of Carney at $300 in each case, which had not been furnished up to Wednesday night.


Mr. J. F. Kirby has as her guest Miss Wilma Wright, of Morrilton, Ark.

Mrs. T. T. Lewis has gone to Dallas, for an extended visit with relatives.

Elmer Dacus of Quinton was in McAlester Saturday, having business with the Excise Board.

J. Will Teater of The Pioneer Shop has returned from Vinita where she was called on business matters.

Marie, the 15-month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Calonkey died last Thursday morning, following several weeks of illness.

Bert Marcum will leave the latter part of the week for Joplin, Mo., where he goes to visit his brother who has been ill for some time.

Mrs. W. A. Hollaway has returned to her home in Belton, Mo., after a pleasant visit as the guest of Mrs. Charles Hess and Mrs. W. S. Ambrose.

A. L. Jones pleaded guilty last Friday in police court to a charge of having Choctaw beer in his possession and was fined $25.  He couldn't pay the fine so he was sent to jail.

C. O. Doss and Pres. Allen are back from a trip down in Choctaw and Pushmataha counties, where they visited Mr. Allen's river farm and had a fine outing generally.

Ralph Corbin and Miss Ruby Larison of McAlester were married at Atoka, last week.  The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Larison, of this city.

C. W. Bush, prominent Crowder merchant, drove down to McAlester last Saturday on business.  Mr. Bush is developing a real department store in Crowder.

Scott Hendon, cashier of the Indianola State Bank, was down Saturday on business.  Mr. Hendon says farmers are busy with their crops and have good prospects generally.

J. D. Browder, Canadian real estate man, was down from that hustling burg Tuesday.  Mr. Browder says they had a heavy rain at Canadian last Sunday, although it was not particularly needed.

Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Barton, motored to Palestine, Texas, last Friday for a visit with Mrs. Barton's father.  Doctor returned Monday and his wife will remain for an extended visit.

Ben Ezzell, one of the veteran post office employees, underwent an operation for appendicitis at All Saints Hospital, Thursday of last week, and had a pretty serious call for two or three days following, but is now rapidly improving.

W. H. H. Clayton and O. M. Anderson are off for Oakland, Cal., the former to attend the national convention of Elks and the latter the national convention of Lions.  Oakland, it seems, is quite a herding place for tame "wild" animals.

L. C. Cogburn, who has been city marshal at Stuart, has resigned and will remove to Hartshorne, it is said.  Several applicants are asking for the job as marshal, but none had been named at the last meeting of the Stuart town board.

Postmaster Shinaberger has increased the effectiveness of Route 3, which is the rural route that extends south from this city, by adding about 20 families to the list already served.  The route has been slightly redrawn to take in more territory to the westward.

Mrs. W. C. Farmer attended the state convention of United Daughters of the Confederacy in Oklahoma City, last week, going as the representative of Choctaw Chapter, this city.  Mrs. Ed Culbertson, of Kiowa, also attended the convention.

Cal Edmonds, of Atwood, was in the city Tuesday.  Mr. Edmonds is an extensive planter on the Canadian River, above Calvin.  He says crops are fine, the only draw back being the appearance of the boll-weevil in cotton, which is doing much damage.

Mrs. Grace Scales and her sister-in-law, Miss Dora Scales, came to McAlester from Calvin Sunday, the latter being on her way to her home in Whitewright, Tex.  She had been visiting Mrs. Scales at Calvin, where she was taken seriously ill and has just recovered sufficiently to travel.  She continued on her journey to Texas, Monday morning.  Mrs. Scales is the guest of her daughters, Misses Opal and Louise Scales, while in the city.

B. F. Dunn, at one time engaged in the general mercantile business here but now living at El Centro, Cal., is here for a visit with friends and to look after some business matters.  Mr. Dunn has a flourishing plantation in the California country.

A. M. Rhodes, together with his brother, O. M. Rhodes, will open a shoe and harness shop in the basement of the Knight Templar Building, on the alley corner between Choctaw and Grand, on Second.  The place was for many years occupied as a pring-shop by R. O. Jaggers, but Mr. Jaggers has gone out of the business, and the printing plant has been stored.  In addition to shoe making and repair, Mr. Rhodes states that they will operate an up-to-date harness and harness repair shop.  Both men are experienced in their line.

Rev. Napoleon Bonaparte, prominent Baptist Indian minister and missionary worker, was over at his home east of Krebs.  Rev. Bonaparte is identified with the work of the Choctaw-Chickasaw Baptist Missionary Association.

F. S. King, of Checotah, was in the city last Tuesday, a guest of a friend, H. J. Rogers, 64 West Osage Avenue.  Mr. King formerly operated a dairy in McAlester and still owns a good farm north of the city.  The Masonic Shrine was erected on a portion of land owned by Mr. King.

Lon Beck was in Boonville the later part of last week, returning Sunday.  He says they have not yet tested out the oil well brought in there some time ago, but expect to do so this week.  Much speculation still exists as to just how valuable a find the well is.  Numerous McAlester parties are interested in this well.

Mrs. Frank Garrett, of Atwood, died at All Saint's Hospital, about 8 o'clock Tuesday morning, following an operation last Saturday for locked bowels.  Her husband, brother and sister, were with her at the time of her death.  She was about 40 years of age and is survived by five children, the youngest of which is only 18 months old.  The body was taken to Atwood Tuesday afternoon for burial.

Drillers are down 200 feet or more on the Simpson oil well, north of Stuart, according to J. J. Grant, who ws in the city last Saturday.  Mr. Grant says the drillers are pounding away without hesitation over the low price of crude oil.  The test well is located about 7 miles north of Stuart.  Mr. Grant says a big Baptist revival is scheduled to start in the White Chimneys neighborhood this week, conducted by Rev. Irvin.

The Chamber of Commerce has named the following members as a board of directors for the ensuing year:  Fred Switzer, Joe Bell, Walter Evans, Sam Morley, Frank Craig, George Chaney, Ed Fry, W. E. Beaty, Sam Horne, Tom Hale, George Deibler, Frank Anderson, H. C. Perry, Dr. R. K. Pemberton and J. L. Shinaberger.  Officers will be selected from this list later.

Governor Robertson has issued a reprieve to Will Tait, under sentence of death for murder, and who was to have been electrocuted July 15.  The reprieve was issued to enable him to appear as a witness in the re-hearing of the Goben case, following the latter's appeal to the state criminal court of appels, in September.  Tait and Goben are jointly convicted of killing a Lawton taxi driver.

W. D. Frazier, well known farmer and stockman from Blanco, was in McAlester Monday.  Mr. Frazier lives four miles east of Blanco, on the Blanco-Haileyville highway.  He reports fine crop conditions, especially corn.  Cotton is being hindered some by boll-weevil.  He reports preparations are being made to begin cutting hay in his neighborhood.


   The young people of McAlester, who are attending the Sixth World's Christian Endeavor Convention in New York City, write that they are having a time and are hearing some wonderful messages from wonderful men, most of them of national fame.  The delegation representing McAlester is composed of the following young people:  Misses Virginia Lea, Louise Smith, Lilly Howe, and Mrs. Katherine Braden, and Miss Saleemie Moussa of Krebs, Messers. George Whiteacre and M. K. Moussa, Krebs.

Z. T. Cain, prominent lumber man of Savanna, was in the city Wednesday on business.

Mrs. E. T. Gabbert is spending a few days at Warner, the guest of Miss Grace Adams, her niece.

Judge C. B. Bascom, of Quinton, well known Indian attorney, was in the city Wednesday on business.

M. E. Williams is in Chicago, attending the convention of the American Realtors Association.  He will endeavor to land the next national meeting for McAlester.


Marriage Licenses were issued the past week, as follows:  Lee Davis and Mabel Henson, Scipio; Lora Gragg and Mav Barnes, Hartshorne; D. R. Robertson and Lindsay Cann, McAlester; Hiram McGee, Tishomingo and Mrs. Fannie Hamilton, Hartshorne.


     Notice is hereby given that the hereinafter administrators, executors and guardians have filed in this the County Court of Pittsburg County, State of Oklahoma, their Final Accounts for Settlements and distribution, alleging that their respective estates are now ready to be finally closed, and they are praying that they be discharged as such administrators, executors and guardians.

     It is therefore by the Court ordered, adjudged and decreed that the said hereinafter reports and settlements be, and they are hereby set for hearing on the fourth day of August 1921 at 10:30 A.M., at which time all parties interested in the settlements of the said reports of the said administrators, executors and guardians should not be granted, and their final Reports and Settlements approved.

     It is further ordered by the Court that notice of this hearing be given by publication for two successive weeks in the Pittsburg County Guardian, a newspaper of general circulation, published at McAlester, Oklahoma, prior to this hearing.

     In witness whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed the seal of this Court the 12th day of July, 1921.

(Seal)                                                                                                                                                                   S. F. BROWN

                                                                                                                                                                                     County Judge

     Said reports are as follows, to Wit:


   289  R. B. Coleman, Adm., Josia Garner, Deceased

   326  (Federal) James LeFlore, Gdn. Mary LeFlore, Minor.

   476  Alice Holloway, Gdn., Ivy America Holloway, Minor.

   648  R. B. Coleman, Gdn., Pet Jackson, Minor.

   736  Geo. W. Beams, Gdn., Ada O. Beams, Minor

   779  Mary Glendening, Admx., of George Glendening, Deceased

   837  Jefferson Gardner, Adm., Daniel A. Bond, Deceased

  1080  John Mason, Gdn., Grant Mason, Minor

  1191  Sylvester Jones, Adm., Emma Oates, Deceased

  1289  Georgia Noah, Gdn., Elijah Noah, et al, Minors

  1315  Jincy Bascom, Gdn., Rhoda Tonler, Minor

  1353  J. W. Pulliam, Gdn., Louisa Bacon, Minor

  1475  Susan J. Ward, Adm., William Ward, Deceased

  1478  Maud R. Samples, Executrix, James I. Samples, Deceased

  1488  H. D. Parsons, Gdn., Nona Conner and James Ward, Minors

  1551  Arch Clelland, Adm., Marion Clelland, Deceased

  1649  T. J. Archibald, Adm., William Wheeler, Deceased

  1690  Gust Felas, Adm., Joe Cherry, Deceased

  1707  T. W. Winton, Gdn., Edward and Edwin Moreland, Minors.

  1709  W. D. Ward, Adm., H. P. Ward, Deceased

  1735  Cora Carlucci, Gdn., Angelo Rossi, et al, Minors

  1738  Elizabeth Verner, Adm., Felix Dupeno, Deceased.

  1769  F. W. Hill, Adm., O. N. Hill, Deceased

  1782  Alfonso Petrone, Adm., Gregory Totts, Deceased.

  1805  Gennie Serviss, Admx., J. S. Knott, Deceased.

  1830  Oscar Martin, Adm., Cillin Martin, Deceased

  1835  Earl D. Williams, Gdn., Benjamin F. Wice, Minor.

  1998  Alex Burba, Adm., R. J. Patterson, Deceased.

  2039  John B. Tua, Adm., Carlo Giacoma, Deceased.

  2081  Jefferson Perry, Adm., Coleman Perry, Deceased.

  2085  Louis Cappo, Adm., Carolino Chiolino, Deceased

  2090  B. L. Beal, Gdn., Harold Beal, Minor.

  2096  Santa Ferrante, Gdn., John Ferrante et al, Minors

  2177  Maggie Wood, Gdn., Earl Wood, et al, Minors

  2131  Edno Folsom, Executrix, Mary Ward, Deceased.

  2164  Wesley Smith, Adm., Simpson Boneparte, Deceased.

  2186  B. C. Sims, Adm., Leonard A. Minyard, Deceased

  2196  C. W. Bush, Adm., L. L. Hughes, Deceased

  2228  Helen Mitchell, Adm., Lizzie Mitchell, Deceased.

McAlester News Capital, Tuesday, March 30, 1909, page 1





Celebrated His Golden Wedding Only Short Time Ago and is Called Above


     James Larrison, aged 74, died at his home in the Third ward this morning at 7:45, after a lingering illness.  He had been very low for the past three weeks and several days ago hope of his recovery was abandoned.  He has been unable to retain any nourishment, but even at his advanced age his powerful constitution was apparent and he retained his mental faculties, remaining conscious up to the time of his death, and even after he was too weak to speak by movements he made known that he was still conscious.

     A few days ago he and his wife celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, at which time their children were present, and Mr. Larison arose from a sick bed and a picture of four generations was taken.  He leaves surviving him his widow, two sons and two daughters.  He has relatives living in Illinois and other places in the north.  The Larison family is one of the pioneer families of central Illinois, where a number of their descendants still remain.  Many years ago James Larison, who died today, moved to Kansas,  where he resided several years, coming from there to the territory, and was one of the early settlers of this city, where he has been well and favorably known for all that time.  A brother in Illinois has been advised by wire of his death and the funeral arrangements will not be completed until word is received from him.  If he comes he can reach here at 1 o’clock tomorrow afternoon when the funeral will be held.  If he is not coming and it is so learned, then the funeral will be tomorrow forenoon.

 McAlester News Capital, Tuesday, March 30, 1909, page 2


     Harry T. Kyle went to Hanna, in Hughes county, yesterday on legal business.

     Mrs. Birdie Millican has enrolled with Mrs. Green’s private school of stenography.

     Joseph Mazer is out on a watch inspecting trip for the Katy, going to Muskogee, Atoka and Wilburton.

     Mrs. Ben Beeson of the Second ward, who has been sick for several days is reported better today.

     The county election board, composed of Wallace York of Indianola, M. L. Thompson of Hartshorne, and R. O. Jaggers of McAlester, is in session today, preparing tickets for the town and city primaries.

     E. T. Richards has been appointed as republican member of the county election board vice M. L. Thompson.  Mr. Richards, however, is under quarantine, in the North End, being down with smallpox, and Mr. Thompson is still acting.

     A. W. Loden, who has been living in Hartshorne, has bought the Doc. Cambron blacksmith shop on South Main and will hereafter live here.

     Herman Levin and his winsome bride have returned from eastern points, where they spent their honeymoon and are ow at the Busby, where they will probably live during the summer.  Mr. Levin's many friends are calling and showering congratulations on him.

     Miss Cora G. Hughes, principal of the schools at Hughes and correspondent of the News-Capital at that place, was here today returning from Warsaw, Mo., where she has been conducting a school examination.  She is a member of the county board of examiners of the county there.

     Mrs. Dr. J. A. Sterrett went to Eufaula this forenoon on a short visit with friends there.  On leaving the waiting room at the station to go to the train she put her hand to her throat and found a valuable diamond brooch she had been wearing was missing.  She and the doctor hurriedly went back to the waiting room and on the floor beside the seat she had occupied they found the missing jewel.

     The announcement of Judge R. H. Earnest as a candidate for the republican nomination for police judge of McAlester appears today.  The statement that he came out at the solicitation of friends is generally known to be true.  When Judge Earnest ran two years ago and missed the goal by just one vote his friends decided that he ought to run next time.  There were many friends in the other party who would have gladly supported him had they known how close the race was.  Judge Earnest is a native of Kentucky, being born in Simpson county.  He was reared there, received his education there and married there.  He enlisted in the Union army from there, going in as second sergeant in one of the companies of the 26th Kentucky infantry.  He was soon promoted to second lieutenant and was promoted to first lieutenant on the bloody field of Shiloh.  He later became captain, and in 1864 was commissioned colonel.  Returning to Kentucky he resided for eight years and then went to Richmond, Tex.  He was elected to several offices in that county.  He was first elected justice of the peace, and was then chosen prosecuting attorney of that county for three terms, serving six years.  He later served one term as county judge.  In 1891 Judge Bryant appointed him United States commissioner of that part of Indian Territory that had been attached for judicial purposes to the Paris court.  The boundary line was the Katy railroad in South McAlester.  Judge Earnest moved here and has been one of the best and most respected citizens ever since.  With statehood Judge Ralph E. Campbell, who had known him for fifteen years, appointed him United States commissioner in his home town.  This is a position of responsibility but, under statehood, it is on the fee system and the revenues have not averaged quite $20 a month.  Judge Earnest if nominated will greatly strengthen the whole republican city ticket.

McAlester News Capital, Tuesday, March 30, 1909, page 2


     T. D. Rozzell is here from Muskogee.

     S. M. Smith of Guthrie is in the city today.

     C. S. Cobb of Muskogee is here today.

     L. M. James came up from Atoka last niht.

     Theo. F. Brewer of Norman is in the city today.

     Guy A. Curry arrived from Quinton last night.

     L. Bridges was here last night from Wilburton.

     S. W. Towner of Muskogee is in the city today.

     Fred Dawson of Ardmore is in the city on business.

     E. D. Martindale is a late arrival from Muskogee.

     B . H. Wells and Wetumka is here today on business.

     J. R. Williams of Hartshorne spent last night in the city.

     Commissioner Fred J. Tontz of Kiowa is here today.

     Earnest George, a coal operator, is here from Coalgate.

     E. I. Wakeman of Atoka is attending to business here today.

     W. L. Denis and Ham P. Bee are here from Oklahoma City.

     Dave Pollock of Kiowa, Indian policeman, is in the city on business.

     Mrs. M. Turner and Mrs. L. Cook of Crowder were in the city last night.

     B. H. Bennett and P. M. Devine of Wilburton are transacting business in the city today.

     J. C. Smith, cashier of the First National Bank of Calvin and Representative Ben H. Harrison came in from that busy little town yesterday just in time to find there was a ball game on and then remained over for the play at the theatre last night.

McAlester News Capital, Tuesday, March 30, 1909, page 3


(Gleaned from the Pioneer)

     W. L. Pirtie was a McAlester visitor last Sunday.

     Co. Guy A. Curry spent Thursday in McAlester attending to legal business.

     Miss Velma Watt spent last Saturday and Sunday in McAlester.

     Messrs. W. H. and A. Jones of Kinta were Quinton visitors Sunday.

     Judge C. R. Bascom left Thursday evening for McAlester on a business mission.

     Mrs. T. R. Todd left Wednesday for McAlester, where she will visit friends for several days.

     J. M. Locke has the lumber on the ground to build an addition to the Davis building which he is now occupying.

     Mrs. Colin Valentine, who was the quest of Mrs. Louise Kamauski in McAlester a part of last week, returned home Monday.

     Editor B. W. Edgell of the Chant News was in our city Wednesday, looking for a location for his paper.  After a look over our city he decided that Quinton has all the newspaper that was needed at the present time.


(Gleaned from the Guardian)

     Carl Hollabough left yesterday for San Antonio.  He was accompanied by Dr. W. E. Crowder.

     Mrs. J. R. Banks, who was seriously ill the first of the week, is reported to be doing nicely at the present writing. 

     C. F. Sumner, who has been sojourning in Houston, Tex., the past several months, has returned to Crowder.

     W. A. Lovejoy, a sub-contractor working under Davis & Burk, has filed suit in the United States court at Muskogee to recover $13,930.52, which he claims is due him for work on the M., K. & T. railroad near Crowder.


(Gleaned from the Enterprise)

     W. J. Wade, president of the Indianola State bank, was here from McAlester Monday.

     W. M. Cook, R. S. Briggs, J. W. Thomas, Tony Saffa and the Enterprise man were McAlester visitors Tuesday.

     Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Choate and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Garner had occasion to visit the county seat Tuesday.

     The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Herstein died at Canadian Wednesday morning.  The remains were laid to rest in Indianola cemetery in the afternoon of the same day.

     Mrs. J. C. Bradshaw had the misfortune to have her barn burned Tuesday.  The building and contents, including grain, feed, cotton seed, harness and farm implements, were entirely destroyed.  The loss will probably amount to $1,000.


(Gleaned from the Sun)

     Little Boyce Baxter Pitchford died Wednesday morning at 2 o'clock lacking two days of being two years old.

     Little Hardin Davis, son of Waldo Davis, is a sufferer from scarlet fever at his home on Lehigh avenue.

     Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wingate and children of McAlester were over last Sunday and spent the day with A. E. McNeill and family.

     Jas. Brazell is making extensive improvements to his cottage adjoining the planning mill office on the east.  He will make it his home when completed.

     Martin Trueblood will return home from Indiana next Sunday.  He was married while there to Miss Hattie Zaring, of Scottsburg, and will bring his new bride back with him.

     Fred Reed, father of Mrs. W. J. Sibley, died at her home in the northeastern part of the city early Monday morning, after an illness of about two months.  Mr. Reed was born in North Carolina in 1824.

McAlester News Capital, Tuesday, March 30, 1909, page 3


By Clara E. Holmes

     Clara Hae Bentley is visiting her parents in Calvin this week.

     Miss Pearle Head will entertain this week with a house party.

     Miss Velma Robinson of Chant is the guest of friends in the city.

     Miss Julia Coppage is quite ill at the home of her aunt, Mrs. R. W. Hallum, in the Third ward.

     Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Ballard, who have been visiting T. C. Humphry Jr., and family of Muskogee returned home Monday.

     Mr. and Mrs. William Cameron will leave Friday for Siloam Springs to visit their daughter, Miss Mabel Cameron, who is sojourning at the Springs.

     Mrs. W. B. Pigg of Shawnee is visiting friends in the city, and her brother, Judge Malcom Rosser of Poteau, who is holding court here, Mrs. Pigg has with her her pretty little daughter, Nellie, who was recently awarded a prize for being the prettiest baby in Shawnee.

     A party of young people spent Sunday afternoon at one of the pretty woodland haunts near the city.  The afternoon was spent taking KodakTM pictures, gathering wild flowers and was concluded by a lunch in picnic style.  The party was composed of Misses Louie LaFlore, Winnifred Clark, Lavinia Johnson, Edna Leoffler, Pearle Head, Nalo LaFlore; Messrs Ray De La Mater, Mallory Hawk, George Smith, George Hill and Will Hill.


Volume 24, No. 86, Wednesday, December 11, 1918, p. 2


     H. O. Wright of Morris, is in the city taking the mining examination.

     Mrs. Z. T. Cain of Savanna, is visiting friends in the city and looking after business matters.

     Dr. Clara F. Palmer received word from Broadview, Montana, telling that Lieut. Palmer's sister had passed away on November 24.  The news of the death of Lieut. Palmer in France reached his parents while they were attending her funeral.  Mr. and Mrs. Palmer will not visit McAlester at present.


     At a meeting of South McAlester Chapter No. 149 O. E. S. held at the Masonic temple last night the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year:  Mrs. Laura McAlester, worthy matron; S. G. Bryan, worthy patron; Mrs. Laura Lindly, associate matron; Mrs. Kate Sneed, conductress; Mrs. Emma Garner, secretary; Mrs. Minnie Briggs, treasurer.  Other officers of the chapter are appointive and will be selected at a later date.  The new officers will be installed at the first meeting in January.

FLU PATIENT RECOVERING--J. J. Kirkpatrick, assistant cashier of the American National Bank who has been sick two weeks with influenza is reported much better today, and is expected to resume his duties at the bank soon.

DELEGATES TO BANKERS' STATE MEET RETURN--Local delegates who attended the annual State Bankers' association held at Oklahoma City yesterday, returned last night and report a most harmonious meeting and a large amount of routine business transacted.

     Melven Cornish, cashier of the McAlester Trust company, and also a member of the State Banking board, delivered an address before the convention yesterday morning.

     Other delegates who were in attendance from McAlester and Pittsburg county were C. W. Crum, vice-president of the First National bank; R. P. Brewer, director of the First National bank; E. D. Kilpatrick, cashier of the First State bank of Le Flore, and M. J. Shannon of Krebs.

DEATH OF MRS. C. R. MONCRIEF--Word was received here yesterday of the death of Mrs. C. R. Moncrief, formerly of Krebs, but who of late has been residing at Rouse Col.  The body is expected some time today.  Funeral arrangements will be made later.  She is survived by a husband, daughter and son, Mr. C. R. Moncrief, Sr., Mrs. W. H. Eustis and C. R. Moncrief, Jr.; a father, Lige Green, Sr.; three sisters, Mrs. J. P. McBee of Bache, Mrs. Andrew McLelland of Krebs, and Mrs. Thad Wilkes of McAlester, and by three brothers, Jack Green of Krebs, Lige Green, Jr., of Tollerburg, Colo., and Eph Green of Schutter.  The sad feature of the death is that the family could not accompany the body home on account of the daughter and son being seriously ill with influenza.

HOME FROM TRAINING CAMP--Judge W. P. Hill is back from Camp Pike after three months' intense training in the officers' school.  The genial judge lost six inches around the girth in his determination to become a soldier, but he showed 'em that he was not a quitter as long as there were prospects of doing some fightin'.

GRAND LEADER GIRLS--Miss Bosley and Mrs. Cooch entertained the girls from the Grand Leader store yesterday.  They were taken to a local café for 6 o'clock dinner, given in honor of Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Glass.  They were then taken to the Busby theatre and then after they all had enjoyed the show they were taken to Mrs. Cooch's room where refreshments were served, after which several songs were rendered by Mrs. Dobinson and Mrs. Dishazo.  The evening was closed by Miss Bosley rendering "Home Sweet Home."


     We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our husband and father; also for the many beautiful floral offerings sent to our home.  MRS. CHARLES NAUGHTON, and Family


     We desire to extend sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for many kind acts and expressions of sympathy extended on account of our recent bereavement--the death of husband and father; also thank those who sent floral tributes.  MRS. S. M. MINOR, W. G. ALDERSON, C. M. HENSLEY, RUBY DUCKWORTH, FRANK MINOR, HELEN MINOR.


Volume 24, No. 86, Wednesday, December 11, 1918, p. 6 


France, Nov. 7, 1918

Mrs. M. E. Brady

     Dear Mother:--Once again I hope this finds you and all the rest in good health.  Can't say so much for myself at present--got mine the 3rd through the thigh.

     Although it made a good big hole it will be O. K. again in a few days--that is.  I hope so; but of course it will get well, and when it does, I will sure get to Berlin next time.

     Guess you people are keeping up with what we are doing, and believe me, we are doing our best to get all of the Fritzes.  Then we know the war will stop.

     Well Mother, if you can read this you will do well for I am lying on my back trying to write.  Will ring off and next time I will do better, so tell all hello.

     Your loving son, Corpl. ROSS H. BRADY, Co. A, 23rd Inf.

(Editor's Note:  Corpl. Ross H. Brady was among the first volunteers from Pittsburg county and landed in France, Sept. 23, 1917.  He has been in some hard battles, being with the 2nd division.  He was gassed the 5th of June, but returned to his company a few weeks later.  The wound he has now makes the third time he has been in the hospital in France.)

France, Oct. 16

Dear Mrs. Clough:

     I guess you had begun to think I had almost forgotten you, but not in the least.  I am not going to claim an excuse, however, but really, Mrs. Clough, have thought of you many times and kept waiting for time to write.  Have been on the go ever since I came in the army, besides have spent about six weeks in the hospital, three in camp in the states and about three over here.  Am just getting over a case of Spanish flu, or better known to you as la grippe.  This is a very damp country, nights are pretty cold, although it is about time for cold weather over here.

     Received your letter yesterday and can say it was certainly appreciated.  We always appreciate mail way over here.  Things are going along fine, believe me.  The Dutch are sure catching it.  See prisoners come in by train loads.  They are glad to be captured--are treated so mean by their officers.  Understand, they receive same rations as we do.  I don't think the war is over, but is the beginning of the end.

     Mrs. Clough, I have seen quite a few historical things.  If I ever get back will have quite a bit to tell about.  Has been very educational to me; would like to tell you about some of the things I have seen but fear censor would not permit.  Saw a church they claim was built in 1400--some old, isn't it?  No, have never run across any of the boys but heard Edgar Fenton was in Scotland.  Well scattered, aren't we?  And to think we were all together at one time.

     Well, expect had better bring this to a close--almost time for retreat.  Give Mr. Clough my best regards, also you may let Myrtle know if you receive this.  Wrote her the other day but don't know if she received it or not.  Have an idea about half our mail is lost en route.  With every good wish, I am always one of your boys.  JAS. T. RAWLES

France, Oct. 25, 1918

Hello, Aunt Chris,

Dear Aunt and Family:--I will try and answer your letter which came to hand.  Well, we came out of the front line and stayed a few days and we are now in the front line again.  My division has made some wonderful drives and it sure has won a "rap".

     Well, I have been busy the last few days dodging shells--and some of them are big "baby's," believe me!  Lots of the shell holes are large enough to drive a covered wagon and team in and hide them.

     Just imagine a country so badly torn up that they bridge, a level country, instead of trying to build a road, and town after town with not a single building standing.  A person will never realize what the places are until he sees them, but, believe me, this is no pleasure trip.

     We are whipping the Dutch more ways than a farmer can whip his wife, ha ha!  The Dutch soldiers are glad to surrender and be taken prisoners by the U. S. boys.  We have captured girls and boys 13 and 14 years of age off of machine guns and old men.

     We are treating them good after they surrender.  They all say the Dutch soldiers would all surrender, but they have been taught that they would be killed.  One of our officers told a kid the other day that we did not need any kids over here and he would have to go back, and he almost cried and said, "Well, if you make me go back I will give up again.:

     Well, the Kaiser is the one I want to throw up his hands and holler "kamerad" like the Dutch soldiers, how about you?

     Say, tell Uncle Ruff that he is doing his part by staying there taking care of you and the kids; also he is engaged in industrial work and he is too badly crippled for foreign service.  I know he would want to come over if he enlisted and it would be impossible for him to pass the overseas examination, so tell him to "sit steady in the boat."  It will soon be over anyway.

     I will say good by for this time.  With love and best wishes to all.  Your nephew, BURK.


     In the casualty list released by the war department today appears the name of Charlie Southard of Adamson, this county, who is reported as killed in action in France. 

     This is one more Pittsburg county youth who has given his life in order that right and justice might prevail and that liberty might conquer in the fight against autocracy.

     Other Oklahomans whose names appear in the casualy list today are as follows:

     Killed in Action--Harvey Goodbear, Thomas; Robert A. Mankin, Oklahoma City; Corporal Thomas A. Levins, Shawnee; Harmon G. Gore, Altus; Chrles Jones, Snyder; Robert E. Kelley, Wellaton; Cecil H. Holder, Healdton.

     Died of Disease--Lawrence. J. Miller, Carmen.

     Wounded Severly--Arthur M. Camp, Guymon; Clarence A. Harvey, Dewar; William E. Rose, Hayward; Frank Williams, Boggy Depot; Floyd W. Lankford, Temple; John Heslet, Nashoba.

     Wounded, Degree Undetermined--Sergt. Henry B. Trammell, Poteau; Corpl. Oscar J. Dennington, Tom; Corpl. Earl Knox, Salina; Andrew B. Gordon, Heavener; John F. Newport, Jennings; Martin Robeson, Warner; Fred Fetty, Berlin; Sam D. Terrill, Vinita; Earl Witton, Oklahoma City; Arthur Ames, Shawnee; Harry Simpson, Oklahoma City; Herman C. Wolf, Avery.

     Wounded Slightly--George Maples, Rock Island; Joseph B. Spear, Salina; Isaac L. Alexander, Gould; John Kennedy, Muskogee; Dallas T. Hough, Hickory; Ben McFadden, Wilburton; David Mosley, Ringling; Ray W. Rollins, Buffalo; Owen E. Becker, Uneas; John Berryhill, Clearview; Oliver Leonard Holly, Swink.

     Missing in Action--Olan Binkley, Ralston; Alfred E. Leach, Bartlesville; John T. Nichelson, Monroe; Jesse Schultz, Shamrock; Earnest A. Stout, Bessie; Clarence J. Worley, Stillwater.

     In Hospital (previously reported missing)  Wesley J. Lowery, Quapaw.

     The following list was forwarded by wire from Washington this afternoon:

     Killed in action, previously reported missing in action:  Private Jesse J. Boyd, Tipson, Oklahoma; Hugh P. Green, Omarago, Oklahoma; Warren P. Page, Hartshorne, Oklahoma; Charles L. Tarr, Cordell, Oklahoma.

     Returned to Duty--Previously reported missing in action--Hurley F. Carmichael, Tulsa; J. D. Foster, Star; Asa C. Henderson, Kingfisher; H. W. Lancaster, Durant; Leo Perry, McCurtain and Sam B. Woods, Oakwood.


Volume 24, No. 86, Wednesday, December 11, 1918, p. 8



     Miscalculations of the speed on an approaching automobile and its nearness to him as he jumped from a hack in which he was riding, cost John Pace his life, he passing out this morning following two days of intense suffering from a crushed chest and wounds about the head.

     Young Pace was run over Monday afternoon by an automobile driven by Homer Roberts of Crowder, son of William E. Roberts.  Immediately following the accident Roberts took the injured boy to his home, provided a physician and made every arrangement for the saving of the boy's life if possible.  Medical science, however, availed nothing.

     Investigations made by the police department, following the accident, exonerated young Roberts of all blame for the injuries suffered by Pace.

     Funeral arrangements have been completed and services will be held Thursday afternoon from the Pace home.


Miss Tenie Hokey, Correspondent

Willie Miller, Carrier

     Miss Edith Humphrey, teacher at the public schools, is recovering from a severe attack of influenza.

     W. H. Collins returned yesterday from Wilburton, where he had been the past week on business for the Great Western Coal Co.

     R. W. Varley is home from army service with an honorable discharge, he having been mustered out at Camp Pike Monday.

     Mrs. B. B. Bronson of Adamson was in Krebs yesterday on her return from a visit with friends in McAlester.

     Mrs. John Clark is ill at her home.

     A message from C. R. Moncrief received here yesterday told of the death of Mrs. Monerief Monday.  Mr. and Mrs. Moncrief have been in Colorado the past several months with their daughter.

     R. L. Bernay was here from Muskogee yesterday.

     J. H. Roche was here from Denison yesterday.

     Mrs. John Holstead visited friends in McAlester Tuesday afternoon

     Miss Sady Bosley, principal of the Fourth ward school, is recovering from a severe attack of influenza.


Miss Bert McCloud, Correspondent

Frankie Miller, Carrier

     Jess Coldwall of Tecumseh, is visiting Mrs. Caldwell and children, who are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Savage.

     E. W. Fry of the First State bank of Gowen, was in town yesterday attending to business matters.

     Joe Cowan of Haileyville, was a visitor in town Tuesday.

     Superintendent F. L. Stamps is again at the high school building, after a brief illness with the "flu."

     Stanley and Wallace White have departed for their home in Northfield, Tex.

     Mrs. T. J. Stallings and son, Lick, Mrs. H. F. Jeffers and guest, Miss Bertha Clark, of Antlers, and Mrs. David Stallings motored to McAlester Tuesday to spend the day.

     Private Estol Barnes returned to Camp Pike, Little Rock, Ark., after spending a few days with home folks.

     Will Richards was transacting business in McAlester Monday.

     J. S. Martin is suffering with a bone felon on his finger.

     Carl Heffley returned Monday from a visit with friends in Sylvania, Ga.

     The program for the Liberty sing, which will be held Sunday, Dec. 15, at 3:30, promptly, is as follows:  Pianist, Miss Ruby Burkhart; assistants, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Carlock; "All Hail the Power," audience; quartette, Misses Edythe Richards and Ruby Burkhart, Mrs. W. W. Somers and Miss Mabel Relber; Glee club (members old club); "Onward Christian Soldier," audience; violin solo, Mrs. DeMands; "Battle Hymn of the Republic," audience; solo, Miss Johnnye Moore; "The Long, Long Trail," audience.

     The Progressive club will meet at the home of Mrs. A. E. Carlock on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. 


McAlester, Oklahoma, Wednesday, December 4, 1918, Vol. 24, No. 80

Page 2


     Mrs. Omer Laws Better--Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Laws, who for the past five weeks have been at Hartshorne nursing Mrs. Omer Laws through a serious illness, returned to their home in McAlester Tuesday with the report that the younger Mrs. Laws is rapidly improving now and would soon be able to be around again.

Haileyville Resident's Brother Killed

     Mrs. J. J. O'Brien of Haileyville received word that her brother, Lieut. Js. C. Cox, of the horse battalion, 3rd ammunition train, A. E. F., was, while in line of duty, instantly killed by a piece of shrapnel piercing his heart, Oct. 23, 1918, about 22 miles northwest of Verdun.  He is survived by his wife and two children, Agnes and Curtis of Kansas City, and two sisters, Mrs. E. E. Wait, also of Kansas City, and Mrs. O'Brien.


     Floyd Horne, buyer for Cochran Grocery is transacting business in Holdenville this week.

     Charlie Sparks, a sailor in the service of Uncle Sam and stationed in Philadelphia, returned to his station today after spending a thirty day furlough with his mother and sister, Mrs. W. C. Green and Mrs. Annie Nelson of North McAlester.

     Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Cain of Savannah, were in the city Tuesday spending the day with friends.

     J. N. Robinson of Haywood, was a business visitor in the city Tuesday.

     D. Bennett left today for Wewoka to attend to business matters.

     Mrs. S. K. Knox, 01 West Choctaw, is rapidly recovering from a severe attack of the "flu."


Bentley-Dobbs Wedding

     The many friends of Miss Mabel Bentley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bentley, of this city, will be surprised to learn of her marriage, Thanksgiving day, to Sgt. Jesse M. Dobbs, of Ft. Sill.  They were married at the home of Rev. A. B. Johnson.  Mr. and Mrs. Dobbs will be at home after January 1, in Aberdeen, Miss.


The Valentine Art Circle was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. R. O. Jaggers, 38 West Osage, with Mrs. C. D. Harvey as hostess.  This was the first meeting of this club since the ban was put on public meetings.  The afternoon was spent with their work.  The hostess was assisted in serving dainty refreshments to the guests present by Mesdames D. Bennett, George Taylor, Doyle and R. O. Jaggers.  Huge bouquets of chrysanthemums were presented to Mesdames C. F. Fisher, Brow, Drumb, Doyle, Harmon and Westfall for the special work they have done for the Art Club.  The next meeting of this club will be at the home of Mrs. Wm. Ansley, Tallawanda Heights, at which time it is requested that all members have their articles ready for the "grab bag."

Page 3


Miss Florence Mathis, Correspondent

Raymond Mathis, Carrier

     J. N. Mathis and daughters, Florence and Sophia, and Minnie Neubeauer, attended the pie supper at Bache, Saturday night.

     Lonnie, Ed and Lyman Tinker of Bache, attended church here Sunday evening.

     Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mathis and children were visiting Mrs. Mathis' mother, Mrs. S. J. Ward, of Hartshorne, Sunday.

     Mrs. B. Lawrence of Ridgeway, was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Long, Sunday.

     Lonnie Tinker of Bache called on friends here Sunday.

     Mrs. Gus Jordon is visiting relatives in Kiowa.

     Mrs. S. R. Horsham was shopping in McAlester yesterday.

     Miss Jewell and Mr. Carl Murry attended the show at McAlester Friday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Evert Walls and daughter and son, Ruth and Jack Lee, of Haileyville and Mrs. S. J. Ward of Hartshorne, were visiting relatives here Sunday.

     George Coorvalis of Gowen was in town Sunday.

     Mrs. Hall and sister, Miss Lillian Myers, of McAlester, called on Mrs. Grover Worsham Yesterday.

     Mrs. Warren and Mrs. Ragor were shopping in Hartshorne Sunday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Evert Walls and son and daughter, Jack Lee and Ruth, of Haileyville, Mrs. S. J. Ward of Hartshorne, and Mrs. J. N. Mathis and children, of Dow, motored to Gowen Sunday.

     Miss Jewell Murry was visiting in Wilburton Sunday.

     Mr. Campbell Dobbins is able to be up, after an attack of influenza.

     Carl Keith of Bache was in town Sunday.


Miss Tenie Hokey, Correspondent

Willie Miller, Carrier

     Mr. and Mrs. Billings and Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Townson of McAlester, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Krum at the Methodist parsonage and attended services at the M. E. Church Sunday.

     C. C. Krum, pastor of the M. E. church filled the pulpit for Rev. J. R. Carpenter of the First M. E. church at McAlester Sunday Morning.

     Miss Mary Bosley of McAlester was here Tuesday evening the guest of Miss Katherine Church.

     The ladies' aid of the M .E. church will meet tomorrow (Thursday) with Mrs. Baxendale.  All are invited to come.

     G. T. Sadler of Braggs, is being checked in as agent for the Katy.

     Mrs. M. L. Hopkins of McAlester visited in Krebs Tuesday evening.

     W. H. Collins, general superintendent of the Osage Coal company, was transacting business in Wilburton yesterday.

     Mrs. Ben Millard and daughter Mrs. E. M. Holliday of McAlester, were in Krebs Tuesday afternoon.


Volume 24, No. 86, Wednesday, December 11, 1918,

 Page 5


Was One of Last Registrants Sent to Training Camp, Departing on June 28--Family Here

     A short telegram from the war department received Wednesday morning, brings the intelligence that another McAlester family has given to the utmost in the struggle that took place on the battlefields of France.

      This time it is a wife and baby who make the sacrifice, Mrs. Ruth Stewart and child, the brief announcement arriving this morning telling of the death in action of husband and father, Arvel Stewart.

     Private Stewart was not long in the army until he met his death, he being on of the selective service men sent to camp by the local exemption board on June 28.  He was in camp just long enough to go through the detention period, receiving his training as a soldier on the soil of France.

     He was transferred to the 39th division when he had completed his training, being a member of the 155the regiment, machine gun battalion.  As to how much action he had seen before his death cannot be ascertained, except that he had participated in the bitter struggle that resulted in the taking of Verdun and the breaking of the grip of Germany on French territory, thus bringing about the hurried appeal for an armistice.

     Private Stewart before his entrance into the army was a street car motorman on the Pittsburg company lines.  With his fellow employees, as with others who knew him, he was a favorite.  To them the news of his death is a great shock, coming so soon after his enlistment in the service of Uncle Sam.


     Despite the fact that the casualty lists issued today by the war department was among the smallest ever sent out, a Pittsburg county family, that of Dave C. Knight of Crowder, has given a boy to the cause, Private Clarence G. Knight, he having died of wounds received in battle.  The list also contains the name of Lieut. T. J. Palmer of McAlester, whose death has been heretofore mentioned.

     Other Oklahomans who have fallen, per the lists issued today, are as follows:

     Killed in Action--James E. Nowlin, Blanchard.

     Died of Wounds--Erwin L. Rippey, Hammon; Corpl. Jim Copeland, Hulbert; Corpl. Arch H. Lovell, Beggs; Clarence G. Knight, Crowder.

     Died of Disease--Lieut. Thomas J. Palmer, McAlester; Bud S. Bowleg, Wewoka; Clifford G. Ray, Ada; Loren Hiatt, Eva; David T. Jones, Winona; Terry D. Leard, Hugo; Joseph E. Privitt, Elk City.

     Wounded Severely--Sergt. Guy L. Branscom, Pocasse; Guy R. Snider, Braithwaite; Brooks S. Sinnett, Frederick; Earl Britt, Reeding; Humphries Colbert, Shay; Dick Rose, Cloud; Charles E. Williams, Lone Wolf; Luther E. Norris, Beaver; Jhn Rollins, Tipton; Clarence L. Satterfield, Davis; George L. Stevens, Rhea.

     Wounded, Degree Undetermined--Doe Johnson, Checotah; Samuel H. McNally, Byers; Philip McNeeley, Hastings; Homer F. Nease, Lawton; James William Albert, Sasakwa; John Duncan, Jr., Dewar; John F. Koman, Sapulpa.

     Wounded Slightly--Floyd R. Harness, Marble City; Clarence R. Hinkle, Drumright; Elmer G. Keith, Caddo.

     Missing in Action--Clarence E. Young, Bartlesville.


Mrs. E. P. Bartlett, Correspondent

Floyd (Bud) Bartheld,

Lyle (Buster) Bartheld and

Bennie Andrews, Carriers

     E. C. White returned Monday from Hartford, Ark.

     B. F. Wilburn, who is seriously ill, was reported no better Monday.

     Mrs. C. C. McCarty returned Sunday from a visit with relatives in Stuart.

     Mr. and Mrs. Tom Saltsman were called by sickness to Birmingham, Ala.  They left Saturday night.

     Miss Ruby Collins returned Sunday from Shady Point.

     Miss Bessie Powell spent last Sunday with friends in Krebs.

     Mrs. Tom Lewis and son returned Monday from Wapanucka.

     Geo. L. Rue was in town Monday, leaving in the afternoon for Wilburton.

     Mrs. L. M. Bradford of Okmulgee is here nursing her sister, Miss Ann Brown, who has influenza.

     Mrs. Laura Walker was a McAlester visitor Monday.

     Mrs. Homer Kernell and baby visited her mother in McAlester yesterday.

     Mrs. C. M. McDonald, who is a former resident of Haileyville, now of Holdenville, spent Sunday here a guest of Mrs. George Saunders.

     Miss Alva Martin of Craig was in town Monday, en route to Kansas City.

     Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Addington and children left last night for Oklahoma City.  Mr. Addington will go on to Denver, Colo., to bring the remains of Mrs. Addington's father to Oklahoma City for burial.

     Mrs. Joe Smith and two sons returned Sunday from a month's visit with relatives in Starkville, Miss.

     Mrs. J. H. Griffith was in Hartshorne Monday.

     Prof. Masters and wife are both on the sick list.

     Jessie Hightower returned Monday from a hospital in Shawnee.

     Mrs. Jas. L. Gibson returned Monday from an over Sunday visit in Shawnee.

     Mr. and Mrs. Charles Futoransky were in McAlester Tuesday and brought their little daughter, Mildred, back with them from the hospital, where she recently underwent an operation for appendicitis.

     Robt. B. Brown returned yesterday from Oklahoma City.

     William Land of Ft. Smith, Ark., arrived yesterday for a visit to his grandmother, Mrs. C. H. Strong.

     Jas. P. Riley left yesterday for Durant.

     Miss Annie Wheeler was in McAlester Tuesday.

     J. W. Weathersby, station agent at Pittsburg, spent Sunday here with his family.

     Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Mackey moved Monday to Gowen.

Page 6


Miss Jenette Robbins, Correspondent

Bud Robbins and Roy O'Rourk, Carriers


     U. M. Ruminer was in Gowen yesterday in the interest of the Rock Island Coal Mining company.

     Mrs. S. P. Tyler returned yesterday from Kiowa where she has been for several days visiting friends.

     W. T. Dungan, revenue tax collector, was in town yesterday.

     W. H. Wasner is ill at his home at Ridgeway with pneumonia.

     Tom Nolley of Haileyville, was a business visitor in town yesterday.

     Henry Fields, representing the Atlas Powder company was a business visitor in town Monday and Tuesday.

     Mrs. Philip Richards was a visitor in McAlester yesterday.

     Rev. Mark Sexson of McAlester was in town yesterday.

     Mesdames L. A. Grant, W. R. Grant and James Davis of Sulphur, motored to McAlester Tuesday.

     J. A. Asbury of Bache, was a visitor in town yesterday.

     V. J. Preston who has been in charge of the supply store of the Choctaw Portland Cement company, departed yesterday for his home in Buffalo, Kan.




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